a gentle kiss - starynightae (2024)

Chapter 1: disclaimer!

Chapter Text

i've never done a disclaimer before so please let me know if i need to add anything

since this story's plot follows the plot in the nintendo game, "breath of the wild," major credits goes to the developers of that.

with that being said, the vast majority of dialogue from any npc player (anyone beside link and our oc), is from "breath of the wild" as well

i will also be adding or tweaking dialougue from npc's as well (if you've played the game, you'll be able to tell). i will also be adding my own twists and details into the given plot. the majority of my changes will revolve around/be connected to our oc, so that will be obvious as well.

other than that, the places, people, plot, and designs are all credits to nintendo's "breath of the wild"

i don't claim to own anything by nintendo

also, i will be writing link in a way i think is best. we don't get a ton of personality from him in the games, so he is kind of up to my interpretation. i also want to note that i will be having link's strength increase over the story.

this is connected to how he gains hearts and stamina throughout the story. i also am connecting this to how new players play as link when they first start: inexperienced.

so when i depict link struggling/losing fights, it's link after waking up!! it's not lore accurate/post-calamity link! so please don't get upset with that!

i believe that is all, so please enjoy!

Chapter 2: the towers


meeting our oc <3

Chapter Text

The Great Calamity happened 100 years ago, yet Hyrule has never been able to float back to its normal life. With the fear of passing an old Guardian, to facing monsters at almost every corner, to the giant black and red smoke that consumed Hyrule castle, no one could go back to how life was.

But they had fallen into a "normal" pace. With no more surprises and just the same monsters roaming around, everyone knew where to go and where to avoid. Everyone knew how to cook with monster parts and how to get creative with the supplies they had. Only the elders really remembered the Great Calamity.

Now it was just a post-apocalyptic world.

That was, until the towers emerged from the ground.


Revea frowned, staring down at her Hylian Herb sprouts. Something didn't feel right. Revea had only a split second before the entire world shook.

"What the f*ck what the f*ck??" Revea fell backwards, onto her garden's dirt, staring with wide eyes as she watched a tower by the Dueling Peaks rise. Her head darted to the side, seeing another one rise on the Great Plateau. "Holy sh*t." Revea ran inside her tiny cottage, quickly grabbing her bag before darting out towards Riverside Stable.

She needed to be around someone familiar. What the hell was happening?

Revea could reach Riverside Stable in about 30 minutes if she ran fast enough. And she did.

"Ember! Ember!" She called out, her legs feeling like jelly after running for so long. "Ember did you see?!" Revea fell to her knees just as she reached the outside of the stable, Ember running outside immediately. "Emb-" Revea, who was about to stand up again, was pushed down by Ember.

"Emb-" Revea, who was about to stand up again, was pushed down by Ember

"Calm down Revea! Your heart is going to go out if you don't breathe!" Ember scolded lightly, but his words meant nothing but good. "Gotter! Get some water for Revea!"

"The towers." Revea panted, resting completely against Ember, her body just glad it didn't have to run anymore. "Did you see them?"

"We'll talk when you can breathe." Ember remained calm, turning his head as he watched Gotter run over with a jug of water, Parcy close behind him. "Are you hurt, Revea? Did you encounter any Bokobolins on your way here?"

"Are you hurt, Revea? Did you encounter any Bokobolins on your way here?"
(red bokobolin)

Revea shook her head, gladly accepting the water from Gotter. "Hi."

"Hi." Gotter gave her a flustered smile, still shocked by the young girl's sudden appearance.

"You need to invest in a horse." Parcy shook her head, kneeling down beside Revea as the girl took long drinks of water. "It's too long of a walk for how often you come over here."

"No, I'm fine." Revea shook her head, handing the jug of water back to Gotter, everyone frowning at her. "I can't afford to keep a horse and I have nowhere to put it if I did have one."

"Still." Ember mumbled, pressing the back of his hand against Revea's forehead. "Have you eaten today, Revea?"

"I had some apples for breakfast." Revea shrugged, looking around, trying to see if anything else had changed. "What the hell is it glowing?" Revea pointed to a large rock engrained with extravagant swirls which now glowed orange.

"It started to glow the same time the towers did." Ember explained, locking eyes with Parcy. "Can you get her a snack or something please?"

"Of course." Parcy nodded, hurrying away without complaint. She was quite fond of Revea anyways. The young girl could take her entire supply of food and she wouldn't complain.

"What is happening, Ember??" Revea grabbed Ember's forearm tightly, eyes wide as she stared up at a father figure of her's. "Is Ganon getting stronger? Are those things going to explode? Are we all going to di-"

"Nonsense, Revea." Ember soothed, brushing back her hair. "We aren't going to die and we remain safe." Ember offered her a kind smile, Gotter gulping nervously behind her. "The odd boulder doesn't seem to be malicious in any way. In fact, we can look at it positively; it's glowing and can be a nice location marker."

"Is that an eye on the top of it?" Revea squinted her eyes, slowly standing to her feet. "Like the Sheikah?"

"I suppose." Ember tilted his head, looking over at the boulder. "Now that you mention it..."

Revea jogged over to the glowing boulder, staring up at it in awe
Revea jogged over to the glowing boulder, staring up at it in awe. What was the source of the light? No way there were orange fireflies in there and the glow certainly didn't mimic the glow of a fire. Was it magic? No no, it was Sheikah technology. How had Revea not noticed the Eye earlier? This giant boulder has always been here, so... she never suspected it to be so important.

"I think you should stay with us here at the stable for a little while." Ember spoke, beside Revea, staring at the boulder as well. "Just until we are 100% sure nothing bad will happen around here."

"I'll stay for the day." Revea kept staring at the eye of the Sheikah, her mind whirling as it tried to decipher what was in front of her. "I can't leave my home unattended for so long. Bokobolins might try and raid it."

"Alright." Ember agreed. "But I or Gotter will walk you back."

Revea nodded, slowly turning around. "Do you need help tending to the goats? Since I'm over here, I might as well help out."

"They need fed and brushed if you're up for it." Ember shrugged, not really needing her help, but Revea always loved to be of hand.

"I'll do that!" Revea ran off, passing Parcy and her food to go to the goats by the river.

Ember turned back to the glowing boulder, gritting his teeth. 'Please don't be something evil. We've been through enough.'

"And you still have that shield I picked up for you a while ago?" Gotter questioned, nearing Revea's little house.

"Yes Gotter." Revea chuckled, these interrogating questions happening the entire walk. "I'm plenty capable of taking care of myself." Revea stopped in front of her house and put her hands on Gotter's shoulders, giving him a smile. "I'm seventeen. I've been living on my own for, almost two years now? So I'm fine."

Gotter's face softened, staring at Revea sadly. "You worry me."

Revea gave Gotter a tight hug. "I know. But I'm fine." Revea pulled back and smiled brightly. "Now get back to Riverside. You need to stay safe too."

"Alright alright." Gotter chuckled, turning back the opposite direction. "I'll come by tomorrow and check on you!"

"You don't need to!" Revea called back, Gotter waving as he walked away. Revea sighed softly once he passed over a hill, allowing herself to relax now. "I need something to eat." She walked inside, taking account of her inventory. "If I can get a bass and a Hyrule herb or two, I'll be set." She nodded to herself, grabbed a fishing pole, and headed to the stream right beside her little home.

Revea wasn't amazing at fishing, but she got the job done. It was probably around midnight when she made it back to her house to drop off the fish. She'd skin it and prepare it after she got the herbs she needed.

"Maybe I can get a Nightshade." Revea smiled to herself, grabbing a woven basket and her hood to keep her warm and set off to the small patch of trees near her house. It was about a ten minute walk and she knew Ember would have a stroke if he saw her outside at night.

"Those skeleton monsters are active at night! You could get killed!"

That's why Revea always brought a sword with her. It was a simple traveler's sword, but it got the job done. She wished it was intimidating enough for monsters to steer clear of her, but she was a young woman after all.

A delicious target.

"Perfect." Revea mumbled to herself, kneeling beside a patch of Hyrule Herbs and Hyrule Shrooms. As Revea carefully picked what she needed, she hummed to herself. It was such a beautiful night in the calm area she was in. There were several fireflies flying around, just perfectly adding to the mood. "My lucky day!" Revea grinned, finding a Hearty Truffle buried beneath the herbs and mushrooms she just picked.

Reaching for the newly prized possession, she froze once hot breath spread across her neck. Revea turned her head and screamed, falling to her side.

She was face to face with a blue Moblin.

She was face to face with a blue Moblin

Revea scooted as far away as she could, the Moblin slowly stalking forward, smiling as she hit the back of a tree. Trying her best not to hyperventilate, Revea drew her sword, the whole thing trembling as the Moblin inched closer and closer to her.

'A Moblin?? At this hour?? A blue one nonetheless??' Revea swallowed, spreading her legs apart so they were shoulder-width apart, just like her father taught her. 'I've never fought a blue one. Only the red ones lurk around here.'

Revea's eyes widened as the Moblin pulled the giant club off his back, his shield following closely. 'I should've stayed at the stable.'

Revea jumped out of the way as the Moblin swung, keeping her body facing him, not daring to show it her back. That's how you died.

Revea gripped her sword tightly, her teeth clenched as she tried to keep herself from crying out of fear. "Come on!" She shouted at it, flinching once it swung its club into the ground, sending a vibration through the ground. Revea ran forward, now that its weapon was in the ground, assuming it was stuck, and she swung her sword. It just missed its shield and grazed its arm, the Moblin growling upon impact.

And that sweet feeling of victory quickly vanished as the Moblin swung its shield, hitting Revea square in the middle, sending her flying into a close-by tree.

She cried out in pain as she fell to the ground, quickly staggering to her feet, needing to stay alert in front of this enemy. Moblins were clearly the more intelligent enemy. They weren't mindless weapons like the Bokobolins. They acted quickly, no swing of theirs was careless, and they were quiet.

That's how this one snuck up on her.

Revea breathed heavily, dropping down just as the Moblin swung its club, just barely missing her. She lunged forward, landing a hit against its legs, bringing it to its knees. But just as she jumped to her feet, the Moblin had its shield ready, blocking her next three attacks.

The Moblin, with Revea so close to it, swung its head down, hitting her square in the head, knocking her down swiftly.

Revea rolled over, coughing out, clenching her fingers aroun-

'Where's my sword?' Revea's fingers curled around nothing, her eyes widening immediately, locking on her sword just a foot away-

The Moblin was on its feet now, kicking the sword away, standing in front of Revea.

Revea was barely able to sit up, trying her best to scoot away from the.. the monster. It's weirdly lanky body, it's long snout, its glowing eyes.

This was a nightmare coming true.

And this was the death of her.

Revea closed her eyes as the Moblin raised its club, just hoping her death was quick and painless.

But a sharp sound of an arrow hitting its target sounded instead, and a loud thump followed.

Revea opened her eyes and saw the Moblin struggling to its feet, an arrow in the side of its head. She gasped out as the Moblin turned towards its new enemy, her eyes quickly following.

A young man, covered in dirt, scratches, and blood ran through the tall grass, his eyes locked on the Moblin, clutching a woodcutter's ax with both hands. The Moblin growled and grabbed its club, raising it-

The man swung the ax, and he swung it hard, knocking the Moblin off its feet. Revea was frozen, watching the man jump and swing the ax down on the Moblin, finishing it off, the Moblin disappearing with a soft poof, black and red smoke drifting off into the air.

The man's ax was in the ground, him leaning against it as he breathed heavily. Revea watched as blood dripped down his arm and onto the grass beneath him. The man turned around, his blue eyes locking on Revea's for just a moment before collapsing to the ground, his eyes closed, his ax falling beside him.

Revea let out a shaky exhale.

Chapter 3: meeting

Chapter Text

Revea gently laid this mysterious man on the rug in the middle of her house, him still passed out. She took the quilt she made off her bed, not wanting his dirt and blood to get on something that took her hours. Taking a deep breath, she hulled the man onto her bed, before falling to her knees, breathing heavily.

'Holy sh*t, he's a lot heavier than he looks.' Revea pushed some hair behind her ears, still on the floor. 'Okay, you're alive. This man saved you. Now just help him until he wakes up.' Revea staggered to her feet, taking his state into account. 'Geez, he's definitely gotten beaten up.' Revea turned his arm over so his forearm was up, a nasty looking cut across his soft skin. 'Alright. You know first aid, just tend to him and then you can make food.'

Revea got a washcloth and a fresh basin of water, cleaning off the man's skin the best she could before grinding some medical herbs she always had on her, applying them to his wounds and wrapping them in leaves.

'First the towers and the glowing boulders, now the blue Moblin out at night and this mysterious man? What is going on?' Revea slowed the washing of her hands, staring down at the water. 'I should get Ember. Now is a good time for Ember.'

Revea turned back to the man, shaking her head. 'No, I need to stay with him. He saved my life.'

Revea yawned, turning towards the bass she caught earlier. 'I can make him a stew for when he wakes up.'

And so she got to work with her next task.


The man's eyes opened, saw a ceiling above him, and quickly sat up, looking around widely for his ax. That Moblin-

"Holy sh*t!" A girl exclaimed, scrambling to her feet from the floor, like she was laying there. "Oh my Hylia, you're awake." She breathed, holding her hands out so he knew she wasn't armed. "You passed out after you saved me." Revea took his wild eyes into account, looking around everywhere, his breath fast. "Your ax and bow and all of your supplies are on the table beside the bed." Revea pointed a finger at it, the man's eyes immediately going to it. "I didn't take anything, I swear. Everything is there."

The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath, collecting himself. He turned so his legs hung off the side of the bed, and rubbed his eyes.

Revea swallowed, stepping closer. "My name's Revea. You saved me from that Moblin."

The man kept his head low, trying to collect and organize the little memories he had. Right, he remembered walking towards the Dueling Peaks when he heard a girl scream. That was her, Revea. He was so tired and just wanted to get to Kakariko and get some sleep, but he couldn't let her get killed. So that's where the rest of his energy went...

The man raised his head and smiled gently at Revea. He nodded at her, raising his hand to his mouth and moving it down, towards her. He froze, realizing this woman probably didn't-

"Oh, sign language?" Revea perked up. "Are you deaf-wait." Revea signed, "Are you deaf?"

He shook his head. "Mute."

"I see ." Revea accepted it immediately, smiling back at him. "Do you prefer me to sign or speak ?"

Link smiled softly at her thoughtfulness. "You can speak."

"What's your name, may I ask?" She questioned immediately, that missing knowledge clearly eating her up.

"Link ." Link signed, thankful he kept that much of his memory. Everything was still so fuzzy and trying to remember anything before when he woke up in the cave just gave him a splitting headache. "Where are we ?"

"My house." Revea answered happily, grabbing a wooden bowl from her table. "You were pretty beat up and unresponsive after you defeated that Moblin, so I brought you here and treated your wounds."

Link looked down at his arm, seeing that it was professionally wrapped. He touched his forehead, that gash covered too. All of his wounds were covered and the dirt on his skin was clean. 'Why was she so kind? I'm just a stranger to her.'

"It's barely morning." She walked over to him with a bowl and a spoon, putting it in his hands. "Here's some stew. It always makes me feel better almost immediately after I eat it." She walked back to the small kitchen area, getting him a cup of water and setting it beside him. "Please eat. You need to heal. The sun rose only a little while ago. Not much time has passed since the Moblin."

Link sniffed the soup, his heart jumping with excitement at the delicious aroma. He took a bite and hummed with happiness. 'Gosh, this girl is an amazing cook.' Another bite and his feet started to swing with excitement. 'And I was starving.' Link scarfed the rest of the soup down, finishing three helpings in total before he was ready to continue his conversation with this Revea girl.

"Would you like any more?" Revea asked, taking the empty bowl from Link.

Link shook his head, but a thought popped in his mind. "Did you eat?"

Revea laughed softly, flattered by his concern. "Yes, I ate earlier, when you were still asleep." Revea sat the bowl in a wooden box with a small collection of dirty dishes she still needed to wash.

Speaking of wash...

"Link." Revea walked towards Link, gesturing to his clothes, Link's eyes wide and innocent. "Would you like me to wash your clothes for you? No offense, but they're filthy and they look like they're a hundred years old."

Link looked down at the clothes he found in a treasure chest only yesterday. 'You'd be surprised...' Link looked back up at her, and nodded.

"I believe I still have a set of my father's clothes." Revea knelt down beside the bed and pulled out a box from beneath it, opening and nodding to herself. "Perfect." She handed him a shirt and some pants. "I'd offer you shoes, but my father was a lot larger than you." Revea stood up, Link following.

They both stared at each other.

"Oh! Sorry!" Revea walked to the door and opened it. "I'll be right outside! Just give me your clothes whenever you're ready!" Revea left and shut the door behind her, leaving Link to stare at the spot she once occupied.

Link sat the clothes on the table and carefully made the bed he once laid on, making sure it was as neat as possible. Then he stripped himself of those old clothes, letting them remain on the floor before pulling on Revea's father's clothes.

And she was right, he was much larger than Link.

Link tucked in the shirt and rolled up the pant legs, doing his best to look presentable. He couldn't continue his journey looking like a homeless person; no one would trust him. And something inside him told him his journey would be a long one.

Link picked up his old clothes, pausing once he stood up straight again. 'Why is she being so nice to me? I'm just some stranger who passed out in front of her. I don't understand why she's so willing to help. Did I do something that I don't remember? Did I make it seem like she owes me?'

Link was frowning as he walked outside, meeting Revea beside a large water basin and some soap. He tapped her shoulder, getting her attention.

"Thank you." Revea took the clothes from him, Link startled, again, at her willingness, and quite frankly, her eagerness to help him.

Link crouched down beside her. "Why are you being so kind to me?" He signed, Revea pushing his clothes under water as she stared at his hands.

She smiled kindly. "Link, you saved me. I would've been dead if it wasn't for you." Revea laughed softly, Link's puzzled face remaining. "I'm more than happy to give you a warm meal and wash your clothes. You deserve it." Revea shrugged and looked down at his clothes. "I guess it's also my way of saying thank you."

Link thought this over for another moment. 'The first person I ran into, was nice to me.' Link paused again. 'How lucky am I.' Link nodded, eyes on the girl. "I'll get us some food." Link signed before hurrying inside, grabbing his bow and arrow, and dashing off into the woods before Revea could protest anymore.

"But, you just ate..."


Link came back with a f*cking buck.

Revea stood on the front porch of her house, jaw dropped, staring at Link as he stood in front of her, holding the elk up by its horn, smiling proudly. "Where did you find an buck??"

"Where did you find an buck??"

Link pointed down stream, not offering any other details. Then, he held up something else, Revea's eyes widening.

"My basket." Revea hurried down the stairs, taking it back. "I forgot-" She gasped softly, looking down at its contents.

In the basket were the small handful of Hyrule Herbs and Hylian Shrooms and the single truffle she found, but now there were also three Hearty Radishes, a sh*t ton of Hylian Tomatoes, a handful of Spicy Peppers, a few Mighty Thistles and Armoranth, a bundle of Hylian rice, and three bird eggs.

In the basket were the small handful of Hyrule Herbs and Hylian Shrooms and the single truffle she found, but now there were also three Hearty Radishes, a sh*t ton of Hylian Tomatoes, a handful of Spicy Peppers, a few Mighty Thistles and Armoranth...

"H-How..." Revea slowly looked up at Link, the man smiling softly, eagerly waiting for her verbal reaction. "Y... You were only gone an hour and... and you came back with all of this???"

Link's smile faltered slightly, slightly confused at her reaction. Did she like it? Was she upset that he added more to her basket? Should he have just left the basket?? "I thought you'd like it?" Link signed, not knowing what else to say.

"I do-Link this is amazing!" Revea broke out into a huge smile, giving Link a tight hug. "Thank you so much!" Revea let go of the hug, still smiling brightly. "I'll get you a knife so you can prepare the elk! This is so amazing!" She ran inside, leaving the door open, letting Link hear her excited giggles as she hurried around the interior of her house.

Link smiled proudly.

Chapter 4: challenge

Chapter Text

"Who are we visiting?" Link signed, a woven backpack on his back, several servings of food in there.

"My friends at the nearby stable." Revea replied, walking beside him, leading him. There wasn't much "leading" needed after a while, for the stable's giant horse roof was visible for several miles. "With the rise of the towers and the glowing boulders, they want to make sure I'm safe after it all. Plus, we have so much food and I don't want any of it to go to waste."

Link blinked, realizing he was the cause of those towers rising. And now, Revea was bringing the root of the changes to her friends.

"They worry about me wayyyy too much." Revea sighed, looking down at her feet as they walked the path. "I live by myself so they think I'm incapable of much, but I've been on my own for a few years and I really can take care of myself." Revea hesitated, putting together the fact that Link was with her because she needed help. "Last night was a mess because I've never faced a blue Moblin before. I can handle the red Moblins and Bokobolins, but, the blue ones are uncommon here."

Link continued to listen, deep in thought. 'Did more monsters appear around here because of me? Am I bringing danger to the people instead of helping them?' Link continued listening to Revea as they walked to the stable, listening to her stories of warding off Bokobolins and saving other travelers that needed her help. He was so deep in thought that he didn't even register the people yelling Revea's name until he was shoved away from her.

"Ember!" Revea protested, behind a group of three people, two others running over. "I'm fine he's a frien-"

"He's a strange man wearing strange clothes!" Ember shouted, holding a ladle out at Link. Link blinked, standing in front of the group of now five people, Revea being the sixth. She was pushed behind them, all of them pointing a variety of weapons at him.

Two ladles, a farm rake, and two traveler's swords.

Link slowly held his hands up, not knowing what to do, trying to make eye contact with Revea. 'Do I look dangerous? I don't even have a weapon on me. I just have the pack of food. Are travelers unwelcome here? Is this a member-only stable?'

"First of all, those are my father's clothes!" Revea protested, shoving her way past the adults 'protecting' her, standing beside Ember. "Second, he's a frie-"

"Your head." Ember dropped his ladle, cupping Revea's face, staring at her forehead. "You're hurt. What happened?" Ember's gaze darkened, his head slowly turning towards Link. "Did he do this?"

"No no no." Revea quickly intercepted, gripping Ember's forearms so he looked at her. "He saved me last night. There was a blue Moblin."

"A blue??"

"A Moblin at night?"

Several other gasps and whispers of shock and fear spread across the crowd, Link keeping his hands raised in surrender despite everyone lowering their weapons.

'So the blue ones are more dangerous than the red ones.' Link confirmed this thought, him also only facing the red ones until last night. Link leaned to the side, getting a better look at Revea's head. Now that this Ember guy mentioned it, Revea did have a scuffed-up forehead. It looked like it was bruising as well.

Link ran towards the scream of pain he heard, eyes wide and peeled, looking for the person that needed his help. As he neared a cluster of trees, he watched a blue Moblin swing its head down, connecting with the girl's head, her falling down immediately.

Link gritted his teeth and drew his bow.

'How did I not notice that?' Link scolded himself. 'With everything she's done for me, I couldn't even notice her injuries. Stupid. So incredibly-'

"Is this true?"

Link blinked, Ember in front of him, his gaze sharp. Link nodded, but looked over at Revea, Revea hurrying over.

"He's mute, Ember." Revea guided Ember back a few steps so he wasn't right in front of Link, clearly trying to intimidate him. "It's true because I was there." Revea stared up at Ember, Ember looking down at her with a sigh.

Ember held out his hand to Link, Link slowly lowering his hands from surrender. "I apologize for my hostility. Revea doesn't usually hang out with friends."

Revea hit his chest, Ember grunting with a smile.

"It's okay." Link signed, Revea translating for him. "We have food."

Revea's eyes lit up. "Link killed an elk for me and gathered a bunch of forages! We brought food for everyone!" Revea grabbed Link's hand and led him to the stable, Link jogging with her. "I'm sorry about them." She mumbled, the two of them alone for a few moments before the rest of them caught up with them. "They're protective, like I mentioned."

"It's okay." Link signed, before taking off the pack of food from his back, setting it on the table. Link laid his hand on Revea's arm as she started to unpack the food, getting her attention. "I'm sorry I didn't notice your injury. I had completely forgotten about it."

Revea smiled. "It's completely fine. It's not that bad and Ember was just making a big deal out of it."

"But still." Link signed, pressing his lips together. "I'll get to you sooner next time." Link's eyebrows wavered slightly, shocked at his own words.

Revea smiled softly. "Thank you, but I hope there isn't a next time."

'What am I thinking?' Link scolded himself, taking out the plates from Revea's bag as she took out the food. 'I'm not going to be here for much longer. I need to get to Kakariko village... wherever that is... sh*t, where did the King say it was? A mountain? Or was... sh*t, I forgot.'

"Holy Hylia! That's a lot of food!" Gotter ran over, his eyes bright with excitement, Parcy behind him. "This all smells delicious Revea!"

"Thanks!" Revea cheered, not noticing as Link slowly backed away from the table. "Travelers! You're more than welcome to get a bite!" Revea called out to the two that were visiting the table, the women smiling and hurrying over. Revea was in high spirits as she made plates of food for everyone, smiling ear to ear as everyone complimented her cooking.

She didn't even notice Link was outside.

Link stood beside the river, staring out at the landscape, trying his best to remember. 'How could I forget such important information? Did that Moblin hit my head last night?'


Link turned around, Ember walking over to him. Link nodded towards him, acknowledging his presence before turning back towards the river.

"I don't want you near Revea any longer."

Link hooked his thumbs in the belt buckles of the pants he wore, clenching his jaw.

"I can tell you're dangerous."

Link didn't respond.

"So leave tonight and don't ever interact with her again."

Link stared at a tree.

"Do I make myself understood?"

Link turned towards Ember, locking eyes with the man, and nodded, turning back towards the river.

Ember huffed, going to the goats to calm himself down.


Link didn't flinch as Revea sat down beside him, keeping his eyes locked on the river, deep in thought.

Why couldn't he remember anything? All he wanted to know was who he was and who made him the person he is. He clearly has had some kind of training. He was able to climb up that tower and face all those Bokobolins before. Holding a sword didn't feel unfamiliar.

Actually, it was such a reassuring feeling, holding a sword.

He was strong. He was a fighter.

But why? Why did he become a fighter all those years ago? Just because he's The Chosen One, like the King said? Apparently he was Zelda's knight, but why?

What made him so special?

"I made you a plate." Revea held out a rather large plate, almost overflowing with food. "You seem like you're hungry."

Link's eyes lit up and took the plate, immediately digging in, all worries disappearing. He had helped Revea prepare the food in her house, but he had restrained himself from tasting any of the food in the process. Revea knew her way with the food and the entire place smelled delicious.

And now he was given a platter of that delicious looking and smelling food.

Link dug in immediately, Revea smiling in amusem*nt. Both times she offered him food, he was filled with excitement and energy. She wanted to speak to him some more, but with him busy eating, his hands weren't free for communication.

Link laid down in the grass after he finished eating, letting out a sigh, resting his hands on his stomach. Revea giggled softly and turned towards him, still sitting in the grass. "Can I ask you some questions, Link?"

Link's eyes left the sky, looking at her instead, giving her a nod.

"Where did you travel from?"

"A cave."

Revea blinked, frowning softly. "I think I read wrong-"

"I came from a cave." Link sat up with a small sigh. "I almost died 100 years ago and I was put in a Shrine of Resurrection and now I'm healed 100 years later."

Revea stared at him with wide eyes, shocked at the information and his absolute bluntness.

"The dead King told me that." Link signed, telling her everything he knew. "I have no memories from the event because of the Resurrection. But the King said I have to save his daughter, Princess Zelda, because I was her knight."

"Princess Zelda is alive?" Revea whispered, bringing a hand to her mouth.

Link nodded and pointed to the castle to their left. "She's holding off Ganon. I need to get to Kakariko village and speak to Impa for further directions."

"I know Kakariko village!" Revea perked up. "I can take you there! I know Impa too! I used to visit there all the time with my family."

Link hesitated, chewing on his lip, remembering what Ember said. "It's too dangerous." Link signed, watching his hands tremble.

God, yesterday was... something. He wakes up in a cave, practically naked, and is met with an entire world he doesn't remember. Then some old man sends him to some shrines with his Sheikah Slate after he activated the towers? Link was still confused about that, but there were towers and shrines across this land that he was supposed to go to.

The man turned out to be a ghost, because that's a normal thing Link assumed. Not just any ghost, but the King that Link served under. Zelda's father. And Link has an entire responsibility to save Zelda but...

But he has nothing.

He has no strategy, no memories, and no confidence to go save her. He felt weak. He knew something was missing, more than just his memory. His old self was missing.

He wasn't ready for this.

He wasn't ready to face this journey alone.

And my God he wanted to stay with Revea so bad. She was the first person to show him so much human kindness and she was constantly talking and Link actually liked listening to her and she knew her way around and...

And Link didn't want to be alone.

"I want to go with you." Revea set her jaw, looking Link dead in the eye, making him jump slightly. "I know Hyrule. I know Kakariko village and I know Impa. I'm taking you there."

Link was relieved he didn't have to ask her to go with him. "Ember will kill me if I take you with me."

"Ember is too worried for his own good." Revea dismissed that, her eyes glinting. "But you never said anything about you not wanting me to go with you."

"I don't know where Kakariko village is." Link admitted, refusing to verbally admit he wanted company on his journey. If he was as grand as a knight as the King told him, he would have to be strong.

He would be strong with a companion.

Besides, how could he succeed in his task if he didn't know where to go?

"You have to tell Ember you're coming." Link compromised. "That it was your idea and I tried to convince you not to come."

"Fine." Revea agreed. "We should get back so we can prepare for the journey. It'll take us about two days to get there."

Link nodded and stood up, offering his hand for Revea, helping her stand. "Good luck with Ember. He doesn't like me."

"I don't know why, honestly." Revea mumbled, slowly walking back to the stable. "Normally he's nice to everyone."

"I'm going to stay outside." Link signed, letting Revea walk in with a nod. Link took a deep breath and took a few steps away from the entrance of the stable, facing Revea's house, his back to the stable. 'Revea's house is in a very unsafe spot. While it's nice to be next to a river, she's completely out in the open. Nowhere to hide when things get messy.'


Link took a few more steps away. 'I get what Ember is getting at. A strange man who wants the girl who lives alone to travel with him to Kakariko village,, wherever that is. And a two day travel? This place is huge.' Link glanced around, the land going on for miles and miles. 'Damn, am I a creep? I shouldn't be... I don't want to be. I just need some help for a little bit.' Link nodded to himself. 'I can walk Revea back to her house after I get my footing. Then Ember will be happy she's safe.'

"He's dangerous!"

"Since you think he's so dangerous he'll be able to protect me from any real danger!" Revea snapped back, yelling too at this point. "He's done nothing bad! He saved me and then killed and scavenged a feast for all of us! He's a good man!"

Link rubbed the back of his neck. 'I probably shouldn't be listening in on this.'

"Boy! Come here!"

Link sighed. 'Here we go.' Link turned around and jogged over to them. Revea's arms were crossed, Gotter's arm around her shoulders, Ember fuming.

"If you can pass my test, you can go with Revea." Ember declared, holding his hand out. Parcy took the bow off her back and handed it to Ember, Ember tossing it at Link. "Follow me." Ember grumbled, walking off to a patch of nearby trees.

Link hurried after them, doing his best to match Ember's long stride. Link lacked in the height aspects that Ember thrived in. Link glanced over at Revea, making sure she was okay after that verbal fight. But there were no signs of red eyes or pain, so she seemed okay. If he was going to be traveling with her, he needed to look after her as well.

Ember stopped suddenly, Link skidding to a stop as well. "You have ten seconds to pierce the five apples on that tree." Ember nodded to the tree they stood in front of.

Link wasted no time in drawing the bow, immediately adjusting to the strength of the string and the feel of Parcy's arrows. He released the five arrows with ease, hitting the middle of each apple. Link kept the bow in hand, turning back to Ember, waiting for the next challenge.

Ember glanced down at Link. "Run back to the stable, grab the ax, and knock this tree down." Ember hummed softly. "You have seven minutes."

Link took off running, handing Parcy her bow and arrows back before booking it to the stable. Link had to hope his assumptions were right about the ax being towards the back near a cut pile of wood, and he was right. With the ax in two hands, Link sprinted back, eyes locked on that apple tree.

Revea watched with nervous eyes, knowing how hard it was to knock a tree down. And this tree especially. It was an extremely thick tree. It was going to take at least 15 minutes.

Link planted his feet, not even giving himself time to breathe, and swung. He smirked, seeing the huge dent he left in the tree, and pulled back to swing again. Almost halfway through on the second swing. Knowing he had time to spare, Link took a deep breath, adjusting his hands, and swung again.

The tree was barely holding on.

Link glanced over at Revea, her look of awe giving him an extra boost of confidence, knocking the tree down with ease with the fourth swing. Link stuck the ax into the stump of the tree, locking eyes with Ember.

Ember, and the rest of them, stood with their mouths agape, eyes wider than the moon, and silent.

Link had to admit, he didn't think he was that strong, but hey, those Shrines must've given him superhuman strength. "Anything else?"

"He asked if you want him to do anything else." Revea barely formed those words, staring at the fallen tree now.

"C-Cut it into firewood and then you can leave." Ember gulped, turned on his heel, and walked back to the stable.

"Damn boy!" Gotter exclaimed, walking up to Link to shake his hand. "I didn't expect a tiny guy like you to knock a huge tree like that in four swings!"

"How did you do that??" Parcy hurried over as well, her eyes wide and words eager to learn. "That would've taken me at least 25 minutes!"

Revea blinked a few times and ran off to Ember, leaving Link with Gotter and Parcy. "Ember!" Revea called out, Ember going behind the counter. "Ember, hey-"

"You can go with him." Ember grumbled, bending down behind the counter top, definitely just going through things to serve as a distraction. "He's clearly proven himself."

"Ember, I don't want to leave on a bad note." Revea went behind the counter top as well, crossing her arms, staring down at Ember. "You're like my brother."

Ember moved a stack of papers over, then moved them back to where they were before sighing and standing up. "I don't want you to be in an unsafe position."

"I'll be fine, Ember." Revea hugged Ember tightly. "I know how to fight and I'll have Link with me." Revea kept her hold on Ember, closing her eyes. "He's special, Ember, I can tell." Revea swallowed. 'Probably because he's Zelda's chosen knight, which I need to talk to him about more, but still.'

"I want you to send me a message if at all possible during your travels." Ember rubbed her back, Revea humming in response. "Or come back and visit me, okay?"

"Okay." Revea agreed, pulling away from the hug to give Ember a big smile. "I'll be back before you know it."

"You better." Ember mumbled, ruffling Revea's hair. "Why don't you come and help me feed the goats one last time?"

"I'll be coming back eventually." Revea rolled her eyes, following Ember out back. "I'm not going off to die."

"You better not be." Ember handed Revea a bucket. "Just don't be gone for too long."

"I won't."

Chapter 5: the shrine

Chapter Text

"The journey to Kakariko isn't terribly dangerous."

Link nodded as he listened, up in a tree and tossing apples down to Revea.

"Only when we get in the mountains, but you can easily use the terrain to your advantage." Revea caught the apples and put them in the basket she was carrying. "My father would scale the mountains and go up on a ledge with his bow and arrow and take out the Bokobolins that would camp in the mountains. Since he was higher than them, they could only throw rocks at him, unless they also had a bow and arrows, which was rare."

Link tilted his head slightly before jumping down from the tree. "You seem to know a lot about the monsters around here."

"I do." Revea picked up on that immediately. If this man lost all of his memories, he would be going out into a dangerous world with no knowledge on how to take down the monsters and get to certain places. "I know a decent amount of monsters and I know how to make elixirs and plenty of different foods! We can be a really good duo!"

'That would be amazingly helpful.' Link admitted to himself. "I'm glad I met you."

"I'm glad you saved me." Revea chuckled, walking back to her house, Link by her side. "Now I can finally travel again." Revea sighed, looking out at the sunset. "I haven't in so long... It's been too dangerous without my father."

"Where is he?" Link asked, glancing around, the sun sinking quite fast.

Revea took a deep breath. "Him and the rest of my family were killed by some... some Yiga clan members."

Link stopped walking, Revea going a few steps before stopping as well, turning towards him. "I'm so sorry, Revea."

Revea shook her head. "It's fine. It's been a few years."

Link walked up to her, eyes furrowed. "What are the Yiga clan? Where can I find them?"

"The Yiga clan are Sheikah assassins and thieves." Revea explained, picking up the walk back to her house. "They're different from the good Sheikah though. The Yiga wear these stupid costumes with the Sheikah eye upside down on their mask. They're pretty identifiable."

Link got a sour taste in his mouth. He's definitely encountered these Yiga clan sc*ms 100 years ago. His body had a natural reaction to their names. "What is their purpose? Just to be evil?"

"They're loyal to Ganon's revival and they wanted to take down Princess Zelda and her knig- well, I guess you." Revea glanced over at Link. "They take down anyone who opposes Ganon. The Gerudo fall victim to their schemes all the time."

'Gerudo? What is a Gerudo?' Link thought to himself, but that question was for another time. There was a much bigger concern at hand. "Your family... do you mind me asking why the Yiga attacked them?"

Revea's walking slowed, her eyes on the ground. "I think... that's a story for another time." Her basket slipped down her arm, Link catching it before it fell. Revea tried to pull it up her arm again, but Link ended up carrying it. "We should get back. It'll be dark soon."

"I would like to leave tonight." Link signed, locking eyes with Revea.

She nodded. "Okay. I just need to pack a few personal things and then we can leave." A smile blossomed on her face. "I have something I want to show you that I think will really help us with our journey."

Link smiled as well, glad Revea wasn't down anymore. "I can't wait."

Link walked silently beside Revea, listening to her talk about the apple pie she knows how to make and how delicious roasted apples were. He will admit he zoned out during her little speel, thinking back to the Yiga clan. 'There's great sadness beneath her upbeat behavior and bright smile. That Yiga clan... If I have time, I'm going to make them pay.'

Link hesitated in Revea's doorway. 'Why am I suddenly so protective over her?'

"This was my mother's." Revea knelt in front of her bed, pulling out a box from underneath it. She motioned for Link to come closer, him kneeling beside her. "It's a pack." Revea held up a leather backpack, the clasps made of amber. "My mother never let me use it, but she said that anything can fit in it, to an extent." Revea looked over at Link. "Try putting your bow in it."

Link did as told, taking off his bow and carefully guiding it into the pack, slowing down when it should've reached the bottom. His eyes widened as the bow kept going down until it was completely concealed. He whistled in awe, staring at it.

"That's so cool." Revea whispered, reaching in and pulling out the bow. "Do you want me to carry it, or do you want to?"

"I will." Link responded immediately. "I can store multiple weapons in here. Does it get heavy?"

"I don't think so?" Revea guessed, standing up. "I hope not."

(A/N : this is how i'm incorporating the huge inventory we have in the game lol)

Link studied the pack for a few moments before standing up, setting it on her bed. "What else should we pack?"

"I'll pack two blankets and two pillows in case we have time to rest." Revea decided grabbing the pillows off her bed and shoving them in the bag, smiling widely. "Wow, thank you Mom." Revea hurried over to the window sill, grabbing the quilt she made. "Look Link!"

Link turned away from the kitchen, eyes on the blanket that Revea held.

"I made this one!" She declared proudly.

"Wow, that looks professionally made." Link commented before taking it in his hands, feeling the yarn and the woven knots. "We shouldn't take this. It's too nice. I don't want it to get dirty." Link denied after handing it back to Revea.

She shook her head. "That was my original thought, but I made it for a reason. If I continue being too scared to use it, the hours I put into it would be pointless."

Link tilted his head slightly before nodding. "If you think that's best."

Revea stuffed it into the bag, another one following. "Try lifting it."

Link did as told, his eyebrows shooting up. "It's as light as a feather."

"Perfect!" Revea cheered, pulling Link to her small kitchen. "Grab the bowls and utensils. I'll pack the forages that I have left. Everything else we'll have to hunt." Revea's words mended right into a gentle hum, doing as she said she would. She trusted the forages would organize themselves in the magic of her mother's pack.

Her mother always had the right supplies.

Link followed Revea to a small desk in the room, watching over her shoulder as she pulled out a journal and a pencil before lifting up the false bottom. He tilted his head, watching her pull out a rather hefty looking pouch. "What's that?" He signed as Revea turned around, the young girl jumping at Link's close proximity.

"Rupees." Revea stated, opening up the pouch and showing Link its contents. "There's about 2000 rupees in there. You're free to use them when needed." Revea glanced over at Link. "You'll need to get some proper armor and better weapons somehow. So, we can use this." Revea tied the pouch up before putting it in the pack Link still held.

Link shook his head. "I won't steal your money."

"It's not stealing if I'm offering." Revea chuckled, walking over to a dresser. "And I don't mind at all. It was my mother and father's savings. They won't be using it anymore."

Link stayed quiet, backing up a little so Revea had room to move around the dresser. 'She misses her family a lot. And I bet she isn't the only one who has suffered because of Ganon...'

Revea dug through the dresser before pulling out some pants. "Perfect! I'm so glad my brother still had these!" Revea took the pack from Link and handed him the pants. "Hylian trousers! He got them from a merchant in Kakariko for catching a bunch of fireflies for her!" Revea smiled happily and looked under the dresser. "And the matching boots!" Revea jumped up and handed them to Link. "You'll have proper pants now. You'll have to keep my father's shirt though." Revea closed the pack and walked towards the door, Link in shock as he turned towards her. "Go ahead and change real quick and let me in when you're done!"

"Go ahead and change real quick and let me in when you're done!"

Link blinked as Revea shut the door. 'That,, was fast.' Link looked down at the boots and pants he now held. 'At least I have shoes now. Who knows what kind of terrain I'll encounter.'

Revea walked back in with a happy smile after Link let her back in, grabbing something from a hook by the door. "And here, you can have this." Revea handed it to Link, Link taking it. "It's my Hylian Hood. It'll block the sun and rain from your eyes."

Link frowned and shook his head, handing it back to her. "You keep it. I don't want you to suffer from the weather."

"Link, you're the Princess' Knight, you need it more than me." Revea handed it back to him, refusing to take it back after he tried to give it back. "Plus, if the Yiga get word that you're alive... they'll do anything to take you down. They know you're prophesied to take down Ganon."

Link hesitated. 'If they find out about me, they'll target me. And if Revea is with me, they'll target her as well...' Link pulled the hood over his head, adjusting it slightly. "I'll get you another one."

"You don't have to." Revea chuckled, studying Link's quickly. "And the hood suits you well, anyways."

Link smiled shyly.

"Well," Revea glanced around. "Shall we leave? I'm ready."

"Are you sure you want to join me?" Link signed, just needing to double check one last time. "It's going to be dangerous. I'm sure many monsters will get in my way. And,,, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Link," Revea smiled sadly. "I'm not joining for fun. I'm not wanting or expecting you to protect me. I understand the risks. I want to help end Ganon, and if I can do that by helping you get to places and just accompanying you, I will do that." Revea nodded. "Now come on, we won't get to Kakariko by just standing here."

Link grinned.

The Ree Dahee Shrine was a short climb up from the middle of the path between the Dueling Peaks. But Link has been inside that shrine for almost two hours now.

Revea sighed, sitting in the little area that Link's Sheikah Slate had opened, waiting for him to return. She didn't mind waiting for him. She had to wait for him while he climbed that tower a few hours ago. It was quite interesting watching it turn blue and work its Sheikah magic.


Revea saw that Sheikah Slate the second she laid him down on her bed that late night. Her heart had stopped, recognizing the eye immediately.

Her heart had stopped, recognizing the eye immediately

She wore it on a necklace around her neck.

She wore it on a necklace around her neck

Her mother would scold her for not telling Link the truth. But,, he would ask so many questions and Revea wasn't ready to answer them. She wasn't ready to talk about her family's death.

And she's spent the last several hours mentally preparing herself for Kakariko village. Her history was there. Everything was there...

Revea leaned her head against the interior's wall, closing her eyes. 'How do I explain that to him? How do I explain my parents to him? He won't... what if he ditches me. Hell, I'd probably ditch me too.'

Revea, exhausted from the hours of traveling and climbing, fell asleep inside that shrine's protection.

Link rubbed his chest as the elevator floaty thing brought him back up from the shrine's interior. He jumped slightly, seeing Revea slumped right next to the platform.

'She's asleep.' Link sat down beside her, leaning forward to get a better look at her face. 'Hm, I guess we should take a break for a little while.' Link massaged his thigh, the one he accidentally slammed into a wall when he paraglided in the shrine. Link glanced over at Revea one last time before turning forward, staring down at the river.

'I wonder why she has black and white hair.' Link thought to himself, resting his elbows on his thighs. 'The people at the stable all had brown hair, and while that isn't a big population, it still leaves Revea as an outsider.' Link folded his hands, squeezing and relaxing his hands over and over. 'And does everyone use magic? Why did her mom have this bag? And how does Revea know so much about this Sheikah tribe?'

'And does everyone use magic? Why did her mom have this bag? And how does Revea know so much about this Sheikah tribe?'

"Kakariko Village is the home of the Sheikah." Revea explained, walking beside Link as they followed the path towards Dueling Peaks. "The Sheikah have been around for thousands of years and were appointed by the Goddess herself to help the royal family." Revea smiled at a lizard as it raced past them, Link restraining himself from racing after it.

He didn't know why, but he had such a strong urge to gather everything in sight. Who knows how it could help them in their journey.

"The Sheikah are humans like you and I, but they're different. They excel in hand-to-hand combat and are quite strong when it comes to climbing as well. But their greatest strength is their knowledge and their technology." Revea gestured to the bright orange tower they were approaching. "I haven't learned much about the towers, but it's obvious they created those towers. Who knows how long ago."

Link tapped Revea's shoulder, holding the Sheikah slate in his other hand. "Princess Zelda told me this was called a Sheikah Slate." Link signed, Revea nodding. He handed it over when she held her hand out to it.

Instead of activating it, she flipped it over and traced her finger across the eye. "This is the sign of the Sheikah." Revea handed it back. "Impa, the chief at Kakariko Village, will probably be able to tell you about it." Revea hesitated. "You know, now that you mentioned the Princess, Impa was friends with her, a hundred years ago."

Link put the Sheikah Slate back on its holster, eyebrows shooting up. "Really? How?"

"Sheikah live longer than the average Hyrulian." Revea explained, eyes following a butterfly as it flew past her. "Impa will definitely be able to help you."

"How close are you with her?" Link signed, remembering that Revea said she knew her.

Revea smiled softly. "She's like a grandmother to me."

Link tilted his head slightly. 'And Revea has dark red eyes. I didn't notice it at first, but after she stood beside Ember, it was extremely obvious.' Link touched his cheek. 'I haven't looked in a mirror yet, maybe I have red eyes too.'

A particularly strong gust of wind slammed against the two, startling Revea awake. Link glared ahead of them, silently cursing out the wind.

"Oh, Link, you're back." Revea rubbed her eyes, looking around. "Did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry."

Link shook his head, patting her shoulder before signing, "It's okay. We were due for a rest anyways."

"How was the shrine?" Revea asked, turning towards him, offering him a kind smile. "Challenging?"

"It wasn't too bad." Link admitted. "It took me a bit to figure out the connections of the glowing ball and the platforms. Was I gone for long?"

"I think time is different inside the shrines." Revea shrugged. "I think you were gone for about two hours."

Link blinked several times. "It felt like only thirty minutes."

"Time's weird." Revea smiled, standing up. "I'm ready to go, are you?"

"Are you sure you don't want to rest more?" Link double checked. While he was ready to go, he didn't want to tire Revea out too bad. He didn't want to give her a reason to leave.

"I'm good."

Chapter 6: the blood moon

Chapter Text

Revea gasped before going into a full sprint towards the stable the two of them were approaching. "Beedle!"

The man, Beedle, turned around upon hearing his name, his face lighting up once he saw Revea. "Revea!" Beedle threw his giant pack down, meeting Revea in the middle.

The two fell to the ground after they collided, laughing and hugging each other tightly.

Link smiled at the two, jogging over to them, giving them plenty of space.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" Beedle shrieked, his voice making Link smile even wider. He had such a funky voice, Link immediately growing fond of this man.

He had such a funky voice, Link immediately growing fond of this man

"It's been too long!" Revea and Beedle sat up, their eyes going to Link. "Oh! This is my friend! Link!" Revea jumped to her feet, helping Beedle up as well. "Link, this is Beedle, the best merchant in all of Hyrule!"

"Oh shush Revea." Beedle gave her a playful shove, Revea laughing. "It's very nice to meet you, Link."

Link nodded, shaking Beedle's hand.

Revea gasped softly. "Link! We can sell those monster parts you've been gathering!" Revea turned towards Beedle. "You buy monster parts, right?"

Beedle scoffed, a big smile on his face. "I buy anything!"

After the buying and selling of some monster parts Link had gathered, Link's eyes were set on the shrine in the middle of the small lake.

Revea followed Link's eyes and her heart saddened. He was just in a shrine for hours...

Link turned back towards Revea.

"Go ahead." Revea nodded. "I'll be in the stable. Is there anything you'd like me to do in particular?"

"Rest." Link signed, pointing down the path they were going to continue on. "We still have a long way, yes?"

Revea looked down, nodding. "Yeah, it's still a while. We're about halfway though. The terrain and monsters get more difficult, though."

Link glanced around. "You'll be safe while I'm gone?"

Revea laughed softly. "I'll be fine, Link. Good luck with the shrine. I'll have food ready for you when you return."

Link nodded and jogged off towards the shrine.

"So what's with the stranger?" Beedle asked, Revea giving him a look. "What? It's a reasonable question."

"I'm helping him get to Kakariko." Revea explained, walking over to the stable. "He doesn't know the way."

"All he has to do is follow the path." Beedle frowned, glancing over at Revea. "So what's the real reason?"

Revea clenched her jaw before quickly letting it go. "That's the real reason." Revea glanced around, weary of nearby monsters. She was telling the truth about the monsters; they are more clustered together and more difficult around here. The blue ones were very common. "Hey Beedle, do you still have that book of monsters?"

'Damnit.' Link stared up at the sky. 'Sun is setting already?' Link looked over his shoulder at the shrine. 'That chest was near impossible to get. But...' Link looked down at his hand, a purple rupee in his palm. 'At least I can start helping with the money.'


Link looked up, immediately locking eyes on Revea, the girl waving at him from the cooking pot outside the stable. He raised his hand.

"Come on! I have food ready!"

The second Link got into Revea's arm-length-bubble, there was a bowl of food in his hands. "How was the shrine? Was it easy? Difficult? Are they fun? Tell me all about it."

Link blinked, already two bites in, both hands occupied. He smiled sheepishly.

"Okay! Eat first!" Revea cheered, handing a bowl to Beedle. "Beedle hunted a deer and I got the Courser Bee Honey!"

Link stopped chewing, looking up at Beedle. 'That guy? Hunted?' Link's eyes met Beedle's and he immediately looked down at his Glazed Meat, taking another bite. 'I shouldn't have taken so long. I should've hunted for Revea, not him.'

Revea hummed happily, taking a bite of her mushroom skewer.

Link's eyes shot over to her, noticing that she didn't have any meat in her bowl. He sat his things down immediately so he could sign. "Where's your meat?"

"We didn't have enough." Revea smiled, Beedle eating without care. "I don't mind though, I like-"

Before Beedle and Revea could blink again, Link had whipped out a dagger, cut up his meat, and dumped half of his meat into Revea's bowl.

"B-But Link-" Revea protested, stopping once Link shook his head and took another bite of his meat, wiping the dagger on the grass. "At least let me give you some mushrooms. I have more than enough now that I have meat too."

And Revea did as she said, giving Link half of her mushrooms. Both ended up smiling and happy.

Beedle rolled his eyes and ate his meat peacefully.


"And this is Kakariko Bridge." Revea stated happily, swinging her arms happily as the fireflies came to life around them. "We're almost there! If we keep this pace, we'll definitely be there by morning.

"Doing okay with the pace?" Link signed, Revea nodding quickly.

"I'm worried about you, actually! I'm able to rest while you complete the shrines and the tower, and you, haven't." Revea looked over at him. "We can rest, if you want. I'm more than happy to."

"I'm okay."

"I get that you want to get to Kakariko as soon as possible, but it won't do anyone any good if you're exhausted and can't move your limbs because of that." Revea said in a slight sing-song tone, Link giving her a look.

"I promise I'm fine. The dinner rest was more than enough." Link reassured, Revea finally dropping it. "I have a question."


"You're normally very happy to speak to the travelers, why have you been ignoring and, honestly, avoiding the travelers around here?" Link questioned, Revea sighing softly.

"Since we're getting closer to the Sheikah Tribe, there is definitely Yiga Clan lurking around out of their disguises so they can listen to the gossip and fill their Master in." Revea explained, Link not missing how much she glanced around while talking. "So, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Plus, I hate the Yiga Clan. There's nothing I'm more afraid of." Revea's eyes widened and quickly turned her head towards Link. "I-I didn't mean to just dump that on you! Sorry! You're just so easy to talk to and-"

Revea stopped as Link started to laugh, this the first time she's heard a full on, hearty laugh from him. She started to laugh with him, their walk slowing to a stop. They had passed over the bridge during their conversation, now in the middle of the first incline of the Pillars of Levia.

They laughed so truly, they both missed the red and black flakes of death swirling around them and the moon turning red.

And by the time Revea's eyes properly opened, it was too late.



"By its glow, the aimless spirits of monsters that were slain in the name of the light return to flesh.


"Please be careful."


Link's eyes fluttered open, disorientated from the vision and the words of the Princess. But it didn't take him long to snap out of it.


Because Revea was sobbing on the ground.

Link dropped to the ground beside her, his hands going to her own, but pulling back and reaching for a hug, but pulled back as well, completely unsure as to what to do.

"No no no no no no no no." She cried and cried, her hands in her hair, curled into a ball. "Don't!"

'Help her you idiot!' Link yelled at himself, but remained frozen in front of her. 'Hug her!'


Link jumped and immediately complied. "Revea."

Revea opened her eyes, still breathing heavily, but the shock of hearing Link's voice for the first time forced her eyes open. She quickly closed them again, the memories hitting her once again as she saw the remaining specks of red and black around Link.

Link finally pulled Revea into his arms, hugging her tightly. "Breathe, Revea. Breathe." Link held her securely as her whole body trembled with each sob and breath she dared to take. "You are safe." Link couldn't believe his own voice. He didn't even remember the own sound of it. Yet, he managed to speak so easily. "I am here, Revea. I am here."

Revea finally turned in Link's arms, hugging him tightly, crying into him. She cried, and didn't say anything.

And Link remained calming, speaking reassurance right in her ear.

The moon shined bright above them.

The Goddess Hylia stared down at them, falling back into her silence.

Chapter 7: a monster?

Chapter Text

"We can continue on our journey."

Link shook his head, poking the fire he had just started with a long piece of wood.

Revea, wrapped in the blanket she made herself, stared at the fire in front of her, Link sitting across from her, the fire between them. She stared at him through the tips of the flames, guilt consuming her. "I'm okay. I can carry on."

"I'm tired." Link kept his eyes on the fire, nothing but kindness in his voice, just like from the hour before. "I would like to rest until morning."

Revea nodded, knowing he was just saying that so she herself could rest. "I'm sorry, for what happened."

Link shook his head once again. "I'm relieved you are physically unharmed." Link stated, focusing on the positives and what he knows as fact. "Princess Zelda showed me a vision and explained the red moon to me. When I came to, I thought you were injured."

"I'm fine." Revea mumbled, staring at the fire. 'I wish I wasn't. Why did I have to be the only survivor?'

Link rubbed his arm, looking off to the side, not knowing exactly what to do. While he wanted to comfort her and tell her everything was okay, he didn't even know what had actually happened nor did he know how to comfort her. Did humans experience pain during a blood moon? Was it head pain? And Link didn't want to hug Revea. Not in a bad way, but they don't know each other. It's simple.

"Are you hungry?"

Revea shook her head. "You should eat though. You need to stay strong."

Link awkwardly shuffled through the pack, settling on some of the wildberries they had gathered.

Revea glanced up at Link, watching him eat handfuls of wildberries at a time. "You have a really nice voice, by the way." Revea complimented, Link stiffening and looking over at her.

"Thanks." Link nodded at her, eating another handful of wildberries.

"If you feel like you have to verbally speak to me after what happened, you don't. I respect your wishes and if you feel more comfortable choosing to not speak, I respect that completely." Revea added, still slightly confused. She gathered that he was only selectively mute, but what was the reason behind it?

"I will speak to you, but sign language around others." Link decided, looking up at her. "Is sign language common? Will others be able to understand us?"

Revea shook her head. "I only learned it because an elderly traveler at Riverside taught me it before he passed. I don't know of anyone else who knows it."

Link nodded, eyes going back to the fire and eating another handful of the berries. 'Good. I can still communicate without worry.' Link looked up at the sky, looking for any traces of light, but there were none. "You should sleep." Link looked back down at her. "We can continue in the morning.

"Wake me up in a few hours so I can keep watch while you sleep." Revea decided, so relieved to finally sleep. After the attacks, she was always exhausted.

Link hummed in false agreement and pulled out a pillow from the pack, handing it over to Revea.

"Thank you."

Link nodded.


Link turned the bird egg over and over in his hand, staring at the fire in front of him, Revea laying down beside him. He hasn't moved since she fell asleep, refusing to put her in harm's way.

There wasn't another human or monster in the mile radius around them.

Link turned his head towards Revea, staring down at the necklace that had escaped her shirt during her slumber.

He wasn't going to wake her. He wasn't that tired anyways. He did sleep for 100 years.

While Revea slept her exhaustion and painful memories away, Link decided on two things.

He would make them omelets for breakfast.


He would not ask why she wore the Sheikah Eye around her neck.

Link laid a hand on Revea's arm, stopping her before walking over to the side, away from her. Revea turned towards him, watching him curiously. He was normally the one that followed her.

Link bent down and plucked the flower whose buds were a soft blue. He walked back to Revea, handing it over to her.

"These are Blue Nightshades." Revea explained, her heart skipping a beat. "They glow in the dark... They're actually my favorite flower."

Link looked up their path, noticing several more Nightshades scattered in the area. He continued on, gathering every single Nightshade and returning to Revea, handing them over to her until she could barely close her fingers around their stems.

"Thank you." Revea whispered, following Link up the path, going off to the side as Link did. She watched as he picked a new flower, holding it up to Revea, a questioning look on his face. "Armoranth. It's a medicinal plant and it seems to protect whoever drinks it in an elixir."

"This will be valuable, then." Link decided, putting the bud in his pack.

Revea continued following Link around in winding paths, Link picking every single forage he found. That included more Armoranths, a few Acorns, and a desirable amount of Ironshrooms. It was Revea, however, that found a grand forage.

It was Revea, however, that found a grand forage

Link drew his sword once Revea gasped, eyes darting around until he saw that she was bent down, pulling something from the ground. He quickly sheathed his sword again, softening his eyes once she stood up to show what she picked.

"A Big Hearty Truffle!" Revea cheered gently, holding it out to Link until he held it. "These are really rare because of how powerful their effects are when cooked. These increase your durability. And overall just taste really good."

Link nodded and put the truffle in the pack.

Revea heard a sound off to her right, turning her head towards the uphill incline they were currently traveling, squinting through the dark. Revea's eyes went to Link as he drew his sword and stepped in front of her, looking towards the direction of the noise as well. "It doesn't sound harmful." Revea whispered, following Link as he edged forward.

"That doesn't matter." He mumbled back, using his free hand to gently guide Revea further back behind him. "Keep a distance, just in case."

Revea did as told, the two of them edging towards a figure bigger than a Bokobolin but smaller than a Moblin. "It looks, kind?"

"So did the tops of the Water Octoroks." Link recalled one of the water enemies they briefly encountered as they journeyed to the Dueling Peaks.

"Well, it looks sad." Revea finally decided, Link and herself about twenty paces from this new figure. Revea watched as the creature looked their way, the two humans freezing. But, the creature only sighed and looked down again. "Link," Revea stepped closer to him, Link turning his head towards her, but keeping his eyes on the creature. "Put your sword away. I've never seen a monster like this so I think it's nice."

Link gripped his sword tightly, but finally sheathed it again, listening to Revea. She's been correct about everything so far.

Revea walked forward, Link immediately beside her, the two stopping in front of the strange creature. It was much taller than both Revea and Link. Link was just a hair taller than Revea, but he wasn't very tall at all. This creature had to be at least 8 feet tall. But there were no spikes, no weapons, no evil attributes to it at all. In fact, it reminded Revea of a tree with a leaf as a beard.

In fact, it reminded Revea of a tree with a leaf as a beard

"Hello?" Revea asked politely, eyes on the strange creature. "Are you alright?"

The creature looked up and Link gripped his sheathed sword a little tighter.


Revea smiled at the creature's voice as Link narrowed his eyes.

"You! You both can see me?!" The creature spoke perfect English, Revea's heart growing in excitement.

She was right! This creature wasn't a monster!

"We can see you." Revea spoke for the two of them.

"Shala-zah! Shala-zah!" The creature held up its adorable little arms in excitement. "It's been 100 years since anyone has been able to see me!"

"You poor thing." Revea mumbled softly, intertwining her fingers, letting her arms rest in front of her.

"I'm Hestu, and I need your help!" Hestu, the adorable creature, continued on. "Those monsters over there stole my beloved maracas!"

Link and Revea both looked over to where Hestu pointed, Link squinting to try to see them. They couldn't see them, but they could hear the faint sounds of them now that they were aware of their presence.

"I think they're still there on the other side of those rocks." Hestu sighed sadly, turning back towards the two humans, the humans doing the same. "I can't use my powers without them, shoko... So please!" Hestu asked. "PLEASE get my maracas back from them!"

"Of co-" Revea was cut off as Link grabbed her hand, dragging her away from him. "Just give us a moment!" Revea called out with a polite smile before turning towards Link. "Link! What are you doing??"

"It could be a trap." Link signed, glancing over at the creature named Hestu. Link watched without reaction as Hestu waved at him. "He just wants to lead us to monsters to get us killed."

"He just wants his maracas." Revea signed back, giving Link a sad look. "Hestu is completely harmless. And plus, he said he has powers. Maybe he can be of aid for the future."

Link stared at Revea, her eyes bright and wide as she stared at him. "You trust the world so easily."

"I know he's good, Link." Revea said softly, glancing over at the rocks where the monsters hid. "I'll get the maracas-"

"I'll get them." Link stopped her from walking any further before pulling something out from his pack. "Here, eat something while I'm gone." Link handed over the apple, Revea accepting it with a smile. "You have your sword." Link mumbled, touching the tip of her sword's handle. "Use it if Hestu ends up being evil."

"I won't need to." Revea smiled happily. "Be safe, please." Revea reminded Link, Link only nodding before walking off to the cluster of boulders, the noise of the monsters growing louder with each step he took. "Hestu!" Revea hurried over to the strange creature. "My friend is going to get your maracas back for you!"

"Shalaka!!" Hestu jumped up and down, Revea laughing happily at him. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Hestu, may I ask you some questions?" Revea asked politely, holding the apple with two hands.

"Yes! But I have one question first!" Hestu cheered, his voice always so bright and friendly when he spoke. "What is your name?"

"Revea." Revea smiled.

"Revea... Revea..." Hestu repeated her name, his body freezing as he fell into deep thought. "I... I feel like that name is important, somehow... Why do I remember something about that name..."

Revea tilted her head, staring up at Hestu with worried eyes. "Hestu? Are you okay? It's just a name-I'm sure there's nothing-"

"You have questions for me!" Hestu jumped happily, startling Revea with his sudden change. "I have the answers! Shakala!!"

"Why hasn't anyone been able to see you for 100 years?" Revea asked gently, hoping Hestu didn't react terribly too negatively.

"Oh, it's very sad, but no one knows about us Koroks!" Hestu explained, Revea repeating 'Korok.' "Yes! I'm a Korok!" Hestu stated proudly, Revea nodding up, eyes bright with interest. "You haven't heard of us?"

Revea shook her head. "But I would love to learn as much as you're willing to teach."

"We should sit! It's a lot of information!"

Chapter 8: home

Chapter Text

Link looked down at his arm, grimacing at the gash on his arm. One of the blue Bokoblins nailed him with the spear, hitting his injury that Revea had covered after Link passed out. Now it was bleeding pretty badly again and some wood pieces were in it. Link got out what he could, grabbed the maracas, and headed back to Hestu and Revea.

'I hope she isn't dead and that Hestu dude isn't crazy.'

Link came back to Revea and Hestu stringing leaves onto a long piece of twine, chatting away happily. Link smiled softly. 'She always makes friends.'

"Link!" Revea welcomed with a bright smile, but scrambled to her feet once she got a good look at him. "Oh my god your arm!" Revea pulled Link down and sat him against the tree, taking off the pack from his back so she could grab some things from inside it. "What happened? Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Link shook his head, just holding out his arm. He looked up at Hestu, the creature holding his arms to his chest, staring down at him with worry.

Revea mumbled to herself as she wrapped some of her already prepared leaves around Link's arm. "I'm going to have to change that soon, but it'll stop your bleeding at least." Revea locked eyes with Link. "Tell me immediately if you feel light headed, okay?"

Link nodded.

"We really need to get you proper armor." Revea mumbled, smoothing out the dressing she put on his arm. "Did you get the maracas?"

Link held them out to Hestu.

"SHALA-KALA! Those are..." Hestu took a deep breath. "Those are my maracas!" He extended his arms happily. "Please giiiiiive them to meeeeeeeee!"

Link handed them to Hestu before allowing Revea to help him to his feet again. She gave him a soft smile and mouthed, 'Thank you.'

"SHAAAAAA-LAAAAAH-KAAAAAAAH!" Hestu cheered. "But wait! There's something wrong with my maracas!"

"What?" Revea frowned, looking over at Link, Link shrugging. "What's wrong?"

"The Korok seeds inside are gone!" Hestu gave his maracas a weak shake, no sound emitting from them. "How am I supposed to dance now? Shoko..."

"Oh no..." Revea said sadly, truly feeling for this poor Korok.

"If I had just one Korok seed, I could sing, dance, and use my powers to help you." Hestu sighed, looking down in defeat.

"You've mentioned a power of yours several times now." Revea spoke up, knowing Link was itching for an answer as well. "Do you mind if we ask you what it is?"

Hestu raised his head, nodding quickly. "You see, I have the power of inventory expansion!" Hestu pointed to the pack in Revea's hand. "So let me know if you find some Korok seeds!"

Link and Revea faced each other. "You discovered you can only fit eight weapons in here, right?"

Link nodded. "Five bows, four shields."

"That can really help us." Revea smiled brightly, turning toward Hestu without another thought. "Hestu! How do we find these Korok seeds?"

Hestu shrugged. "The children of the forest must have taken the Korok seeds from my beloved maracas. I never thought I'd be the target of one of their pranks. Shoko..."

Revea nodded, Link remaining beside her with a blank mind, not really piecing anything together. Then again, Revea had an entire conversation with Hestu while he was gone, so she was several steps ahead of him in this knowledge.

"Hestu, we'll keep traveling ahead to see if we can find any Korok seeds, and if we do, we'll come back here immediately!" Revea bent down and picked up the string of leaves she had made. "Here! A small reminder of us!" Revea handed it over to Hestu, and Link watched as the leaf that covered Hestu's mouth grew just a bit brighter.

"Shaka!!!" Hestu cheered, stooping down to give Revea a big hug, causing her to laugh. "I won't forget!"

"We'll hopefully see you soon!"

Link walked beside Revea, walking up the incline without struggle. "He didn't do anything weird? Or stupid while I was gone?"

"He's completely harmless Link." Revea chuckled, looking around. "We need to keep our eyes peeled for anything that looks unusual! If the little Koroks took Hestu's Korok seeds, they're definitely hiding around here somewhere."

Link smiled softly. "You seem quite invested in this Hestu."

"He's adorable, really." Revea said happily, still looking around, not knowing she was still holding the apple that Link had given her earlier. "He really, really likes to sing and dance. Apparently he's the greatest musician in all of Korok Forest!"

"Korok Forest?" Link repeated, gently taking the apple from Revea's hands, pulling out a knife from the pack. "What's that?"

"It's where the Koroks are from! It's really fascinating and sad, their story." Revea began, not minding that she was now missing her untouched apple. She figured Link would just eat it. "Once Calamity Ganon struck 100 years ago, the Korok went into hiding. Korok are little wooden people that wear these leaf masks and they're quite fragile. So, little wooden people and monsters absolutely do not mix."

(A/N : until the research i did for this scene, i did not know Koroks were wooden lmao)

"And since two or so generations have passed since Calamity, no one remembers them. And they're based on belief, kind of." Revea tilted her head a little, needing to explain this part correctly. "Well, it's not like they cease to exist if no one believes in them, but people can't see them if they don't believe or know of them."

Link slowed to a stop, Revea doing the same. "Then, how come we could see him?" Link asked, holding out a slice of apple to Revea, putting another one in his mouth to eat.

"That... I have a theory." Revea admitted, Link scanning their surroundings, feeling something different. "I only know the legend of the princess and her knight through word of mouth, so I don't know how accurate my knowledge and theory is, but..." Revea took a deep breath. "I think your soul has lived several lives before this one. And I believe a past version of you helped out the Koroks before, and you're still connected to them by that."

Link blinked, waiting a few moments before taking another bite of an apple slice he held. He remained silent, processing the information before cutting another slice, handing it out to Revea. "Okay... then what about you?"

"That," Revea took a bite of the apple slice. "I don't know."

Link hummed, shrugging. "Oh well. Let's keep going. How much longer, do you think?"

"Two or three hours I'd say." Revea glanced around. "Keep your eyes peeled for Koroks!"

"If they're as big as Hestu, I'm sure we couldn't miss them."

They walked for about an hour and a half, Revea filling in Link with the remaining facts about Koroks. Koroks are spirits who live in Korok Forest under the protection of the Great Deku Tree. The Koroks themselves are protectors of the forest in which they live.

"Someone's coming." Link pulled his hood up and pulled Revea to the opposite side of the path of the traveler. The traveler was coming their way, Link and Revea going the way they were coming from. "Stay quiet."

Revea kept her eyes down, forcing herself to do so. Normally she greeted strangers with a friendly tone, but... things needed to change now that she was with Link.

"Would you two like to buy some minerals?" The traveler smiled brightly, stopping right in front of them, Revea stopping, forcing Link to do the same. "I have rock salt from the Goron Gusto Shop itself! I also have tons of Amber and Opal! And~" The traveler sang, pulling out a smaller stone. "I have a sapphire if you have the right money!"

"Rock salt?" Revea perked up, Link clenched his teeth. "I've never-"

Link took her hand into his own and shook his head at the traveler, giving him a small wave before pulling Revea forward, away from the traveler. Revea almost had to jog to keep pace with Link, him not letting go of her hand until the traveler was out of sight. "Revea." Link sighed, rubbing his hands against his face. "We should've just kept walking."

"I'm sorry!" Revea gasped, realizing her mistake. "I completely forgot! He seemed so nice!"

Link nodded and hung his head for a moment. "It's okay. Just, next time, no niceness."

"No niceness." Revea repeated with a nod, her eyes drifting off to something behind Link. "Woah, look at that." Revea stepped to the side, head leaned back to look up.

Link walked to the side of her, studying what was mounted on the mountain's edge. A square consisting of four cubes, and one beside it, except one cube was missing. "It's a puzzle."

"For a Korok!" Revea gasped, eyes locking on the metal cube on the ground. She ran over and tried to lift it up, not even moving it a centimeter. "Holy sh*t." She breathed out, Link trying next.

He managed to lift it several inches off the ground, but that was it.

"No way we're getting that up there." Revea put her hands on her hips, looking up at the three cubes. "Shoot. What do we do?"

Link thought for a moment more before something clicked. "I never showed you this." Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate, Revea scooting over closer to him, eyes on the Slate. "When I first woke up, there were four shrines the King made me complete on The Great Plateau and each of the shrines activated some kind of power."

Revea leaned closer, looking at the little icons. "Is that one a bomb?"

Link tapped on it and a circular, blue, and glowing bomb appeared instantly in his hands. Link grinned as Revea's jaw dropped, staring at it. "Come here." He motioned, the two of them walking over to the edge of the incline they were on. Link tossed it down and detonated it, it exploding in the air. "Pretty cool, right?"

"Can you make snow with that one?" Revea pointed to the snowflake, Link shaking his head.

"It freezes water. And this one, the lock, it's super cool." Link glanced around and locked eyes with a boulder. He clicked on the lock, aimed the Sheikah Slate at the boulder and ran over to it. He swiftly pulled out the Iron Sledgehammer he picked up in a shrine and hit the boulder several times, Revea's eyes widening once the boulder didn't even move a smidge.

She jumped once the boulder went flying, falling down somewhere out of sight. "Holy sh*t what was that??"

"If I use Stasis, it stores an object's kinetic energy and if I apply more kinetic energy... well, you saw what happened." Link motioned for her to follow him to the giant metal cube neither of them could pick up. "And the final one, Magnesis, should..." Link clicked on the icon, grabbing the cube with the activated rune, and guided it up to the missing spot on the square above them.

Revea was frozen with wide eyes as a little Korok appeared with a small confetti of leaves, celebrating with a dance.

Revea was frozen with wide eyes as a little Korok appeared with a small confetti of leaves, celebrating with a dance

"Ya-ha-ha! You found me!" The Korok smiled brightly, this one's mouth showing unlike Hestu. "Huh? You're not Hestu." Korok tilted its head, standing still not. "But you can... see me?"

Link and Revea turned towards each other, making sure one another both saw what was happening.

"I didn't know your kind could see the children of the forest!" The Korok seemed to shrug and smile once again. "Well, if you run into Hestu, please return this to him." The Korok tossed a small golden seed to Link, Link catching it and immediately showing it to Revea. "Oh, and my friends are hiding in lots of different places too! Don't be shy about poking your nose into suspicious places!"

"Thank you!" Revea waved at the Korok before grabbing Link's hand and running down the hill they just came up. "Come on! We gotta show Hestu!"

Link wanted to protest that they were going to lose an hour or two by going back to the giant Korok, but then he heard Revea laugh again as she led him by his hand down the hill.

And Link smiled, running beside her.

And Link smiled, running beside her


"Try it try it try it!" Revea grabbed a tree branch from the ground and shoved it in Link's hands. Hestu had just finished his adorable dance that supposedly expanded the inventory in their pack.

Link slowly pushed the tree branch into the pack, and when it was supposed to stop, it kept going! Hestu's magic actually worked!

"You're amazing Hestu!" Revea laughed, giving Hestu a big hug. "Can we come back with more Korok seeds and you'll expand our inventory again??"

"Of course! Shakala!!" Hestu shook his maracas happily, Revea turning towards Link with a wide smile.

Link smiled back as well, pulling the pack back on his back. Link looked up at the sky, narrowing his eyes at it. It was going to start raining soon. "Revea." Link spoke up, Hestu and Revea both turning towards him. "It will rain. Are you ready?"

"I am." Revea waved one last time at Hestu. "We'll see you later Hestu!"

"Bye bye! Shaka!!!"

Revea laughed softly before turning forward, looking up again. "It does look like it'll rain. I don't think it'll lightning though."

"Even if it did-"

"The lightning here is really dangerous." Revea added, knowing that Link was going to push that fact away. "Any and all metal attracts it. We would have to put all of our metal things away or we'll be struck by lightning."

"Oh geez." Link grimaced, not wanting to think about the pain of that.

"And, you can't really climb anything when it rains." Revea could already feel the droplets on her nose and hands. "The rocks turn slick." Revea hummed softly, crossing her arms, preparing herself for the chill of rain in the late afternoon. "So we just have to make sure we don't have to climb anything when it starts to rain."

"Do we need to climb to get to Kakariko?" Link asked, taking off his Hylian Hood.

"Nope. Just a bit-" Revea stopped, frowning at Link as he held out the hood for her. "Link it's fine you-"

"Put it on." Link pushed it into her hands, the two of them still walking. And once Revea put it on, "Thank you."

Revea smiled under the hood.


Revea took a deep breath, noticing the painted Sheikah Eye on a smaller boulder. She could see the wooden structure that signaled the entrance of Kakariko Village. She needed to tell Link. She needed to tell him before anyone else could.

"Link?" Revea took a deep breath, glancing over at him, the two walking in their damp clothes, previously quiet. They didn't stop during the rain, but it was a quick 20-30 minute pour and then it ended. It still left them wet to the bone, however. "I need to tell you something."

Link stared up at the wooden post as they passed underneath it. "I'm listening."

"I... The Sheikah-"


Revea's eyes lit up once she heard her name. "Lasli??"

Lasli squealed extremely loudly as she ran up the rest of the hill, Revea meeting her in the middle, the two women hugging each other tightly. "I haven't seen you in forever!!!" Lasli picked up Revea and spun her in a circle, Revea laughing loudly.

"I haven't seen you in forever!!!" Lasli picked up Revea and spun her in a circle, Revea laughing loudly

"Revea is here??!" An older man's voice called out from the bottom of the hill.

Link looked down the hill, watching two little girls run over to him, several other townspeople gathering upon hearing a single word.

A single name.


"Yes!" Lasli shouted loud enough for the entire town to hear.

Revea looked over at Link, her eyes wide and happy, but worry and concern laid behind that cover of happiness. Link offered her a soft smile and took a few steps back. But she kept her eyes on him.

"Revea is home!"

Chapter 9: a gift?

Chapter Text

"Impa's house is right up there." Revea nodded to the giant house they stood just across the walkway from. Revea giggled as Koko and Cottla kept trying to drag her away so they could play. "Just speak to Dorian and Cado who are standing guard and explain-" Revea stopped, remembering Link's mute. "I can come-"

Link held up the Sheikah Slate, silently reassuring her that he could handle it. Apparently every single person he's encountered so far has recognized him solely because he carried this piece of technology. Dorian and Cado should also. Link smiled slightly at the two young girls who kept chatting away, hanging off of Revea, impatiently waiting for her. "Have fun."

"Okay okay! Let's go!"


"A man?!"

Link's eyes fell from the big wooden door in front of him to the young woman who just stood up from cleaning the floors. He tilted his head as she covered her face in embarrassment? Timidness? Link couldn't tell.

"Huh?" She peeked through her fingers. "Is that –?!" With the confidence of curiosity, she dropped her hands and took a step back in surprise. "It's... a Sheikah Slate!"

Link looked down at the glowing piece of technology on his hip. 'Damn, this thing must be a legend or something. Everyone keeps freaking out over it.'

"Revea! Come find me!"

Link turned his head a bit more, watching Revea run off in the distance. He smiled softly, glad she was reconnecting with people that clearly held so much love for her. So many good memories as well.

"Could you be the hero my grandmother told me about?"

Link turned back to the young woman, focusing his attention on her.

"What was his name?" She covered her face again, Link remaining patient with her. "Li... Lin... Ummm..." She thought for several more moments before hurrying on. "Oh, it's not that I forgot... I'm just bad with speaking - As for me, my name is Pa... Paaa... Paaay..."

Link adjusted the weight between his two feet and crossed his arms. No matter how flustered this girl got, no matter how long she took between sentences, he was going to remain polite and listen to her completely.

... Even though he really just wanted to go through those doors and meet the woman everyone told him to go talk to.

"Oh!" She removed her fingers from her face, keeping her fists right beside her chin, eyes on Link. "My name is Paya!" She laid her hands on her heart, letting out a breath. "Phew! I got it out..." Paya sighed again, looking down at the floor. "I know I should be able to say that easily, seeing as how it's my own name and all." Her eyes fluttered shut in disappointment. "I'm so... sorry."

Link gave her a gentle smile and shook his head, reassuring her it was alright.

"Anyway, my grandmother's been awaiting your return ever since I was little." Paya finally had some confidence in her voice, Link clenching his jaw. "Plea... please hurry inside."

Link wasted no time, walking right up to the double doors and opening them both, ready to finally meet Impa.

Link didn't flinch as he saw the elderly lady, appearing to be no taller than 4'10. She kept her head lowered, her face concealed by the giant Sheikah umbrella hat with four metal Sheikah Eyes dangling from it. She sat atop of three pillows so she was eye level with whoever may come to speak with her.

She sat atop of three pillows so she was eye level with whoever may come to speak with her

"...So you're finally awake." She spoke, her voice calm and comforting, looking up at him. She stared at him for only a moment before smiling and hitting her knee. "It has been quite a long time... Link." She beamed, looking like a young woman with that youthful smile of hers. "I am much older now, but... you remember me, don't you?"

Link couldn't move, consumed with guilt. He wanted to remember, he wanted to remember everything, but,,, no matter how hard he tried... nothing.

"What is the matter?" Impa asked gently. "You are looking at me as though I am a stranger to you. Those eyes... They lack the light of familiarity."

Link clenched his hands, wishing Princess Zelda could grant him his memory back or something. or the Goddess Hylia. That giant statue of the Goddess he encountered in the Temple of Time. If she could physically strengthen him, she could restore some of his memories, right?

But not even Impa's name sounded familiar.

"It is I, courageous one." Impa smiled, but it was dimmer than before. "Impa. Surely you must at least remember the name Impa?"

Link swallowed, and shook his head.

Impa's eyes widened and leaned forward slightly. "I see... So you have lost your memory." Impa sat back, relaxing, not showing a single distressed emotion much to Link's surprise. "Well, it matters not. In fact, that may actually be a blessing in disguise for the time being."

A weight was immediately lifted from his shoulders.

"Dearest Link... Please come a bit closer."

Link took a step inside and the doors swung shut behind him. He kept walking forward without flinch or hesitation, stopping three paces from Impa.

"A hundred years ago..." Impa looked down, her face hidden by her hat again. "Yes... A hundred years ago, the kingdom of Hyrule was destroyed. After you fell, Princess Zelda's final wish was to place you in a sacred slumber. And then... all alone... Alone she went to face Ganon." Impa raised her head, locking eyes with Link. "Before Princess Zelda went to noble meet her fate... she entrusted me with some words she wished to say to you." Impa nodded. "I have been waiting 100 years to deliver the princess' message."

Link adjusted his feet, prepared for an explanation. Princess Zelda must've left written instructions or a giant hint or just, all of his memories... in a place? Right? The Princess must've had a plan.

"However!" Impa's eyes widened, leaning forward. "These words," Impa closed her eyes and sat back, relaxed. "Which the princess risked her life to leave you... Well, if you are to hear them..." Impa opened her eyes, Link not daring to blink. "You must be prepared to risk your life as well."

Link didn't move a muscle. Not because he was overcome with fear. No.

Because he was ready to accept any challenge or task handed to him.

Impa pressed her lips together and shook her head. "But I am afraid that burden may be too much to bear while you are still without your memories." Impa smiled softly. "I leave the choice to you. When you feel you are ready to receive the princess's message, return to me."

Link frowned slightly. 'How am I supposed to regain my memories without having any memory or knowledge of knowing how to do that?' Link's eyes fell to the floor. 'Am I missing something? The King told me to come straight here and speak to Impa. He said Impa would have the answers-I'm certain he said th-'

"I leave the choice to you." Link remembered Impa's words, eyes shooting to her already. He could face this memory without his memories. He could do that.

"Impa." Link spoke, straightening his already perfect posture. "I-"


Link and Impa looked towards the closed door upon hearing the two young girl's voices. Link's heart beat fast, eyes darting to Paya once she threw the door open.

"Grandmother-Revea is-"

Upon confirmation that something was wrong with Revea, Link ran past Paya, almost knocking her over. He stopped at the top of the stairs, eyes widening as he saw Revea.

Revea, who was unconscious, floating at least 10 feet above the ground. A warm light surrounded her, not blinding anyone, but bright enough to make its presence known. The two girls Revea was just playing hide-and-seek with were crying and cowering against a man, him staring up at her with worry.

"Revea!" He called out, the entire town running over, staring up at Revea.

"Our Goddess." Impa breathed, standing beside Link, her eyes wide. "She's with Revea."

"Catch her."

Link bolted down the stairs, not even breathing as he leapt forward, just in time to catch Revea before she hit the ground. Link held her close as the town rushed forward, wanting to make sure the young woman was alright. But all they were doing was making the air hot and thin.

Link stood up with Revea in his arms and jogged up the many stairs to Impa's house, Impa ushering him inside, Paya shutting the door shut behind them.

"Impa." Link spoke in a worried tone, following the woman up the stairs.

"Paya, may she-"

"Yes." Paya ran into her room, shoving her bag under her bed so Link had room to set Revea down on the bed. "Go ahead, Master Link." She tripped over her own feet as she quickly got out of Link's way, catching herself before anything worse could happen.

"Impa." Link urged gently, laying Revea down on the bed. With Paya in the room, Link didn't feel comfortable speaking more than that. But he so desperately needed an explanation. He needed to know if she was injured or dying or taken over by a monster or something.

"Paya," Impa turned towards her granddaughter. "Please ensure the town knows all is alright and that Revea is unharmed. And stick with Cottla and Koko. They must be terrified."

"Right." Paya nodded and ran out of the room, the door shutting behind her.

"Is she hurt? Is she dead? What happened?" Link asked quickly, moving out of the way so Impa could be closer to Revea.

Impa didn't say anything, simply laying her hand on Revea's forehead and closing her eyes. Link chewed on the corner of his lip, eyes darting around Revea, searching for any physical injuries. But there were none. However...

"It's a gift from the Goddess Hylia herself." Impa smiled, taking Revea's hand in her own. "Look, Link." Impa held Revea's hand out, Link already knowing what she wanted him to look at. "A gift from the Goddess."

Revea had a jade bangle around her wrist, delicate golden swirls wrapping themselves around the jade as well. Revea's opposite hand also wore a new ring, but Link didn't say anything, letting Impa discover that herself.

"Amazing." Impa breathed, gently setting Revea's hand down on her stomach. "The Goddess hasn't physically interacted with a Hylian since she allowed herself to take mortal form in the bloodline of the Royals." Impa shook her head in amazement, brushing back some of Revea's hair from her face. "What do you know, my dear? What do you know..."

Link stared down at Revea, clenching and unclenching his jaw. Then he looked up at Impa, the older lady smiling down lovingly at her, stroking her hair gently. 'She'll be safe here, while I'm gone.'

"Impa," Link spoke up, meeting Impa's eyes once she looked at him. "I'm ready to receive Princess Zelda's message."

Impa nods. "Let's go ahead down stairs so I can explain some more details to you."

Link opened the door for her, following Impa downstairs, impressed with her physical strength despite her age. She was over 100 and was able to move like she was in her 70s.

Link stood in front of Impa, the woman now sat upon her pillows once again, taking a deep breath.

Impa raised her head. "The words that the princess risked her life to impart to you... I cannot pass them on to someone who lacks conviction." Impa warned one last time. "Are you prepared to risk your life for the greater good?"

"I am." Link said without hesitation, eyes locked on Impa.

"Ha!" Impa smiled widely, hitting her leg. "Not a memory to your name, yet you are as intent as ever to charge forward with only courage and justice on your side." Impa's eyes glinted. "You have not changed a bit. Once a hero, always a hero." Impa paused, almost like she was waiting for a reply from Link, but he had no words. Impa folded her hands on her lap and nodded. "Very well. Since you have lost your memory, I will recount for you all that has happened...

"The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of Calamity Ganon, a primal evil that has endured over the ages. This evil has been turned back time and time again by a warrior wielding the soul of a hero, and a princess who carries the blood of the Goddess. With the passage of time, each conflict with Ganon faded into legend. So listen closely as I tell of this 'legend' that occurred 10,000 years ago.

"Hyrule was then blossoming as a highly advanced civilization. Even the most powerful monsters posed little threat to the denizens of the realm. The people thought it wise to utilize their technological powers to ensure the safety of the land, should Calamity Ganon ever return."

"They constructed four mechanical wonders that came to be known as The Divine Beasts. They also built a legion of autonomous weapons called Guardians. The Divine Beasts were piloted by four individuals of exceptional skill from across the land. And thus, the plan to neutralize Ganon was forged.

"Upon Ganon's inevitable return to Hyrule, the princess and the hero fought alongside these four Champions against this ancient evil. The Guardians were tasked with protecting the hero as the Divine Beasts unleashed a furious attack upon their terrible foe.

"And when the hero wildling the sword that seals the darkness delivered his final blow... The princess used her sacred power to seal away Calamity Ganon.

"A hundred years ago... in preparation for the foretold revival of Ganon, we strove to follow the lead of our ancestors of 10,000 years prior." Impa looked down. "But... in the end... Despite our best efforts and careful planning, we underestimated his power." Impa took a deep breath and looked up once more. "In order to avoid ever making that grave mistake again, the princess left you these words...

"Free the four Divine Beasts." Impa leaned forward. "That is what she said."

Link blinked. "Four Divine Beasts?"

"The four Divine Beasts are the ancient Sheikah weapons wielded by the four Champions who Ganon defeated.

"The Divine Beast Vah Rudania, controlled by Daruk of the Gorons.

"The Divine Beast Vah Medoh, controlled by Revali of the Rito.

"The Divine Beast Vah Ruta, controlled by Mipha of the Zora.

"The Divine Beast Vah Naboris, controlled by Urbosa of the Gerudo.

"It would be extremely ill-advised to face Ganon without the power of the Divine Beasts to help you..."

Link nodded, making a huge mental note to rely all of this information to Revea. Maybe she already knows of the Divine Beasts...

"You must infiltrate the Divine Beasts that were stolen away by Ganon 100 years ago and bring them back to our side." Impa continued. "More information about these Divine Beasts can be found by locating the four races scattered across Hyrule."

Link jumped as the Sheikah Slate beeped several times.

"The Sheikah Slate will guide you on your way. you must go where it tells you and meet with each leader there."

Link's eyes widened as he the map of Hyrule on the Sheikah Slate. Granted, there were grayed out places where he hasn't visited but...

How could he forget that he had an entire map on this slate????

What else did the King say this thing could do??

Impa smiled softly, seeing right through the little emotion Link was showing right now. "...It seems to me that your Sheikah Slate is not yet complete. The device Princess Zelda left you is your guide and also your memory." Impa sighed and looked up, clearly trying to recall the correct details. "Now, let's see..." Impa nodded. "Someone at the research lab in Hateno Village might be able to help you."

"Hateno Village?" Link couldn't help but question. Now that he didn't have Revea to fill him in on all the details...

Impa pointed at the Sheikah Slate Link was still holding. She watched in mild amusem*nt as he looked down in hidden shock. There, on the grayed out portion of the map, a blinking marker was placed there.

"The location shining on the eastern edge is Hateno Village." Impa smiled happily as Link looked back up at her. "It is a small village... One of the very few places that avoided suffering significant damage during the Great Calamity."

Link nodded and put the Sheikah Slate back on the holster on his hip.

"You are Princess Zelda's only hope... and Hyrule's, as well..." Impa leaned forward, making her point strongly. "You cannot turn back now. Follow your heart and seize your destiny!"

Link nodded again, about to turn to leave, but stopped. He turned back towards Impa. "If she wakes up before I return, please tell her I didn't leave her. I'm coming back as soon as I can."

"I will, Dearest Link." Impa gestured to the door. "Speak to Trissa before you leave to get some food for your journey. And speak to Dorian or Cado out front of my house; they will give you some directions to Hateno Village." Impa smiled. "And Link, if you wish to travel faster, visit the shrine beside our village so you can open the Travel Gate. Remember, you can travel with your Sheikah Slate."

Link swallowed, completely forgetting that he could do that, and nodded. "Thank you, Impa. I will be back soon."

"We will wait for your return, Link."

(a/n : every time i see "revali" i immediately think "ravioli" it's a problem)

Chapter 10: an unexpected place

Chapter Text

'I'm glad there's a clear path.' Link thought to himself as he jogged towards the stable. 'And if I can catch a horse like Cado suggested, then I can make this trip a lot faster and a lot less exhausting.' Link has been jogging and sprinting since he left the Village. It was faster this way, and he discovered he has a lot of stamina when it comes to a nicely paced jog.

But he knew he would get tired eventually.

Link slowed down, seeing some horses run around. 'Perfect.'

Link walked through the grassy fields, searching through the group of five horses, trying to decide which one would suit his needs the best.

'I need a strong and fast one, with a decent amount of stamina too.' Link grimaced. 'But how the hell do I tell?' Link's eyes locked on a beautiful brown horse with a white mane. It didn't run away in fear once a cricket flew by like the other horses. Its body was thick and muscles were evident even from where Link stood.

'That one.'


'What is this place?' Link gently pulled back on his horse's mane, slowing her down. Link's eyes narrowed at the Guardians. There were so many of them... "Easy Girl." Link soothed his horse, rubbing her neck gently. "They're not alive... I think." Link kept his eyes wide and peeled, making sure the Guardians didn't suddenly wake up and try to kill him... like one did at The Great Plateau.

'Why are there so many here?' Link jumped off his horse, leading her with the twine he tied loosely around her neck. Until he got a real saddle and bridle for her, this would have to do. 'Was there some kind of battle?' Link approached the Guardian that was closest to him, looking under it for anything interesting. Link pulled out a screw. 'This might be useful.' Link went to the other two Guardians nearby, looking through their old and rusted armor and collecting the old, yet in-good-shape parts.

"You stay here, alright?" Link pulled out several apples from the pack and laid them on the ground. "Don't run off." Link rubbed his horse's snout gently and jogged off to the big stone wall that had Guardians all around it.

'There was definitely a fight... Wait.' Link frowned as he sifted through another Guardian. 'Impa said that Hateno Village was one of the few places that didn't get damaged during the Great Calamity. Is it because of this Wall?' Link stood up and looked around. 'There had to have been people fighting here. Guardians are scattered across the field, broken. Someone defeated a lot of them.'

Link's heart skipped a beat as he saw the Guardian that he was approaching shuddered and glowed a red color, blue overtaking its eye as it turned towards Link and began to beep as it's red beam targeted Link. Link gritted his teeth and held out his shield, protecting himself as the Guardian charged up. 'You can do this. Perfect Parry, just like what you learned from the Shrine in Kakariko. Focus. Focus and wait for the perfect moment.' Link planted his feet in a sturdy manor, not daring to blink as he stared the Guardian down.

' Link planted his feet in a sturdy manor, not daring to blink as he stared the Guardian down

And the Guardian shot its bright blue beam at Link, Link parrying it perfectly.

Link breathed heavily, watching the Guardian malfunction upon being hit with the shot Link just reflected back at it. Link put his shield away as the Guardian exploded, leaving patches of fire and several old parts. Link picked up two screws, a shaft, and a spring.

Link looked back at his horse, it still happily eating its apples. After that confirmation, Link went around to each and every Guardian surrounding this broken and old wall, collecting parts from all of them, not encountering another alive Guardian.

"Come on." Link led his horse towards the gate of the wall, looking up at the crest above. It was three triangles forming a single one, with wings just below the shape. It looked strong, admirable.

And it striked some pride in Link.

He could only assume it was the crest of the Royal Family of Hyrule.

Link walked over to the man that sat beside a Cooking Pot. Maybe he could give him some information about this place.

"Hiya!" The man spoke first, much to Link's relief. "My name's Garill. Come to see Fort Hateno, I take it?"

Link nodded.

"Figured as much. It's well worth seeing!" Garill sighed and looked up at the wall. "Fort Hateno here was the last line of defense between Hateno Village and the awful tragedy all those years ago. Everyone's got to come and pay their respects once in life, right?"

Link nodded again and looked over at the wall. 'My assumption was correct.'

Garill smiled up at Link, sensing something interesting about this one. "Do you know the story of the warrior who fought here at Fort Hateno?"

Link's attention was immediately caught, looking at the man immediately. He shook his head, hoping that was enough for Garill to tell him what he knew.

"So 100 years ago, we had these special warriors called Champions. The warrior who fought here was supposedly one of them. I heard the others all died in the big fight. The warrior, though... Some say he gave his life here too." Garill shrugged, unable to see Link's facial expressions in the dark. "But others think he went into a deep sleep to prepare to fight another day. Which would mean he's still alive, right?"

'This is where I died.' Link slowly turned to look at the wall, his heart pounding in his chest. 'This is... I was the one who fought all those Guardians. I was the one who... who stopped them from advancing onto Hateno Village.'

Garill sighed longingly. "I wonder if I'll still be around when he wakes up. I'd love to meet the guy."

Every part of Link felt numb, staring up at the wall. He couldn't remember anything vividly, but this intense emotion was eating him up completely. Link slowly walked back to the other side of the wall, staring out at the army of dead Guardians.

And he fell to his knees, staring.

Staring at the field where he lost his life 100 years ago.

"I'll have my friend, Revea, name you." Link spoke to the horse, the two taking their first real break since Link jumped on and soothed the horse. "She's very nice and I'm sure she'll have a joy meeting you and naming you."

The horse, of course, said nothing in response, happily eating the apple from Link's hand.

Link looked up at the tower on top of the small mountain they were beside. And he heard plenty of those annoying Bokoblins snorting. "I'm going to head up there, okay?" Link pulled out another apple and fed it to the horse. "Stay here and I'll come back, okay?" Link didn't tie the horse to a tree or something. What if some immediate danger made its way to her? Link couldn't forgive himself if the restraints were what killed the innocent horse.

So he could only trust the animal.

Link drew his sword, taking a deep breath as he saw two red Bokobolins and a blue one happily dancing over the body of the mountain goat they just killed. 'Alright, let's do this.'

"Has she woken, Impa?" Trissa asked the dear friend of her's.

"I'm afraid not, Trissa." Impa shook her head. "Paya has been checking on her every half hour, I every hour. Her condition hasn't changed once."

Trissa nodded and looked up the stairs. "What do you think the Goddess did to her, Impa? Do you believe she's punishing her for her father's actions?"

"Trissa, you and I know our Goddess is much more kind than what you are proposing." Impa scolded lightly, Trissa lowering her head in shame. "I know it's hard to look past our dear Revea's father's actions and past, but she is an orphan and nothing like her father. You and I both know that."

"But she still has his blood." Trissa mumbled sadly, looking up at Impa. "Maybe that's what the Goddess saw."

Impa shook her head. "Our Goddess gifted Revea two pieces of jewelry; you saw them with your own eyes. They have to mean something." Impa looked over at the stairs. "Only time will tell."

"Impa Impa!" Koko and Cottla cheered as they ran into Impa's house, dancing around in circles, holding something. "We made Revea a flower crown!"

"Oh ho ho! Look how beautiful!" Impa smiled happily at the two young children. "Go ahead and lay it beside her bed. She'll love it when she wakes up."

"When will she wake up Impa?" Koko asked respectfully. "I want to talk to her!"

"We all anxiously wait for her to wake up, Young One." Impa smiled softly. "But we will have to be patient while Revea sleeps."

"She sleeps longer than my Dad!" Cottla laughed, running up the stairs, Koko following.

"Impa?" Claree walked in through the open doors, Impa smiling at the seamstress. "I have the clothes you requested."

"Bring them up to Revea, please."

"Are we close?" Link barely mumbled, slumped forward on his horse. His hand was soaked and warm with blood, clutching his side tightly, praying his hand was doing a good enough job. "Please tell me we're close." Link, no matter how many times he blinked or widened his eyes, couldn't see three inches from his face.

'Please tell me I'm going to survive.'

Link didn't even get the chance to make it to the tower. There were so many enemies and his weapons were too weak to face them. And he hated to admit it, he was tired. He's hardly had time to relax since he left for Kakariko days ago with Revea. And he couldn't even remember the last time he ate.

Link's eyes fluttered closed, some of his horse's mane getting stuck to the blood on his face. He could tell the horse was running as fast as it could without causing Link to fall off.


"Is that a man??"

"Someone calm that horse! There's an injured man on it!"

Link's thoughts silenced to nothing.


Link inhaled deeply before sitting up quickly, breathing rapidly as he looked around.

"Easy there Son." A man spoke up from beside the window, turning towards Link. "You're safe now. You're in Hateno Village. I'm Reede, the head of the town."

Link rolled onto his side as he began to cough profusely, his hand going to his stomach. As his coughing calmed down, he felt the bandages around his stomach, looking down at them.

"Clavia! He's awake!" Reede called out to the open door as Link fell back onto his backside. "You were pretty beat when we found you. Were you in a battle?"

Link covered his eyes with a hand, his head consumed with a pounding headache. "Is my horse okay?"

"With the state of your body, you're only concerned with your horse! How remarkable!" Reede couldn't help but chuckle. "Your horse is under our innkeeper, Prima's, care." Reede looked over at the woman as she hurried into the room, carrying a bowl full of soup. "This is my wife, Clavia."

"Please eat this." Clavia motioned for her husband to come over. "Do you think you can sit up, Young One? I promise this soup will help with your pain."

Link nodded and sat up with the help of Reede, his vision going blurry as he did so. Before he could even register what color Clavia's hair was, a spoon was shoved into his mouth, and his vision cleared almost immediately. He groaned in satisfaction and held his hands out for the bowl.

Clavia let out a sigh of relief as the man downed the soup in less than a minute. "I'll get you some more!" She hurried out of the room with the empty bowl, doing as she said she would.

"Say, Kid, what's your name?" Reede asked, his arms crossed.

Link looked up at him, a hand resting on his side where his wound was. "Link."

Reede nodded. "And you were in a fight?"

"Bokobolins and Moblins."


"And blue."

"Damn." Reede grimaced. "No wonder you were in the state that you were."

Link nodded, staring blankly at the floor until Clavia hurried back into the room. "Thank you." Link mumbled, eating the soup slower this time, becoming slightly self-conscious with these very nice people. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Only a few hours." Reede reassured. "Are you here on business? Just passing through?"

"Business." Link sat the empty bowl aside and slowly stood up, Clavia and Reede protesting. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I must get going. I feel a lot better now."

"W-Wait!" Clavia protested. "Let me change your dressing and then let me get you a new shirt. Yours was too damaged to save."

Link looked down, realizing his shirt was indeed, off. In fact, it wasn't his shirt.

It was Revea's father's.

"You need to get yourself a pair of real armor, Son." Reede advised, Link nodding slightly, feeling extremely bad for ruining a piece of Revea's father.

Link raised his arms, like Clavia told him to, letting her change his dressing around his stomach. He didn't look, but she said his wound was healing quickly thanks to the soup he just ate. Link pulled his shoes back on and nodded towards them. "Thank you again."

"Please have safe travels!"

Link walked outside, looking around for only a moment before a woman's voice called out to him. He saw her standing beside his horse, a saddle and bridle on her now. He jogged over to her, running a hand down his horse's neck.

"Woah." The woman laughed as the horse nuzzled its head against Link, Link giving her a nice pat. "Your horse really missed you. She did not like me touching her."

Link gave her a soft smile before taking the reins and pulling out a yellow (10) rupee, offering it to her.

"Oh, no thank you!" She quickly denied. "I'm just happy I could help!"

Link frowned and pushed the rupee into her hands. He knew it wasn't right for her to just give him the horse saddle and bridle for free.

"I-If you insist." She grew flustered at his persistence and silence. "I'm Prima!" She called out as Link walked away, Link holding a hand up in acknowledgement, not turning around.

'Where the hell will this Hateno Ancient Tech Lab be?' Link rubbed the back of his neck, leading his horse to the mountain in front of them. 'Oh, my Sheikah Slate.' Link remembered, pulling it out and looking at the map. 'Looks like it's at the top of the mountain.' Link looked up, seeing a steady trail of smoke emitting from the top. 'Looks like the map is correct.'

Link hopped onto his horse, grimacing at the pain in his side, but took a deep breath and swallowed the pain away. 'It's fine. It's temporary. You can do this. Speak to the director and get back to Kakariko. Revea is waiting for you.'

Link and his horse made their way up to the top of the mountain through the winding roads and windy weather. They did so quietly. Peacefully.


Chapter 11: a child?

Chapter Text

"Alright," Link sighed, getting off his horse, much less painful this time. "I'll be outside in a bit." Link gave the horse a gentle rub on its neck, smiling softly. "Then we'll head back to see Revea. Remember me speaking about her? You'll get a name then."

Link gave his horse a wave and walked into the lab, eyes immediately locking on the little girl standing on a chair beside the wooden table. 'Probably the director's daughter.' Link walked over to her, giving a little wave.

"Hello." The girl turned towards him and Link was startled to see the age and wisdom that her eyes held. "This is the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Do you have some business with the director?" The girl asked sweetly, yet Link could sense some sarcasm hidden deep in her tone.

Do you have some business with the director?" The girl asked sweetly, yet Link could sense some sarcasm hidden deep in her tone

Nevertheless, he nodded.

"The director is in the back." She threw her thumb over her shoulder, her deep red eyes staring right through Link's soul.

Link hesitated for a moment, taking in all of the girl's features.

White hair, like the Sheikah. Red eyes, like Revea.

"A terribly busy person, that one. Please try to keep it brief." The girl continued with a sigh, turning back to her paperwork, puzzling Link with her advanced vocabulary at such a young age.

Link nodded slowly and walked over to the man in the back of the room. He was going through books in the bookshelf he was in front of him, mumbling to himself.

Link tapped his shoulder.

"Hello." The man greeted, turning towards him. "I imagine you've never seen so many books in one place. Pretty incredible, isn't it?" The man smiled proudly. "We've gathered all of Hyrule's known literature on ancient civilizations here. As for the actual number of books, well..." The man stopped, adjusting his glasses and looking down at Link's waist. "...Hmm?"

Link looked down, realizing he was staring at the Sheikah Slate.

"Is that... That thing on your waist? Is that a Sheikah..." The man smiled widely. "There's no mistaking it. That's a real Sheikah Slate, isn't it?! I've never actually seen one in person!" He chuckled, shaking his head. "If you could just show me the runes on it, I'd be most appreciative."

Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate and let the man tinker around with it.

"Stasis... Ah. Magnesis... Yes, yes. The Remote Boom and Cryonis... And what else? Let's see..." The man frowned slightly. "So that's it for the runes... But... Hmm..." He rubbed his beard, deep in thought. "Strange... It doesn't seem like you have the basic runes..." The man handed the Sheikah Slate back to Link, still puzzled. "I don't know why they're missing. There must be some reason..."

'That's why I'm here.' Link thought to himself, putting the Sheikah Slate back on his hip.

"Ah! Where are my manners? I nearly forgot to introduce myself!" The man quickly exclaimed, Link blinking, indifferent. "My name is Symin. You are... Link, right?"

Link, right?"

Link frowned ever so slightly, fighting the urge to step away from this man. "You know my name?"

"Lady Impa caught me up to speed." Symin explained. "You see... we were told, 'A young man holding a Sheikah Slate will appear. And you must do all you can to help him. He will be the hope that awakens from the Slumber of Restoration. His name will be Link.'" Symin nodded to himself before widening his eyes. "Oh, dear! I forgot to tell you something very important." Symin looked past Link. "Director! Listen, Ms. Director! This is a REAL Sheikah Slate!"

Link tensed, frowning as he slowly turned around, staring at the only other person in the room; the little girl. "Director?"

"Oh, that's right..." Symin said awkwardly, Link turning back to him. "I haven't introduced our director. "Ms. Purah happens to be right over there... As the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab director, Ms. Purah is the world's foremost authority on ancient Hyrule culture."

Link grimaced before turning back towards the little girl.

"Check it!" Purah jumped and held up her pinky, pointer, and thumb in both hands against her face.

'A child?' Link turned back to Symin.

"I have the utmost respect for Ms. Purah and all she's accomplished. I'm honored to be her assistant." Symin nodded, speaking with only sincerity in his voice.

'Maybe kids are in charge of things here.' Link thought to himself. 'Interesting. I guess I'll have to get used to that.'

"On that note, Link..." Symin smiled sheepishly. "You see, the director may look like a young girl, but..." Symin paused and shook his head. "Well... maybe it's not my place to be telling you these things. You should talk to Ms. Purah herself."

Link turned back towards the young girl, walking over to her as he heard her mumble, "Don't spill the beans."

Link didn't even have to say a single word before Purah began to speak.

"Hey! Heeeey! Are you surprised?!" She jumped up and down happily, a big grin on her face. "The director of this laboratory is NOT Symin. It's ME! Snappity snap!" She did the same pose as before, looking very proud of herself.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Link thought to himself.

"Anywaaay. Linky! Do you remember any dreams from your time in the Slumber of Restoration?" Purah jumped right into the scientific questions. "You don't look like you've changed a bit in the last 100 years, but SOMETHING must have happened in all that time!"

Link only blinked.

"Well," Purah didn't want to wait for an answer she knew Link would hardly elaborate on. "No matter! I'm just happy you're still in one piece."

Link didn't respond, staring at Purah's wide smile.

But that smile quickly faded. "...Linky? What's with that look? You do still remember me, right?"

Link shook his head.

Purah's eyes widened. "Even though, 100 years ago, I took you to the Shrine of Resurrection after Calamity Ganon fatally wounded you... Even though I was the one who put you safely into the Slumber of Restoration...Despite all that, you still don't remember me?"

Link said nothing.

"Hmm... As expected." Purah mumbled to her self, pulling out a notepad and pen from her pockets. "After 100 years in the Slumber of Restoration, subject... has... lost... all... memories. Noted!" Purah put her notepad and pen away, jumping once she realized Link was just staring. "Oh, sooooory... I have a bad habit of taking notes rather abruptly like that. It's a charming quirk, isn't it? Anyhoo..." Purah adjusted her glasses. "Do you have any questions for me."

"Aren't you a child?" Link spoke without thinking. But with Purah's reaction, he did think he was going to get smacked.

"How very rude!" She stomped her foot and put her hands on her hips, glaring up at him. "Hm," Purah mumbled to herself. "Or perhaps it's not rude at all... I suppose that's actually a rather logical conclusion to jump to." Purah hummed softly before looking back up at Link. "The truth is, I look this way because of a failed experiment. Well, I say 'failed,' but... in some ways, it was a success. I documented the full affair in my dairy upstairs. BUT! The whole thing is embarrassing, so I insist you refrain from reading it!"

'Why did you tell me where your diary is if you don't want me to read it?' Link couldn't help but think.

"Anyway. Enough about that! Back to the topic at hand!" Purah smiled happily again. "Here you are, after 100 years! Here to defeat Calamity Ganon, who is growing in strength with every passing moment! And to rescue our beloved Princess Zelda!" Purah jumped up in excitement. "That is, if you've got the courage to try."

'I can do it.' Link stared right back at Purah and her big, red eyes. 'I will do it.'

"And to help the one true here, I, the one and only Purah, will restore the basic functions missing from the Sheikah Slate. Aaaand," Purah wiggling her eyebrows at Link. "What do you say to thaaaat?"

Link nodded.

"I knew you'd say that!" Purah laughed happily and jumped up and down. "All right, then. First I need you to run an errand for me."

'Not this sh*t again.' Link internally groaned. 'Just like the King, tricking me into doing things.'

"..." Purah put her hands on her hips. "What's with that look on your face? You didn't think I'd fix your Sheikah Slate for free, did you?"

'... You just went on and on about how I'm the prophesied hero to save Princess Zelda and end the Calamity, so yes, yes I did think you'd do a nice gesture for free.' Link nodded.

"Hmmm..." Purah pulled out her notepad and pen again. "Post Slumber of Restoration, subject is plagued by... presumptuous... tendencies. Noted!"

Link wanted to roll his eyes.

"Let me explain what this errand entails." Purah put her pad and pen away, looking back up at Link. "You know the unlit furnace on the wall just outside this laboratory?"


"Could you please bring the blue flame from the ancient furnace in town? Oh, and also use it to light our furnace?" Purah gestured to the pedestal in the room that was located on top of every tower. "This sweet little Guidance Stone will start working once you do that, allowing us to restore your missing runes!" Purah nodded proudly. "OK then. I'm counting on you for that blue flame!"

Link sighed softly, walked to the door he walked in, grabbed the torch from the ground beside it, and left.

Link turned and watched the Sheikah circle on the ground in front of the Lab turn blue, just like he's seen in the towers. Link pulled out his Sheikah Slate and nodded, pleased with what he saw. The Lab was now a travel gate.

Link walked back inside and returned the torch to where it was previously and walked over to Purah. The whole ordeal took about an hour and a half. The most time consuming part was walking back up the mountain and making sure the fire didn't go out.

"Hello!" Purah cheered once Link walked over to her. "Linky, thank you so much! Now then, take a look over there!"

Link looked over to the Sheikah pedestal, identical to the one he's seen atop towers. It was glowing a soft orange now.

"The Guidance Stone must be starting to react! There's nothing mysterious about it- this is pure science!" Purah sighed lovingly, eyes locked on the pedestal. "Heh... My sweet little Guidance Stone..." She muttered to herself. "You sure know how to make this old researcher's heart flutter!" Purah turned back to Link, smiling happily. "Well then... Let's go ahead and restore those Sheikah Slate runes for you!" Purah jumped up. "Give me a nice SNAP! Go on, no time to be shy about it!"

Link hesitated, not knowing exactly what Purah meant by snap, so all he said was, "Snap?"

Purah only sighed in disappointment. "Hokay then, Sheikah Slate repair... underway! Guidance Stone lock removed! Now... let's do this thing!"

Link followed Purah over to the pedestal, putting the Sheikah Slate in its slot, watching it flip and turn before glowing a bright orange.

"Sheikah Slate authenticated." The pedestal hummed. "Camera, Hyrule Compendium, and album missing files confirmed. Starting repair."

Link looked up and watched as the other half of the Sheikah technology that hung from the ceiling glow a blue. His eyes followed the drop of liquid knowledge onto the Sheikah Slate, turning itself and the pedestal blue.

Link leaned forward and watched the Sheikah Slate's screen change. Beside the snowflake icon, a camera appeared next to it. "Instantly render a visible image into a picture. Pictures created are saved in the album. It has a useful feature that connects to the Hyrule Compendium and automatically registers pictures of new entries."

Link frowned slightly as twelve photos appeared on the Slate, all depicting an extraordinary different place. Then it switched to several blank squares, the title being "Hyrule Compendium." Link took the Sheikah Slate back and turned towards Purah for an explanation.

"Aaaand... it's done!" Purah clapped happily. "So?! Is it all fixed up now?"

Link nodded and showing Purah the Sheikah Slate. "Hmmm, lessee here... Which one is it... Camera, Hyrule Compendium, album... Yep, looks good!" Purah adjusted her glasses as Link returned the Slate to his hip. "So I know this is sudden, but hear me out."

'Oh god please don't be another errand.' Link thought to himself, nodding anyways.

"Take a picture of me with the Camera! Oh, and don't forget to lemme see it!" Purah giggled excitedly, adjusting her footing and smoothing out her skirt before posing.

Link blinked. 'Oh, alright.' Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate and clicked on the new rune, holding it up until he could see Purah in the frame. Link pressed a button, the Sheikah Slate clicking and revealing the photo of Purah. Link nodded, satisfied with the results.

"Snap!" Purah exclaimed with a jump once she realized Link had finished. "Did you get a cute pic of me with the Camera?"

Link nodded.

"Oooh, I can't wait to see it! Lemme see, lemme see!"

Link held the Sheikah Slate up to her, letting her see the photo.

"Hm?" Purah studied the photo. "My, who IS this beautiful young creature?"

Link didn't respond, simply putting the Sheikah Slate away.

"... Huh? Oh, I guess that's my cue!" Purah smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I kind of lost it there. It wasn't on purpose." Purah frowned slightly, thinking back to what exactly she saw on the Sheikah Slate. "Hmmm... Ah, it's not just a pretty girl in these images. Yes, there are also some old landscape photos stored in the album." Purah recalled, Link nodding in agreement. "I knew Princess Zelda had made frequent use of the Camera feature, but this..."

'Right,' Link glanced down at the Sheikah Slate on his hip. 'It was Princess Zelda's.'

"Hey, Linky!" Purah snapped him back to reality. "It dawns on me that you were Princess Zelda's appointed knight, which means... there's a strong possibility that you accompanied her to all of the places where these pictures were taken."

Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate again to view the photos, but... he didn't recognize a single place.

"Oh... right." Purah's eyes saddened. "The 'lost memory' thing could prove troublesome."

Link nodded slowly and put the Sheikah Slate back on his hip with a small sigh. 'Trust me, I wish I could remember everything.'

"But don't lose hope!" Purah patted Link's shoulder. "It just means these pictures could be the missing piece to help restore your lost memories!" Purah smiled wider once she watched Link's eyes light up. "If my hunch is correct, I suggest you check in with Impa. She knows more about Princess Zelda than even I do!"

'I will definitely be utilizing the travel gate this time.' Link thought to himself, waiting for a goodbye from Purah until he could leave.

"... Oh, yeah! There's just one more thing I need from you!" Purah snapped her fingers, remembering. "You don't have to worry about this until after you see Impa, but I want you to bring me back some ancient materials!"

'Ancient materials?' Link's mind whirled. 'Like, stuff from the Guardians? They gotta be ancient, right?'

"Bring them either to me or to Robbie at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab." Purah continued quickly before Link could process the new information. "As if my joy weren't enough, if you bring us ancient materials we'll give you something good as a reward." Purah nodded in satisfaction. "All right! Let's do this!"

"What... does 'something good' entail?" Link asked hesitantly, hoping it wasn't a trick.

"Aha!" Purah jumped up excitedly. "I'm glad you asked! If you bring me some ancient materials, I'll power up your runes! You'll need three ancient screws to power up your Sheikah Sensor. You'll need three ancient shafts to power up your Remote Bombs. You'll need three ancient cores to power up Stasis."

'I remember gathering some of those things from the Guardians, Link zoned out, remembering the different materials each Guardian had. 'I think-'

"If we're on the same page, stop staring at me! Hurry up and bring me some ancient materials!" Purah put her hands on her hips, waiting for Link to leave, but he never did. "...I think you should go see Impa first. But if you're saying you already have some ancient materials..." Purah smiled happily, knowing Link was probably going through a lot right now. "Then why don't we go ahead and power up your Sheikah Slate?"

Link nodded.

"Now then, in exchange for those ancient materials... I'll power up a rune on your Sheikah Slate!" She exclaimed, trying to get Link excited. "So... what rune do you want to power up?"

Link shrugged, just handing over his Sheikah Slate and a handful of ancient materials from his pack, followed by another handful.

"Looks like I can do a Sheikah Sensor upgrade." Purah adjusted her glasses, taking three ancient screws from Link's pile. "Guidance Stone lock removed... Now... let's do this thing!" Purah handed Link the Sheikah Slate back and gestured for him to return to the pedestal.

The same process repeated, the hum saying "Sheikah Slate authenticated. Enhancing Sheikah Sensor" this time.

After the drop of knowledge landed on the Sheikah Slate, the hum continued, "Sheikah Slate and Hyrule Compendium linked."

"Yahoooo!" Purah cheered once Link returned to her. "My little Guidance Stone did the trick! Hee hee!" Purah sang happily.

"Ooooh!" Symin must've been listening to their conversation, him turning around and joining. "The Sheikah Sensor +! I really want to see it..."

"Yes, quite. So if you don't mind, how about showing Symin that spiffy Sheikah Sensor + later?" Purah turned back towards Link's pile of ancient materials. "And three ancient shafts! Perfect! I can upgrade your Remote Bomb!"

And the entire process repeated once more.

"Unfortunately, Linky, you don't have any ancient cores, so I cannot upgrade your Stasis." Purah handed Link's Sheikah Slate back and gestured for him to take the rest of his ancient materials back. "I'm sure Robbie would love to help you out in exchange for some of your ancient materials!"

Link nodded and gave Purah a wave before walking over to Symin, the Sheikah Slate in hand.

"Good afternoon." Symin greeted with a polite smile. "You've acquired the Sheikah Sensor +! That should really come in handy. With that, you can sense things that you've captured with your Camera. Explaining won't do it justice - why not learn by trying? Let's give it a shot, so to speak." Symin rubbed his beard, humming softly. "Let's see here. First, go take a picture of a Sunshroom with the Camera. There is one behind the lab."

'Uh, okay?' Link thought to himself, walking out through the back door. 'I hope there's only one mushroom back here because I have no idea what Sunshroom is.'

Thankfully, there was only one mushroom behind the lab and Link took a photo of it before returning to Symin.

"Were you able to take a picture of a Sunshroom?" Symin asked as Link walked back into the lab. Link nodded, but Symin didn't give in so easily. "Let me confirm..."

Link pulled up the photo on his Sheikah Slate and showed it to Symin.

"It seems like you got a picture of a Sunshroom! Excellent." Symin pointed at the Slate. "Next, open your Hyrule Compendium and tune the sensor to your picture of the Sunshroom


A/N : I realize this entire scene is pointless and i'll just remind everyone with the sheikah slate upgrade, link can select a photo and the sensor will beep louder and more frequently when he is going in the direction of the nearest item that is in the photo he took.

with a remote bomb upgrade, the bombs now have a stronger blast and they recharge faster.

there, that saves like three more pages of random npc info lol

Link waved at Steen, the older man who agreed to take care of Link's horse while Link spoke to Impa. Link ran up the stairs, heart pounding in his chest, really, really hoping that behind those doors...

Link opened them and his heart calmed just a little. "Is Revea awake?"

Impa laughed softly. "You return and in seconds you ask about her! How about a simple hello, Dearest Link?"

Link rubbed the back of his head, giving a weak smile. "Hello."

"Unfortunately, Revea has not woken." Impa stated, looking over at the stairs. "I believe Paya is up there now with her, writing in her diary if you wish to see her and Revea."

Link shook his head.

"Well, I heard Purah was giving you the runaround, but you seem just fine." Impa smield with amusem*nt, hitting her knee softly. "Now then... Let me see." Impa gestured to the Sheikah Slate, taking it into her hands and viewing the upgrades. "Aha!" She exclaimed. "This is, without a doubt, the Camera that Princess Zelda used 100 years ago."

Link nodded. "That's what Purah said as well."

Impa hummed softly. "It could be that if you visit the locations within those pictures, you will be able to restore some of your lost memories. Come back here once you have tried going to at least one of those locations. There is something I wish to give to you."

Link nodded again, glancing up at the stairs, not moving.

Impa smiled sadly. "She's safe here Link, and she will wake up soon. Have patience." Impa reassured, letting Link's eyes meet her. "Go up and tell her you returned safely from your first journey. Then, go find the location of one of the photos and I guarantee she'll be awake when you return."

Link nodded, his hand going to the pack they shared. He did have something for her. Link walked up the stairs quietly, startling Paya once he walked into her line of sight.

"H-Hi Master Link!" Paya jumped to her feet, clasping her hands tightly, Link glancing over at her as he knelt beside Revea on the bed. "H-How was your journey? I'm glad you returned safely! Revea has maintained a good heartbeat and health!"

Link pulled out the bundles of Nightshades Link had gathered in one of the woods he and the horse stopped at on their way back to Kakariko. Their soft, blue glow in the night reminded him too much of Revea's love for them; he had to pick them for her.

Link laid the rather large bouquet on the bedside table, standing up afterwards and facing Paya. "Thank you for your tireless attention and care to Revea."

"Of course!" Paya jumped, visibly shocked with Link's words. "Revea and I are extremely close! I used to think she was my sister when I was younger."

Link smiled softly. "I'm leaving again. I would appreciate it if you kept watching over her just a little longer."

Paya's cheeks grew red, Link pretending not to notice. "Y-Yes Master Link-of course. Please be safe!"

Link nodded and gave her a little wave, leaving the room. With another wave to Impa, Link left, closing the door behind him. He walked down the stairs, letting the quiet silence of the night calm him. He noticed one of the two guards standing at the bottom of the stairs and decided to speak to him.

"Good evening, Link. I'm Dorian, if you remember." Dorian greeted Link. "Recently, the Yiga Clan has been acting suspiciously... It is our duty to protect Lady Impa."

'Yiga... right, the people who support the Calamity.' Link frowned in thought, but Dorian interpreted his look as confusion. 'The ones who murdered Revea's family.'

"We of the Sheikah trie have long been heralded as a people of great wisdom." Dorian began to explain. "Our technology became the key to sealing Ganon away during the Great Calamity, some ten thousand years ago. At one point, our technology was praised as the power of the gods... but eventually the people turned on it. Turned on us."

'That's very interesting. Revea never mentioned any of that.'

"Our creations came to be viewed as a threat to the kingdom. The Sheikah became outcasts, forced into exile. Some, like us, chose to cast off our technological advances and strove to live normal lives. Others fostered a hatred towards the kingdom that shunned them. These sad souls swore their allegiance to Ganon. They now call themselves the Yiga Clan."

'Oh god, that's... that's a rather upsetting backstory.'

"Their sole mission is to eliminate all who stand against Ganon. Please, dear hero... be careful out there." Dorian pressed his lips together, a thought occurring to him. "And, Master Link, if Revea and your journey together continues, please refrain from speaking about the Yiga Clan around her."

Link's eyes left the ground and locked right on Dorian's, suddenly becoming quite protective. "Why?"

"Her father was a Yiga Clan member and the reason her whole family was slaughtered."

Chapter 12: epona

Chapter Text

(here is the memory that link recalls)


(start at 0:48)

(there will be characters not introduced yet. they will be introduced soon enough)


Link blinked several times, the memory of him and Princess Zelda ended, now brought back to the real world. He looked around, immediately met with the horrifying view of the once great Castle of Hyrule. He let out a shaky breath, walking over to his horse.

"Everything okay?" Link asked her gently, getting onto her back, settling on the saddle. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" Link glanced around, seeing an alive and very mobile Guardian crawling around quite a distance away. But the nasty red-pink color and bright blue of its eye was enough to strike uneasiness in Link. Link flicked the reins, the horse running towards Kakariko again. "We'll do some more foraging and hunting and then I'll teleport-travel us back so you can have a bit of a break. Sound good?"

The horse neighed.

Link opened the door to Impa's house, about to greet her, but was only met with a pile of pillows. Link nodded to himself and made his way up the stairs, eyes on the floor, counting each step he took, letting the noises around him silence to nothing.

'Princess Zelda... I promise I won't abandon my duty. But... I believe my duty is to also help Hyrule while I become strong enough to seal Calamity Ganon away. I believe in you, Princess. I'll be there as soon as-'

Link stood in the door, his eyes locking onto Revea's immediately.

Impa and Paya, sat on chairs beside the bed Revea was sitting on, turned to look at him as well.

Link swallowed nervously, looking down at the bundle of Nightshades he was carrying. He looked up, seeing that Revea was holding a single Nightshade flower from the bundle he dropped off just a day and a half ago.

Taking a breath for confidence, Link walked over to her and handed her the new bouquet he had picked, taking a step back once she carried them in her hands.

Revea looked down at the flowers before looking up at Link, giving him a gentle smile.

"I don't have many memories to my name, but, I do remember you like Nightshades." Link gestured to them, stiff and nervous.

Revea's smile widened and she laughed, standing up and giving Link a quick hug. "Thank you so much Link."

Link smiled softly. "I'm glad-"

Revea stiffened, pulled back from the hug, and held Link tightly by the shoulders. "What happened?" She demanded, eyes wide with worry.

Link froze, eyes wide as he stared back at her. "What?"

"You got hurt?" Revea let go of him, sitting back on her legs, looking up at him from the bed. "What happened?"

Link heard a small noise off to the side, his eyes going to Impa and Paya. Goddess, he had forgotten they were there. Link's throat went dry and his eyes darted back to Revea. 'How embarrassing.'

"Impa," Revea asked carefully, giving Link one last worried glance before turning her attention to the lovely woman. "Is it okay if Link and I go for a walk and then we'll come back and continue speaking with you?"

"It's more than alright, my Dear." Impa nodded, standing up. "Paya and I will be discussing some things in the main room. Feel free to join us whenever you two are ready."

Revea nodded, standing. "Come on Link." She said gently, leading him outside by the hand. She let go of his hand as soon as Link pulled back. She turned towards him, about to apologize, but he ran off to somewhere in the shadows. Revea stood in place, watching where he was last seen, waiting. 'Did I freak him out? He was so tense and I can tell he's in pain and-'

Revea gasped loudly. "You got a horse??"

Link smiled happily, holding the horse by the reins, leading her over to Revea. "Here," Link tossed Revea an apple, Revea meeting them in the middle. "She likes them."

Revea held out the apple to the horse, the animal eating it happily, letting Revea rub the top of her head. "Oh you're beautiful. Yes you are." Revea cooed softly, looking over at Link. "What's her name?"

"I told her you were going to name her." Link patted the horse's neck. "I figured you'd want to."

"Oh, you're an Epona." Revea kissed the top of the horse's nose, not even having to think about her answer. "Hi Sweetie." She laughed softly, the horse nuzzling its head into Revea's body. "Yes yes, it's very nice to meet you."

Link tilted his head slightly and crossed his arms, smiling at the two. 'Well, they get along just fine.'

"Did you buy her, Link?" Revea asked, Epona's head still against her torso, Revea giving Epona all the pets she wanted.

Link shook his head. "Caught her."

Revea nodded, impressed. "Was she rowdy?"

"No, she liked me right away." Link shook his head again. "Just had to calm her after the scare of someone jumping onto her back."

Revea smiled, glad it wasn't a fight. She would hate to distress the horse. "We can walk to the forest behind the village and we can talk." Revea offered, patting Epona's head. "And we can take our new friend."

Link nodded, waiting for Revea to start walking before he joined. The town itself was quiet; everyone inside and asleep. It was nearing 11 pm.

"Impa and Paya said I was out for four ish days, three nights." Revea held Epona's reins, the horse walking between the two humans. Revea didn't even have to hold the reins, Epona walking at a good pace on her own. "What all happened while I was out?"

"Impa noticed that the Sheikah Slate had some important components not activated, so she sent me to Hateno Village to-"

"To meet Purah??" Revea asked, excitement laced in her voice, leaning forward to look over at Link past Epona's snout. "How was she? I never got to meet her but Impa tells me about her sister all the time! Is she as brilliant as Impa says??"

"She's sassy." Link snorted, Revea grinning. "I didn't know the two were sisters."

"Oh yeah, they've got a lot of history together." Revea smiled happily. "Is she getting around okay?"

"Yeah, she's like, five years old."

Revea frowned deeply, walking up the hill. "What?"

"Yeah," Link shrugged, "Symin said Purah had a failed experiment and she aged backwards a lot. She's literally a little kid."

"That's... very interesting." Revea laughed softly. "Was the journey a success? Did the Sheikah Slate get updated?"

"Yeah, it did." Link pulled out the Slate. "There's a camera feature now. Here, you can see Purah for yourself." Link handed the Slate over to Revea, Revea gasping loudly.

"She did de-age! Oh my gosh!" Revea kept gushing about the science behind it all and how Purah is a genius. Link only smiled, listening to her go on and on about how that could help Impa as well so she could continue being chief of Kakariko and all other influential people of Hyrule.

'I missed her talking.' Link thought to himself.

"What else happened? If you got Epona, the journey was probably a day, day and a half, right?" Revea asked, handing the Sheikah Slate back to Link.

"Correct." Link hesitated a bit, walking up the slightly windy path, seeing the forest ahead of them. "When I returned to Impa, she noticed all of these photos that were saved on the Slate. She said that Princess Zelda took them one hundred years ago. And since I was her personal guard, she believes I was there at each location captured in the photos. She also believed that if I visit the place in the photo, it would help with my memory."

Revea nodded, glancing over at him. "And you went to a place?"

Link hummed in agreement. "She was correct. It was like a vision. The memory came back to me so easily. Just seeing the scenery... I can't believe I forgot her in the first place."

Revea gave him a sad smile, Link keeping his eyes forward, blaming himself entirely. "Link, it was one hundred years ago. Plus, your body was going through a long and tedious healing process. I'm sure Princess Zelda wouldn't blame you for forgetting."

Link kept staring ahead, still able to clearly see Zelda's sad and defeated face as she gave him her blessings to be the knight who wielded the sword that seals the darkness. How would she look at him now? Like he was a failure? He couldn't even defeat Guardians all those years ago... How was he going to defeat Calamity Ganon?

"There's a Fairy Fountain in this wood." Revea gently changed the topic, the three of them just now passing the first handful of trees. "I haven't been back here since I was much younger, but my mother told me I was too young to speak to the Fairy." Revea smiled fondly. "I snuck back here though. The Fairy did speak to me."

"What did she say?" Link asked, curious as to what a fairy actually looked like. Probably a beautiful woman with even more beautiful wings.

"She spoke about dragons." Revea whispered in excitement, hurrying forward a little bit so she could cross across Epona and stand beside Link, her eyes bright. "She didn't reveal herself to me, but she told me there are three, immortal dragons that fly in our skies." Revea shook her head, a big smile on her face. "I've only been to Riverside Stable, my home, and Kakariko, so I've never seen a dragon before. But, but maybe if your journey leads you to further places, we can see a dragon in the sky!"

Link nodded, trying to wrack his brain for any information about dragons, but like everything else, he had no memories. "That would be, a wonderful thing to witness."

"Before my father fetched me, the fairy told me their names." Revea continued, glancing up and seeing the giant flower bud of the Fairy Fountain. "Dinraal is the dragon of fire, Farosh is the dragon of electricity, and Naydra is the dragon of ice." Revea clasping her hands together. "Oh how I would love to see a dragon with my own eyes. I'm sure they are just breathtaking."

"I have a feeling we'll be traveling to plenty of places. There's no doubt we'll view one of the three dragons." Link gave her a gentle smile, something catching his eyes once he looked over at Revea. "Woah, is that the Fairy Fountain?"

Revea jogged forward, stepping into the clearing around the Fairy Fountain. She smiled proudly. "Yes."

Revea pointed up at the small glowing orbs, slowly flying around the clearing. "These are fairies. If you can catch them, I believe they have healing properties." Revea's already small smile dimmed even more, leading Epona off to the side. She sat down, Epona following. Link, however slowly walked towards the fairies, staring up at them.

Revea watched him, gripping Epona's reins tightly.

Revea ran into woods, eyes wide, panting loudly. She ran right to the Fairy Fountain, jumping up, trying to catch a fairy. But each time she reached for one, they flew just out of her reach.

"Please!" Revea ran up the mushroom incline, placing her hand against the closed bud of the Fiary Fountain. "I need a fairy! Please! Just one! I have to save them! My family needs them!"

The Fairy, for the first time, remained silent.

"Help me!" Revea screamed, tears streaming down her face, turning away from the silent bud to look at the small fairies.

But, they were gone.

Link knelt in front of Revea, his hands clasped together. He was smiling happily, eyes on his hands. "Revea, look."

Revea forced her eyes to focus again, looking up at Link before looking down at his hands. He moved his fingers just a little, letting Revea to see just a bit of the fairy he had just caught. Revea kept staring at it.

"What's wrong?" Link asked, closing his fingers back together, keeping the fairy secure.

"Nothing." Revea finally shook her head, motioning for Link to come closer. "I believe I packed a jar where we can keep the fairy."

Link, not so sure 'nothing' was wrong, turned so Revea could go through the pack. He put the fairy in the jar, keeping his eyes on Revea as she replaced the lid on the glass jar. "Should I catch some more?"

Revea nodded, staring down at the fairy. "Yeah. If you get injured, they can heal you instantly."

She couldn't help but imagine...

"Dorian! Dorian I got some fairies!" Revea sprinted to the family friend, him trying to stop the bleeding that was pouring from her mother's stomach.

"Hurry! Let the fairies go; they'll know what to do."

Revea did as told, the fairies flying to the bodies of her family. Revea held her breath as the fairies disappeared into their chests, the blood disappearing from their clothes.

"It worked!" Dorian breathed, pulling Revea into a hug. "You did it! You saved your family!"

Link had caught all four fairies that were flying around the giant flower bud, guiding them into the jar that Revea held. Revea didn't speak a word, simply staring down at the fairies, clearly deep in her mind. Link looked around for more of an explanation. Was there a smell he wasn't smelling? Did she see something?

Or did she just know something he didn't?

Link walked away from her, something familiar catching his eye by the Fairy Fountain. He bent down and picked the cluster of Blue Nightshades, looking up at a new flower hidden in the shadows.

"Where were you, two years ago?" Revea traced her finger against the glass jar, staring down at the fairies. "I needed you."

"Revea, look." Link knelt down in front of her, saying the same words again, holding something new, again.

Revea looked up, her eyes widening. "No way." She sat the jar full of fairies off to the side, reaching for the flowers Link held. He handed them over. "This is a Silent Princess." Revea looked up at Link, eyes wide in awe. "Did you find it around here?"

"Did you find it around here?"

Link nodded, pointing over to where he just was. "Over there."

Revea scrambled to her feet and ran over to the area, immediately finding another one a few trees away. "Oh my gosh, I thought these were extinct." Revea pushed Link's hand away once he reached to pick it. "No! They're endangered!" She laughed softly, Link listening to her immediately. "Wow." Revea stared at it, Link still holding the flowers he plucked previously. "I've only seen them in drawings."

"Well, now you have one." Link handed the mini bouquet to her, Revea shaking her head with a smile. "Hey, I didn't know they were endangered when I picked it."

"I know." Revea chuckled, touching the flower's petal gently. "They're so beautiful."

"They are." Link nodded, looking around. "There's some more forages. "I'll get them."

Revea gave the non-picked Silent Princess one last look before walking back to Epona, sitting down beside the horse. "I can't believe he found Silent Princesses." Revea spoke to Epona, giving the horse a pat. "Incredible."

Link sat down beside Revea and Epona, putting the jar of fairies in the pack, letting the pack lay on the ground.

Revea pulled the pack closer to herself, shifting through it for a moment before pulling out a few wildberries, offering Link some. He took a few, no words shared between them. They ate in silence, staring out at the Fairy Fountain, a peaceful silence shared between them.

But the woods spoke mountains.

The birds were having hundreds of conversations, the fish played in the river just a handful of meters away, the deer ate with gentle munches. The woods were alive.

Revea closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking in everything that surrounded them. She could hear Epona's breath, her tail flicking, ears turning with each sound she picked up. She could hear the little lizard running up the rocky side of the hill before disappearing with a soft rustle into tall grass. She couldn't hear Link at all, however.

Just as Revea was going to open her eyes, Link opened his mouth.

"Revea, is it rude of me to ask what happened to you a few days ago?"

Revea's eyes fully opened, looking over at him, a smile playing at her lips. "No, it's not rude."

Link tossed the last wildberry he held in the air, leaning his head back, and catching it in his mouth, chewing and swallowing completely before speaking again. "Then, what happened to you?"

Chapter 13: family

Chapter Text

"I was playing tag with Cottla and Koko, Dorian's two girls, and when we ran past the Goddess statue, everything, froze." Revea shook her head, staring at the grass as she did her best to recall everything. "I remember falling for a moment before being lifted up into the air, much higher than any Hylian should be."

Link nodded in confirmation. The fear and shock that struck his heart when he saw her suspended in the air... He did not want to ever feel that way again.

"Then, she hugged me." Revea looked over at Link. "The Goddess Hylia hugged me. She," Revea held her hand against her heart. "She told me she was sorry for all the pain I've gone through and wanted to give me a gift." Revea held out her two hands. "She gave me the bracelet and ring. She said they would guide me and encourage me."

Link reached his hand out to touch the new ring on her finger, but quickly pulled back, realizing how rude that was.

"It's okay." Revea noticed and tugged on the ring, it not budging. "They don't come off either, so don't worry about that."

Link gently touched the ring on her finger, his whole body suddenly covered in a reassuring warmth. He retracted, looking up at Revea.

"Could you feel her?" Revea asked with a smile. "She's incredible, isn't she?"

Link nodded slowly, eyes on her new jewelry. He's only spoken to the Goddess once at the Temple of Time, but she offered no explanations or guidance. She only granted him strength. "Is there a goddess statue in Kakariko Village?"

"There is." Revea nodded, scotting closer to Epona and leaned against the horse, hugging herself before yawning. "Link, I think the Goddess gave me a gift to help you."

Link kept his eyes on Revea, believing her completely. But all that he noticed was the exhaustion in her eyes. If the Goddess did bestow a gift over Revea, she hasn't been sleeping these past days. Her body's been adjusting and strengthening itself to host this new power. She's tired.

She's so very tired.

"I don't know exactly what it is, but I will figure it out as soon as I can." Revea continued speaking. "I promise. I want to keep journeying and aiding you on your quest to save Princess Zelda. I want to be valuable."

"You're valuable." Link immediately responded, not needing to think about it. Revea blinked several times, his sudden reply startling her. "With or without the Goddess' blessing."

Revea smiled softly. "Thank you."

Link glanced over at her, his free hand pulling a small handful of grass from the ground. "I like your necklace."

Revea was about to thank him again, but she froze. 'My... necklace... my necklace of the Sheikah eye... my..." Revea touched the Sheikah eye around her neck, staring at Link.

Link looked over at her. "I would like to know more about you, please."

"I-I suppose,, now would be a good time." Revea slowly admitted, closing her fingers around her necklace. "To explain a handful of things."

"If..." Link swallowed, trying to find the correct words. "If you're comfortable."

"I'll explain my family and, and how they relate to how I reacted during the blood moon." Revea hugged herself, her knees bending and pulling themselves closer to her. She snuggled more into Epona's body. "My family was slaughtered during a Blood Moon. I am reminded of their deaths every week during the blood moon."

Revea hated speaking of her family like this. It made her seem so vulnerable. But... if she were to journey with the Swordsman, she would experience multiple blood moons with him. She could not leave him in the dark with this information.

"The blood moon happens every seven days?" Link finally looked up at Revea, eyes lowering when she nodded. He paused, studying her through his peripheral. He wished she was an open book so he could completely understand her without pain or question. But that's not how humans worked. "I'm sorry about your family." Link finally spoke, Revea releasing a shaky breath.

Revea's entire body was numb. She always did her best to fall asleep before the blood moons rose, but not this one. She had completely forgotten that that night was the night. And she suffered the consequences.

Link watched as Revea's mind consumed her. Her eyes dimmed to depression. Her body slowly became limp with defeat. She was reliving that tragic day.

"Can you tell me about them?" Link's eyes were on Revea, his normal, piercing eyes, soft and loving. "I don't remember my family. I would like to hear about yours."

Link didn't know if it was her sympathy for his lack of his memories, or the pure kindness of her heart, but her eyes regained light and her body gained its strength back. She nodded.

"My father and mother loved each other more than the Goddess loved her creations." Revea smiled sadly. She looked up to the sky, silently praying to the Goddess that her family was safe up in the sky with her.

She prayed that the Goddess forgave her father.

"I had an older brother, the one who's pants you wear now." Revea's eyes drifted across the stars, remembering the teasings, the conversations, the love of her older brother. "And a younger sister and a baby brother." Revea's lip trembled, her eyes fluttering closed at the mere thought of two innocent beings.

"What were your parents like?" Link asked, pulling his knees to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He stared intently at Revea, wanting to learn more about her and the love she holds for the dead.

"My mother brought out the best in my father." Revea smiled sadly, able to pull herself together from tears. "She was such a gentle person. She taught me how to garden and how to befriend a fox. She, she would always tell us stories before bed and sing lullabies to my younger siblings." Revea smiled, closing her eyes so she could see her mother's face.

Link smiled slightly, relieved Revea smiled again.

"And my father wanted nothing but the best for his family. He would do anything for us." Revea nodded, her eyes opening again only to see the stars. "He taught me how to hold and use a sword. He taught me how to cook and how to use the terrain to my advantage. He taught me how to hunt for game and forages." Revea stared up at a dim star, being reminded of her father. "He taught me how to survive, my mother taught me how to live."

"Did you get your friendliness from your mother?" Link couldn't help but ask, her friendly personality something Link has already become quite fond of.

"I suppose so." Revea shrugged. "Neither of my parents were big talkers nor social people. But people always gravitated towards my mother and her kindness, so I suppose I learned from that."

"What about your siblings?" Link asked next, not wanting to give Revea time to overthink and spiral down. "Tell me about them."

"My older brother, Ejo, was just like my father, but had my mother and I to soften him up." Revea chuckled softly. "He wanted to help my father with every chore. He wanted to hunt and prepare meals for us. He just wanted to prove himself, constantly." Revea smiled softly. "Yet he would always take me flower gathering and accept the flower crowns I gifted him." Revea blinked several times. "He had such a bright future ahead of him. He,, when..." Revea shook her head, swallowing, bad memories getting stuck in her throat.

"And your younger siblings?"

"Sari was eight years old and she was as clueless as a Sneaky River Snail." Revea giggled, making eye contact with Link. "That's what my father would always say. But she was great. My father tried teaching her what he taught me, but all she wanted to do was make and mix paints and chase after the goats at Ember's stable." Revea shook her head with a fond smile. "She was innocence embodied." Revea held out her hand, her sleeve falling back to reveal a bracelet on the opposite wrist of the jade bracelet. "She made this bracelet for me. She dyed the leather string and painted the shell and rocks." Revea brought her hand back to her, looking down at her bracelet. "And Ejo helped her carve the holes so they could be strung."

Link tilted his head slightly so he could study Revea better.

"And Aca... he was three. He ... he was a baby." Revea's eyes fell to the grass, losing strength. "He was always beside me or my mother. He gravitated towards us always, but would always fall asleep on my father. He loved playing in the river beside our house so he could watch the fish swim by. He.. I helped him catch a frog one day and he hugged it for hours. He was... he was just... he was..." Revea lowered her head, her forehead resting on her knees so Link couldn't see her cry.

'He was innocent, like your family.' Link thought to himself, watching Revea cry. 'And, you blame yourself, don't you? You blame yourself for being alive. One should never envy the dead.' Link silently scooted closer to her, making sure to not make much noise.

She should be allowed to grieve in peace.

Their hips were almost touching by the time Link stopped, his eyes still on the ground in front of them. He wrapped an arm around her, rubbing her back gently, hoping he wasn't overstepping any boundaries. To remain respectful, he was facing forward, not wanting her to feel pressured to stop crying or embarrassed by his stare.

He just wanted her to be okay. He wanted her to take her time. "Your family sounds wonderful. I'm sorry for what happened."

Revea brought her hands to her face, squeezing her eyes shut tight, forcing deep breaths into her lungs. She concentrated on the warmth and feeling spreading across her back as Link continued to give her comforting rubs on her back. Finally, she was able to speak again. "We were on our way to Kakariko. We made that journey a hundred times, but... the Yiga Clan attacked us."

Link stopped rubbing her back, but didn't retract his arm. Part of him said to stop touching her, but the other part told him she needed him like this. She needed someone sturdy and someone to lean on, physically and mentally.

She needed someone to listen to her.

"Don't go far Revea!" Revea's mother called out as Revea ran ahead from her family.

"I can't wait to see Lasli and Paya!" Reveal called out with a happy laugh. "I'm 15 now! I'll meet you guys there!"

"Revea!" Her mother shouted, worry laced in her voice and struck her deep in her bones. But her husband wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a smile.

"She's strong, my Stars." He said lovingly, placing a kiss on her temple. "Allow her to explore. She wants to."

"And that's what worries me." The wife sighed with a shake, her youngest, Aca, strapped in his carrier, on her back. "She's too naive. She believes there's nothing but kindness."

"She'll learn." The man gave his wife a reassuring smile. "We're almost at Kakariko Village. Nothing will happen to her."

"I waited for my family by the wooden posts of Kakariko Village so we could enter as a family, but,, they never came." Revea recalled, resting her chin on her knees, staring ahead of her. "So I went down the path and... and there they were,, slaughtered."

Link knew why. Dorian had exposed that answer. Her father used to be Yiga... Yiga who kills anyone who opposes them and their beliefs...

But still...

"Why?" Link asked, his voice coming out as a whisper. "Why would they do such a thing?"

"My father was a good man." Revea sat up, turning towards Link, his arm falling from around her. "He was. He was just forced into something and never given a choice!"

Link didn't say anything, just keeping his eyes on Revea's, letting herself figure out how to explain the situation to him.

"H-He..." Revea's lip moved, desperately trying to find the words. She stopped, taking a deep breath. "He was part of the Yiga Clan, so many years ago. A-And my... my mom was a Sheikah member who lived in Kakariko." Revea nervously looked up at Link, but his face held no disgust, no fear, nothing.

"How did they meet?" Was all that Link asked.

"My dad was sent to kill some Sheikah members." Revea explained, hugging her knees to her chest. "He found my mom planting some truffles a little while away from Kakariko. She loved to garden and she wanted to populate the woods with more truffles." Revea's eyes kept meeting Link's and darting away, unable to decide on a confidence level or if he was wanting her to look at him. "They didn't tell me many details, but, my mom spoke to my dad during that encounter and he just couldn't bring himself to kill her. So he... didn't.

"They ended up meeting several times, some with my father out of his uniform. And... they fell in love and my father abandoned the Yiga Clan." Revea's throat went dry, remembering every part of this story. "He was a Blademaster; an elite soldier of the Yiga Clan. He was extremely respected... but, he left them for my mother, to start a new life with her. And they warned him. They told him that if he left, they would find him and they would destroy him.

They told him that if he left, they would find him and they would destroy him

"My father and mother lived peacefully for almost seventeen years. The Yiga were busy with the Gerudo at this point and the rumors of their new leader. But as things fell into a normal pace for them, they began searching for my father to make him pay for his betrayal." Revea's eyes stayed on the grass at this point, just telling the story of her family's tragedy without moving. "I believe they stalked us for several months to craft a plan. My father, like I said, was an elite warrior. He wouldn't go down without a fight...

"That's why they so swiftly killed my family." Revea shook her head. "I swear I was only separated from them for ten minutes at most."

Ejo let Sari hold his hand as she skipped, the two kids walking just four paces ahead of their parents, Revea out of sight at this point. "Dad, we're almost there, right?" Ejo asked, turning his head to look back at them.

His eyes widened as he saw an arrow pierce his mother's neck, her body falling to the ground.

"NO!" His father shouted, falling to his knees and pulling his wife into his arms. He breathed heavily as he watched her pure white hair become soaked with her own blood. Her lips desperately tried to form words, her lungs trying to get air through her pierced windpipe.

But it was no use.

She was dead.

Ejo drew his sword, holding Sari's hand tightly as his eyes darted around, his heart pounding in his chest. "Dad!" He begged, unable to see an enemy.

Sari and Aca were sobbing.

His father drew his sword, a Knight's Claymore, gritting his teeth. He saw the faint traces of Yiga magic in the air. It was that damned magic that silenced the arrow completely. He couldn't've stopped that arrow, no matter how skilled he was.

Everything happened so fast.

Just as the father deflected the dagger that was thrown at his crying son, still strapped to his mother's corpse, a Blademaster appeared behind him, impaling him directly in the back, piercing his heart. The Blademaster held the man on his sword, pulling him close.

"We warned you."

The father, an ex-Yiga Clan member, fell to the ground, dead.

"Dad!" Ejo screamed, given just a moment to process that before his hand was sliced clean off, separating him from his sister. He cried out in pain, but still lunged forward, towards Sari.

But a Blademaster's sword was long enough to impale two children.

Ejo fell to the ground beside his sister. She had died instantly, the closest to the man that had stabbed them. Ejo was unfortunately gifted a few more seconds of life. He took that time to pull his sister close to him, embracing her one last time before the air escaped his throat.

The three Blademasters approached the screaming baby.

Aca was three years old, yes. But he was the baby of the family. He was his mother and father's pride and joy, just like his siblings. He was everything to the entire family. He was...

He was so scared.

The Blademaster swung his sword.

And silence was granted.

Revea ran a hand through her hair. "I was the only one of my siblings who got both of my parent's hair colors. It's,,, uncommon." Revea couldn't look at Link, too afraid of his reaction. Would he become disgusted at the knowledge of her holding Yiga blood in her? She had the black hair...

"My siblings all had white hair." Revea continued, needing to distract her mind. She couldn't think too much. She would then overthink and everything would just spiral and she would lose control. "I was always so jealous of them. I-I knew my dad felt guilty, because those who made the connection of my hair and to the possibilities and reasoning... they would react viciously.

"The Yiga Clan are not kind people." Revea let go of her hair, hugging her knees to her once more. "A traveler, one time... I was helping Ember with his goats, and a traveler joined us to ask Ember some questions." Revea swallowed several times. This story was just as difficult as the story of her family's death. "Then, he saw me, and my hair.

"He flipped out. He drew his sword and shouted so many words and threats, I could barely process them nor remember them..." Revea blinked, forcing herself to continue. "And he swung at me... Ember held his arm out and got a deep slash instead. If he didn't... the blade would've met my throat...

"I was eight years old and someone saw me as a monster because of my hair."

'The world has been so cruel to you and yet you love it as much as you do?' Link couldn't help but silently ask her. 'You greet it with a smile. You greet it with excitement and so much kindness. You greet everyone as if they were a close friend. You trust everyone... And the world hasn't always treated you the same...'

"I think your hair is beautiful." Link finally spoke, Revea's eyebrows wavering. "I find its uniqueness very comforting."

"Thank you." Revea whispered, digging her nails into her legs. "I try to remind myself that I am proof that there is goodness in people who have been corrupted; that change can happen. I try so hard. But sometimes, I find myself wanting to hide my hair away, or I see the glares and whispers from travelers... And... It's so dumb to be so worried and exhausted by hair but-"

"It's not dumb." Link interrupted her, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It has impacted your life and therefore it is worth worry and it is worth conversing about it. Your struggles are important."

Revea said nothing, just staring at Link. She sat up, releasing her legs from her tight hug, and embraced Link instead. She held him in her hug tightly. "Thank you for being so kind."

"You deserve kindness." Link responded immediately, hugging her just as tightly as he was. "And I think the Goddess saw that." Link only let go once Revea let go. "That's why she gifted you... whatever it is she gifted you."

"Yeah," Revea chuckled softly, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "I do wonder..."

Link shrugged and looked towards the Fairy Fountain. "There's no rush. It will come on its own time."

Princess Zelda, who has been watching over Link throughout his journey, smiled. One hundred years later and he has not changed at all...

Because he said the same thing to her when she was struggling to awaken her own power.

Chapter 14: dorian

Chapter Text

Dorian trudged up the steep slope to the woods behind Kakariko Village without complaint. He’s gone up here several times before, and he especially didn’t mind it now if it was to fetch Revea and Link from their walk.

Impa had summoned him and told him about how they left hours ago and never returned.

He first assumed that they had just gotten turned around and were finding their way back, but that couldn’t be. Revea, too, has been back here many times and would certainly not get lost.

So why were they still missing?

Dorian walked down the path to the mysterious Fairy Fountain. It had been there for as long as Dorian had been alive. Who knows how many other generations. But he has never seen the fairy herself.

He found Link and Revea almost immediately.

Revea was on her side, turned towards Link, the upper half of her body snuggled against the horse. The horse, laid down with its legs folded beneath its body, had curled its neck towards Revea, resting it on her side. Link was beside Revea, his back leaned against the horse, arms crossed and eyes closed.

All three of them were asleep.

At least, that’s what Dorian thought.

Dorian walked closer to them, the grass majorly silencing his footsteps, but not entirely. It didn’t matter that much, though. Link had woken up the second he heard Dorian step into the woods.

Link’s eyes opened, his body remaining still, watching Dorian as the man walked closer to Revea. Link recognized the man, but something was off with him. There always was. He was quiet and so protective of himself and his two girls, Cottla and Koko. Link respected that, but still…

Something was off.

Dorian reached his hand towards Revea, knelt directly beside her, eyes on her.

And Link couldn’t hold himself back any longer.

Link’s hand shot out and grabbed Dorian’s wrist, eyes glaring at the man.

Dorian almost fell back in fear, eyes wide as he stared at the man he thought to be asleep. “M-Master Link I-”

“What are you doing?” Link asked, giving him one chance to explain himself. Not only was he extremely suspicious, he was interrupting Revea’s much needed sleep.

Dorian attempted to tug his hand away from Link, but his efforts and strength didn’t even budge or compare to the grip and strength Link was displaying. “Lady Impa has ordered me to find you both and lead you back to Kakariko Village. She fears for your safety.”

Link let go of Dorian’s arm, Dorian standing up immediately after. “It’s not polite to wake a sleeping woman.”

“It is not polite to grab a man without warning.” Dorian stated, a hint of uneasiness and spite in his tone.

Link narrowed his eyes for a moment before relaxing them and sighing. “I apologize. I did not know your intentions.”

“Revea is like a daughter to me.” Dorian stated, forcing himself to let go of the wrist Link had just held. He forced himself to not react to the pain and pressure that still remained. “Revea is a daughter to everyone in the village. No one would dare to do her harm.”

Link gave him one last look before gently shaking Revea’s shoulder. He wouldn’t speak anymore in front of this man. As much as he wanted to speak to her and ease her out of her much needed slumber,, he couldn’t.

“Link?” Revea yawned, sitting up slowly. “Oh, Dorian, hi.” Revea slouched a little, giving him a tired smile. “Is everything okay?”

“Lady Impa is very worried about you, Revea.” Dorian explained, not even giving Link a glance of his eyes, even though he knew the swordsman was staring right at him. “She asks that you and Master Link return at once.”

“Oh my goodness.” Revea touched her lips, looking up at the sky. “It’s almost noon! I can’t believe I slept so long-” Revea turned towards Link. “Why did you let me sleep so long?”

You needed it.” Link signed, holding out his hand for Revea to use to balance herself as she stood up. “Are you able to walk back to the village? You can always ride Epona.”

Revea immediately felt embarrassed, glancing over at Dorian before deciding to sign. “I’m okay Link. I’m not so tired that I can’t walk. I don’t know why I’m so tired.”

You’re tired from the Goddess’ gift.” Link signed before motioning for Epona to get up, the horse complying immediately. Link looked over at Dorian, noticing the man hadn't moved once, even though he clearly wasn’t needed and the two didn’t want him to listen to their conversation. Link climbed onto Epona with ease. “I’ll go ahead and meet you in Kakariko. I believe Dorian wants to have a private conversation with you.”

“Oh,” Revea looked over at Dorian, also noticing his presence. “Okay. Be safe!”

Link gave her a small wave before flicking the reins, Epona galloping away.


Revea turned towards Dorian and hugged herself. “I know what you’re going to say.”

“I think you should move in with me or one of the elders of the village.” Dorian motioned for her to follow him, the two walking towards the village. “The world is too dangerous-”

“I’m not a little girl anymore, Dorian.” Revea interrupted him, but there was no hostility in her voice. She loved Dorian so much and she felt for him.

He lost his wife not too long ago.

“You’re 17, Revea. You don’t understand the world and its horrors.” Dorian denied, shaking his head, walking with his arms crossed, face stern, eyes locked ahead.

“I do understand the world. I know so much about it.” Revea defended herself. “Dorian, I understand you don’t want to leave Kakariko because of-”

“Please don’t speak her name.” Dorian interrupted her. “I can’t… I don’t want to remember how I failed my wife.”

Revea stopped her walking, Dorian going a few more paces before stopping as well, his head low. “Dorian. You couldn’t have stopped them.”

“I could’ve.” Dorian shook his head. “I should’ve… I never should’ve married her.”


“And your father should’ve done the same!” Dorian suddenly snapped, Revea taking a step back in surprise. “We should’ve just stayed with the Yiga so your mother and my wife would still be alive!”

“Dorian.” Revea whispered. “You don’t mean that.”

“I mean it!” Dorian suddenly turned away and stormed off, leaving Revea at the top of the hill, Kakariko below.

Revea turned towards Dorian, her hand resting on her mother’s Sheikah Eye necklace. ‘He doesn’t mean that… he can’t. That would mean he wished I or his two daughters were never born… He doesn’t…”

Revea slowly brought herself out of her mind as she heard a horse neigh. Link and Epona came galloping over to her until Link jumped off, running to Revea the rest of the way.

He held her shoulders, eyes wide with worry. “What happened? I heard shouting. Where’s Dorian? Did he hurt you?”

Revea shook her head, lowering her hand from her necklace. Link glanced down at it before looking up at Revea.

“Come on.” Link took Revea’s hand into his own and led her to Epona. “Let’s go for a short ride and then we’ll speak to Impa.”

Revea took a shaky breath and nodded, waiting for Link to get onto Epona first before holding out a hand for her. Revea looked up at him, meeting his brilliantly blue eyes. And suddenly, something clicked.

Dorian didn’t have any say in what she did with her life. She met Link for a reason. The Goddess chose her for a reason.

And she would fulfill her purpose.

No matter what.

Chapter 15: cuccos


link shows emotions. deal with it <3

Chapter Text

“Now that you have seen some of the princess’s memories, you must have started to remember certain things…” Impa smiled warmly at Link, Link giving the smallest of nods. “Here. I will hand this over to you now, before I forget.”

Link stepped forward as Impa held out a bright blue shirt with a white design on it, two different kinds of belts, a shoulder strap, and two different kinds of forearm wraps. He watched his hands shake as he reached out for the shirt. Upon realizing it, he quickly took the materials into his hands to hide the trembling.

Impa noticed, but decided not to comment on it. “This is something of yours that I have been keeping safe, by request of the princess. This clothing was specially made for you when you became a Champion. Please handle it with care.” Impa smiled gently at him.

Link looked down at the shirt, his heart pounding in his chest. “Impa.” Link kept his eyes on the shirt. “I…I don’t deserve this.”

Impa’s eyes widened. “What?”

Link shook his head and sat the clothing in front of Impa, then took a step back. “I’m not a Champion. I have almost no memories and I have almost no strength. I’m not the same person as I was 100 years ago. I’m not worthy to wear that.”

Impa closed her eyes as she heard Paya and Revea laugh from upstairs in Impa’s room. The two girls were catching up as Paya gave Revea the gift Impa had made for her. “Revea.” Impa raised her voice slightly, the laughter and voices silencing.

Revea hurried down the stairs, standing beside Link, looking up at Impa. “Yes, Impa?”

“Do you think Link is defined by his memories and strength?”

Revea’s eyes widened slightly, glancing over at Link before shaking her head. “No. Not at all. It’s the heart that defines someone.”

Link lowered his head.

“Link.” Impa spoke gently. “You do not have to wear the cloth, but please know you are worthy of wearing it.” Impa smiled at Revea. “Revea, Dear, please take the Champion’s Tunic and pack it with you. When Link is ready, he will wear it.”

Revea nodded and took the clothing into her hands. She turned towards Link, giving him a small smile. “May I have the pack, please?”

Link said nothing, but handed the pack over to her.

“Impa, may I return to Paya?” Revea asked, holding the items in her hands.

“Yes, but Link and I are finished speaking.” Impa smiled birghtly. “Go ahead and finish getting dressed and then explore the village a little bit more. Prepare yourselves for the road ahead of you.”

“Yes Impa.” Revea bowed her head to the woman, raising her head to reveal a happy smile. “I’ll be down soon!” Revea ran up the stairs, Paya and Revea immediately jumping back into conversation.

“I don’t mean to disappoint anyone.”

Impa turned her head back to Link. “Link, please don’t be so hard on yourself. You are disappointing no one.”

‘I’m disappointing everyone.’

Link looked up at Impa. “Impa, may I ask a question?”


“Is there anyone else, who remembers me?” Link asked, putting his hands behind his back, digging his nails into his palm. “I’ve gathered Hylians don’t live long enough for that to be possible, but Sheikah do.”

Impa smiled sadly. “All races have a member of our generation alive.” Impa watched Link’s head lowering even more. “Though, I don’t know if they met you in the past. They may not remember you personally. “

Link shook his head, not even flinching as he felt a nail pierce his skin.

“Link, you are a legend in every race. You are this world’s hope.”

“How could you say that?” Link whispered, clenching his teeth, eyes burning into the ground. “I failed, everyone.”

“No one could’ve defeated Calamity Ganon 100 years ago.” Impa did her best to reason with the Champion. But, 100 years ago, he would’ve never dared to show this much emotion, nor speak so much. Losing his memory, losing his restrictions on himself, they were a blessing and a curse. She hardly knew what to say to him.“No one foresaw what he was planning.”

“I should’ve been stronger.” Link felt hot tears across his cheeks. “The Princess… the other Champions. They… I could’ve…”

Link fell to his knees, his bleeding hands helplessly laid on his lap.


“And I’m nothing right now!” Link’s voice cracked, staring up at Impa desperately. “I have hardly any memories! Just an immense sense of guilt and failure and the death of hundreds on my hands!”

Revea and Impa slowly walked down the stairs, peaking around the corner of the wall, worried about the sound of Link’s distressed voice.

“The only one to blame is Calamity Ganon.” Impa remained calm and patient, although her heart was breaking at the sight of the Swordsman falling apart. “You have time to train, Link. You will have allies. You will free the Divine Beasts and they will be on your side.” Impa watched as tears fell onto Link’s palms, the blood turning the clear liquid red. “You are not alone, Link. You never will be.”

Revea couldn’t just stand around anymore. She hurried down the stairs and knelt beside Link, pulling her into her arms, hugging him tightly. He didn’t begin to sob, like she thought he would, but he sniffled, like a small child would.

And although Link has been alive for over 100 years, she knew he couldn’t truly be over 18 years old.

He had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

“It’s okay.” Revea whispered. “We have time. You aren’t alone.”

Link closed his eyes and hugged Revea a little tighter.


“Lasli!” Revea laughed as she ran to hug her dear friend. “How are you?”

“I heard you were awake!” Lasli hugged her tightly. “Gosh I was so worried about you!!”

“I’m okay!” Revea smiled happily, the two swaying side to side as they hugged. “Have you been well? Nanna and Claree well too?”

“Everyone is great!” Lasli finally let go of her. “Come on come on! Claree will want to say hi too!”

Link followed Revea and Lasli up the stairs and into one of the many shops in Kakariko Village. He smiled slightly as Claree ran around the counter so she could hug Revea. Link remained a good distance away from the girls, letting them speak amongst themselves and hug and compliment each other and just briefly catch up.

“Link!” Revea turned to her newest friend. “Come meet Lasli and Claree!”

Link walked over, giving the two women a wave.

“It’s nice to meet you!” Claree smiled happily. “Are you two looking for armor or just for a visit?”

“Armor.” Revea answered, looking over at Link as he nodded. “He really needs some.” Revea’s eyes fell down to his stomach, remembering that horrible feeling in her heart once they reunited.

“You left a part out of your story.” Revea spoke up, looking over at Link as they stared up at the stars, leaning against Epona.


“You got injured.” Revea stated, not letting Link try and convince her otherwise. “What happened?”

Link remained silent, debating on how much he should reveal to her. “I was trying to get to a tower, but it was surrounded by Bokoblins and Moblins, blue and red. I thought I could take them… but my weapons were too weak and… I made too many mistakes.”

Revea turned her head towards Link, him remaining faced forward. She saw the little scratch beside his ear, clean from all dried blood, but still raw. “You don’t have to push yourself so hard. You only woke up a week or so ago.”

“I thought I could do it.”

“Who patched up your wounds?” Revea moved on, eyes remaining on Link.

“Epona ran us to Hateno Village. I passed out before we got there, but, the head of town and his wife helped me. I don’t really remember their names.” Link explained, his hand slowly resting on his wound. It was still covered in the bandages the wife had wrapped him in.

He should probably change them…

Revea noticed that. “Would you like me to help you? I can see if your wound needs wrapped again.”

Link nodded and turned towards her before going onto his knees and sitting back on his feet. He raised his shirt from the bottom, holding it by his shoulders, letting Revea do what she needed to do.

“It might sting a little for me to take them off.” Revea warned, also facing Link and sitting on her knees. Revea pulled off the bandages as gently as she could, eyes wide as she stared at his wound. “Wow. You heal really fast.”

Link looked down, seeing a giant, mostly healed scab over the place he was stabbed. He touched his wound gently, pleasantly surprised with the lack of pain. “The woman who helped me gave me some kind of soup. I think it helped the healing process.”

“Food is life.” Revea agreed with a smile, tossing the bandages off to the side. “Don’t worry, they’re made from nature, so they’ll decompose naturally.” Revea looked back up at Link, her eyes stopping on his still-exposed torso.

So, many, scars. She couldn’t even count them all. She had been so focused on his single wound, she didn’t even think about looking around. But now…

What has he gone through?

“Hylian Tunic.” Claree led the two to one of the mannequins in the room. “It’s nothing fancy, but it fulfills the basic needs of protection.”

“How much?” Revea asked with a happy smile.

“I’ll give you guys half off. 60 rupees.” Claree crossed her arms, a proud smile on her face.

“What do you think?” Revea turned towards Link, her eyes gentle and inviting, her voice even softer. “Do you want to try it on?”

Link nodded, Claree and Lasli getting the armor off the mannequin and handing it to him.

“There’s a dressing room back here.” Claree motioned for Link to follow her towards the back, Link doing so. Claree turned a knob on the oil lamp, the light shining brighter, illuminating the room completely for Link. “Let us know if you need any help.” She cheered and closed the door behind her.

Link looked down at the armor in his hands.

“He seems really sad.” Claree immediately whispered once she rejoined the other two girls.

“He’s been through a lot.” Revea spoke quietly, glancing over at the closed door. “He has a lot of pressure on him and he just woke up from a 100 year coma.”

“He’s really cute.” Lasli sighed, a lazy smile on her face. “Just my type.”

Claree huffed and smacked her sister’s arm, Revea laughing. “That’s the Swordsman of the Legend Nanna always tells us about! You can’t just swoon over him! You have to respect him.”

“Oh I am.” Lasli smiled a crooked smile, eyes lidded, Revea rolling her eyes.

Just as Claree was going to jump into another rant about respect, a sharp knock against wood startled all three girls. They looked towards the origin of the noise, seeing Link poking his head out of the dressing room.

Revea, help please

.” Link signed with one hand, doing his best to hide himself behind the door.

“I’ll be back.” Revea told the two girls, jogging over to Link, walking in once he let her. “What’s-” Revea stopped, smiling widely, having to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing. “What-” She giggled. “What happened.”

Link narrowed his eyes at her. “

It’s confusing


Link had put the Hylian tunic on


wrong. For starters, the shoulder brace was on backwards, he had used the waist wrap as a scarf, the forearm guards were up way too far and not tight enough, and Revea was pretty sure his shirt was on backwards.

“Just, just take everything off.” Revea chuckled. “Let’s restart and I’ll talk you through everything.”

Link tugged everything off, handing each thing over to Revea, her setting them in different piles. She did as she said she would, explaining each piece of the tunic and showing him how to put on the protective braces and wraps, explaining their importance.

“Does everything feel okay?” Revea asked, tugging on the last strap, making sure it was tightened enough. “Move around a little.”

Link moved his arms in a variety of circles, turn at his waist, pulling his arm back like how he would shoot a bow. He held up a thumbs up. “

It’s light and easy


“Good!” Revea cheered happily. “What do you want to do now?” Revea asked, crossing her arms.

Do you have more people to visit

?” Link questioned, knowing Claree and Lasli were being too quiet to not be eavesdropping on them. Link didn’t feel too comfortable with them hearing his voice. It just… didn’t feel right.

“Yeah kinda, but-”

Then we can visit them, get supplies while we do, and then sleep and get going to the first Divine Beast

.” Link interrupted her with his sign language, his eyes the main reason she stopped talking.

“Are you sure?” Revea asked. “I don’t want to stall-”

I’m sure

.” Link smiled.


“Oh no!” Revea gasped, genuinely distraught for her older friend. “They just escaped?”

“They did!” Cado was on the verge of tears. “My precious Cuccos just fled!”

Link, standing slightly behind Revea, crossed his arms, unimpressed. ‘Aren’t cuccos just,, those loud and annoying birds that can’t even fly?’

“Don’t worry about it Cado.” Revea patted the man’s back, Link forcing himself to focus on the conversation. “Link and I will get your Cuccos back.”

We will

?” Link signed, Revea giving him a quick glare before turning back towards Cado.

“Go ahead and go to your shift. We’ll let you know when we found them all.” Revea waved the man goodbye before facing Link. “We have to find seven Cuccos.”

You’re going to find seven Cuccos

?” Link smiled, Revea putting her hands on her hips. “

Fine. Is Cado the last person you wanted to speak to


“I believe so.” Revea nodded, glancing around the village. Everyone was slowly making their way to their homes, ready to retire for the night. “Do you think we need anything else?”

We bought everything we could

.” Link grinned, remembering how everyone in town was so eager to practically gift them their items that were supposed to be sold. “

I’m ready


“Okay, seven Cuccos, then we can leave.” Revea began to march off, Link grabbing her hand to stop her. “What?”

Sleep, then leave

.” Link signed, Revea pressing her lips together.

“Are you tired, or are you just worried about me?” Revea gave him a sad smile, knowing his reasoning for all their breaks was because she was tired or she needed to eat. Never about him.

I could fall asleep standing up

.” Link signed, a serious expression on his face. He shut his eyes and slowly tilted his head before jolting upright. “



Revea rolled her eyes with a smile before giving him a gentle shove. “I bet I can find more Cuccos than you.”

You’re on


As Revea jogged around the village, eyes peeled for the Cuccos, she couldn’t help but smile. ‘Is this what Link is like out of his shell? A lighthearted guy?

‘It only took him breaking down for me to see his true personality…’

Chapter 16: dancing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I think we should go to the Zora first." Revea pointed at one of the glowing dots on the map, Link leaning his head over, looking at where she's pointing. "I've heard wonderful tales of Zora's Domain. It's beautiful."

"Let's go there first." Link agreed. "I believe the Champion's name was Mipha."

"My mother said that Mipha was an angel." Revea watched as Link got onto Epona, her joining him once he offered her a hand. "She was a healer as well. Everyone adored her."

"Ready?" Link signed, picking up the reins with one of his hands.

Revea nodded, adjusting her sitting once Link flicked the reins, leading Epona out of the village. "Bye everyone!" Revea cheered, waving at the villagers.

"Safe travels!"

"Please visit us again!"

"Stay safe!"

Revea laughed as she waved, finally turning forward again. "Back to the Zora, I do know that they don't allow horses in their domain. Their domain is made of luminous stone and it is a very tedious task to upkeep such a stone. I've also heard it can get slippery if you aren't paying attention to where you're stepping."

Link looked up at the wooden archway that signaled the entrance and exit of Kakariko. "We're going to go faster now."

Revea held onto the back of the saddle, not breaking her little history lesson. "Their king's name is King Dorephan and he has a son named Prince Sidon." Revea smiled, the wind dancing through her hair now that Epona was in a full gallop. "Apparently, Prince Sidon is quite popular among the female Zora."

"Mhm." Link hummed, eyes alert as he glanced around the terrain they were riding past, just in case. But as of now, it seemed clear and safe.

"I don't know a lot about the Zora, actually..." Revea hummed, tilting her head as she tried to recall more about them. "They're really good swimmers."

Link smiled a little, turning his head towards Revea. "You're telling me the fish people are good swimmers? I would've never guessed."

"Shut up." Revea laughed, giving Link a small shove. "They're a very peaceful race! I'd say they're the most peaceful out of all the races. This is just what I've heard from a variety of travelers at Riverside Stable, but they always help out with anyone that needs it. It's usually the Hylians that need the help." Revea smiled, looking around at the beautiful scenery as Epona followed the path loyally. "I've never met a Zora before. I bet they're beautiful."

"Thinking about Prince Sidon?" Link asked, grinning.

"What?" Revea gasped, giving Link another shove. "What has gotten into you?" She laughed again, Link chuckling.

"I'm just super excited to see Prince Sidon." Link sighed dramatically, Revea throwing her head back as she laughed. "What? You said all the females swoon over him. Why can't I?"

"Of everything I said, you only care about the Prince?" Revea leaned to the side so Link could see her better when he turned his head.

"Duh. He's hot."

"Stop!" Revea laughed, Link joining in with her laugh. 'He's such a dork.'

"We only have one life, Link." Revea was sitting beside Link on the floor. He hasn't been able to pick himself up off the floor. Impa and Paya had gone for a walk, giving the two of them privacy. "What happened 100 years ago, let it only be a lesson. You cannot change the past."

Link said nothing, staring down at his hands. Revea had wiped his hands clean of the blood as soon as she saw it a few minutes ago. She kept dabbing the cuts as soon as she saw little hints of blood.

"Everyone did their best." Revea continued talking, doing her best to comfort him. "You fought until your death. You couldn't have done more." Revea picked up Link's hand and gently wiped away the blood that formed once again. He really dug his nails in deep. "You've been given another chance to fight Calamity Ganon. You have learned from your mistakes. The elders from each race will give you their knowledge and advice and all of their support. Everyone is on your side."

Link watched Revea lay his hand back on his lap, saying, nothing.

"We have only one life." Revea circled back to her previous statement. "You have been gifted an extension. Let's make it worth it. We can travel through all of Hyrule and you can get stronger. But we can also appreciate this life. Hyrule has learned to live again. Hyrule is beautiful and we can appreciate its beauty, okay?" Revea smiled sadly, staring at Link. "Princess Zelda has protected us and this land for 100 years. Let's cherish and enjoy this life she has given us."

Link looked over at Revea, watching as she didn't even flinch upon his gaze.

"There are many ways to strengthen your mind, body, and heart. You can train, you can learn, you can believe. But," Revea's eyes slowly walked across Link's face, appreciating the Swordsman in front of her. "You have to nurture and love yourself as well." Revea picked up both of Link's hands, holding them tightly. "You will succeed, no matter what. I know you will."

Link squeezed Revea's hands.

"I think this is Wetland Stable." Revea leaned to the side, getting a better look at the stable past Link's shoulder. It took them just about an hour to get here. They would've gotten here faster, but the downfall of rain made it unsafe for Epona to go at a full gallop down the hills and rocks.

"You doing alright with the rain?" Link asked, turning his head but unable to see her due to his Hylian Hood.

"Yep!" Revea cheered, patting her umbrella hat. "The Sheikah clothes are made with Sheikah technology, so everything is waterproof! And my hat works miracles!"

"The Sheikah clothes are made with Sheikah technology, so everything is waterproof! And my hat works miracles!"

Link nodded, pulling on Epona's reins gently, slowing her down. "Good." Link pulled Epona to a stop, in front of the front desk of the stable, and jumped off. He held out a hand to Revea, Revea swinging her leg over before taking his hand, on the ground now as well. "Go ahead and go inside, I'll-" Link stopped, glancing over at the owner of the stable.

Revea chuckled, taking the reins from Link. "You go ahead and head inside. I'll speak to the front desk and get Epona registered."

Link nodded and walked inside, glancing around at the people inside. There was a giant bird playing an accordion, a little kid who sat on the floor, looking miserable, the painter from Kakariko Village, and Beedle.

Link and Beedle made eye contact and Link gave him a little wave. Beedle narrowed his eyes slightly and looked away. The interaction didn't faze Link as he walked over to the wall, the poster on it catching his eye.

'Electro Elixir.'

Link tilted his head, looking at the ingredients. 'This might be useful? I'll have to ask Revea. I haven't encountered any problems with electricity.'

"Oh my gosh hello!" Revea gasped excitedly, Link turning his head to see what caught her eye now.

A dog.

It was a dog.

"Oh you're such a cutie!" Revea knelt beside the dog, the two of them in the rain, but Revea didn't seem to care one bit. "Link!" Revea looked over at him. "Can I have an apple please??"

Link walked over to her, all eyes on the two of them as he did so. He didn't mind though, and he didn't mind how loud Revea was being. She was happy, that's what mattered. Who cared what everyone else thought?

"Here you go Sweetie." Revea fed the apple to the dog, Link kneeling beside the two, not caring about the rain that was slowly making him cold. "Lawdon, is this your pup?" Revea called out to the man at the front desk, him getting Epona some food, the horse in the stall.

"Hm?" The man looked over, locking the gate behind him. "Oh, no, just a stray. He likes hanging out here though. He loves chasing the birds."

"Oh you're a troublemaker!" Revea laughed, giving the dog a lot of scratches. "Epona can stay here for free, by the way, since you already registered at another stable." Revea filled Link in, Link looking over at her.

"We don't have to pay for food or, housing or anything?" Link signed, frowning.

"Nope! Stables are the best." Revea patted the dog and stood up, walking inside, gasping. "Beedle! You're here!" Revea hurried over to him and gave her friend a hug, Beedle chuckling and patting her back.

"Didn't think I'd see you two here." Beedle smiled at Revea, his gaze turning sour once he looked over at Link. "Surprised Super Boy hasn't gotten one of you two injured."

"Beedle!" Revea scolded, hitting his arm as she sat down beside him, motioning for Link to sit beside her.

'I don't want to.' Link groaned internally, sitting closer to Revea than Beedle, refusing to be around someone who was so negative to him. As Revea reprimanded Beedle and Beedle continued to throw backhanded insults and passive aggressive sentences, Link decided now would be a good time to organize his weapons.

"He's-" Revea stopped once she watched Beedle pale. "What?" Revea looked over at Link, eyes widening as she watched him wipe the blade of his ax with a spare piece of cloth. "Link, that's... what are you doing?"

Link looked innocently. "Cleaning and organizing my weapons." Link looked over at Beedle. "Why? Is Pretty Boy scared?"

"Put them away. There's a kid in here." Revea scolded as well, seeing the young boy's eyes on them. "You two behave. I'll be back." Revea stood up, walking over to the boy.

Link picked up his sword, giving Beedle one last stare before putting the weapons back into the pack, feeling bad for the little kid. He had totally forgotten about him.

"Ami is such a strong name!" Revea smiled happily, sitting beside the young boy. "And you know all about the directions from around here?"

Ami nodded, still a little shy with the new person and her scary friend.

"Do you mind if I ask what's towards the east?" Revea questioned, knowing a few possible answers to that question, but wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Zora's Domain." Ami answered, a small smile of pride crossing his face once Revea nodded in interest. "They're the fish people! They like to use spears!"

"Oh they do?" Revea gasped excitedly. "I didn't know that!" Revea did, in fact, know that. Each species had their speciality with a certain weapon. For the Zora, it was the spear. "What's towards the west?"

"Hyrule Castle." Ami answered with a happy smile, feeling much more confident with himself now that he knew that this lady was a nice lady. "I wouldn't go to it though. It's really scary and full of Calamity Ganon."

"It does look really scary." Revea agreed, glancing over at Link, knowing the man was eavesdropping on them. "But, I know the Swordsman will defeat Calamity Ganon very soon! And Hyrule Castle can get rid of all that yucky red and black smoke."

"You know, the Swordsman and the Princess defeated Calamity Ganon 10,000 years ago." A new voice spoke up, Revea and Ami looking over at him.

A beautifully blue Rito proudly holding his accordion walked over to the two.

"That's right." Revea smiled down at Ami, the young boy's eyes filled with amazement.

"May I join you two?" The Rito asked, nodding towards a spot on the floor.

"Of course." Revea smiled happily, scooting over a little.

"Miss, can I sit in your lap?" Ami shook Revea's arm a little, on his knees, eyes wide as he looked up at her.

"Of course you can." Revea opened her arms up for the young boy, him climbing right in, snuggling against her as she wrapped her arms around him.

"My name is Kass." The Rito introduced himself.

" The Rito introduced himself

"I'm Revea." Revea looked down at the boy in her lap, wanting him to introduce himself. "And you're..."

"Ami." Ami held his hand out to Kass. "I like listening to you play, Mr. Kass."

"Thank you." Kass chuckled, giving the boy's hand a gentle shake. "I only arrived here this morning. I'm glad I haven't bored you yet."

Ami shook his head.

"I couldn't help but listen to you two's conversation earlier." Kass explained himself, Revea nodding as she listened. "My teacher taught me a song about the hero and princess from 10,000 years ago. May I sing it to you two?"

Revea gasped softly, looking down at Ami. "What do you think? Should Mr. Kass tell you all about the Swordsman and Princess?"

Ami smiled brightly, nodding quickly.

"Without further ado..

"The kingdom of Hyrule is a vast and storied land,
Oft grasped in the palm of a villainous hand.

A dark force of destruction, many times undone,
Rises once again - Ganon, the calamitous one.

But hope survives in Hyrule, for all is not lost,
Two brave souls protect it, no matter the cost.

A goddess-blood princess and a fearless knight,
They appear in each age to fight the good fight.

Their battle with Ganon I've committed to song,
To keep it through time, no matter how long.

Now begins the second verse, listen and you'll know,
Of their battle with Ganon 10,000 years ago.

The kingdom of Hyrule was once a land of lasting peace / A culture of such strength and wit, that suffering did cease.

But Ganon lurked beneath the surface, strengthening its jaws / So the ancient people of Hyrule set out to help the cause.

Their efforts bore fruit in an automated force,
To help avert Calamity by sealing it at its source.

Four giant behemoths for which power never ceased,
Each of these titans was called a "Divine Beast."

And free-willed machines that hunted down their prey / These Guardians were built to last so they could join the fray.

To guide the beasts in battle, warriors were needed,
So four Champions were pledged to see Ganon defeated.

Divine Beasts, Champions, princess, and knight,
Their plan to rout Ganon was looking airtight.

And when Calamity Ganon reared its head, Hyrule rose against it / The optimism of Hyrule all the more incensed it.

Ganon raged in its assault, boiling with hate,
It gnashed its teeth and thrashed about, but it was all too late.

The Guardians kept the heroes safe through every hour...

The Divine Beasts unleashed attacks that weakened Ganon's power.

The hero with the sealing sword struck the final blow,
And the holy power of the princess sealed Ganon so.

And that is the story of the brazen attack,
On Calamity Ganon 10,000 years back."

"You've put him right to sleep." Revea whispered, looking down at Ami curled up in her lap. "Thank you for such a beautiful song, Kass." Revea smiled at the Rito thankfully. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Of course not." Kass shook his head, encouraging her.

"Have you been to Rito Village recently? Or have you been traveling as a bard for a while?" Revea asked, slowly tracing her fingers up and down little Ami's back.

"I haven't been to Rito Village in several months." Kass admitted. "I left my wife, Amali and our children so I could go out on this journey..."

"What kind of journey, if you don't mind me asking?" Revea asked politely, eyes on the Rito, even though she could feel the intensity of Link's eyes on her.

"It was my teacher's final wish." Kass recalled, speaking with such sincerity. "He was the Court Poet and wished for me to find the Ancient Songs of this land. I promised him that I would..." Kass sighed softly. "Now is not the time to reveal such a promise." Kass looked back up at Revea. "You expressed interest in Rito Village, why, may I ask?"

"My friend and I plan on journeying there soon." Revea explained. "We, uhm, wish to see each of the Divine Beasts."

"Ah, yes, Vah Medoh." Kass nodded, sighing sadly. "I heard through the travelers that its begun to shoot at any Rito who flew close to it."

Revea's eyes widened. "Vah Medoh, it's started to be violent?"

"It used to be peaceful. For as long as I knew..." Kass shook his head. "But I know my wife and kids are safe. My people are smart. They will figure something out."

Revea swallowed and glanced over at Link, the man narrowing his eyes, staring at the floor, clearly deep in thought. "Have you heard of anything unordinary about the other Divine Beasts? Like Vah Ruta of the Zora?"

"Yes, it's forced constant rain onto the Domain from its powerful trunk." Kass nodded. "It's not a problem for the Zora, but I do fear there may be hidden consequences to this constant rain."

"I see." Revea nodded, looking down at Ami. "Are you familiar with the monsters around the Zora and Lanaryu area?"

"Unfortunately." Kass studied the young lady briefly, becoming more and more curious of her intentions with all of these questions. He didn't mind the answering, but,, the questions were very suspicious and pointed to something that Kass had a hard time believing...

"The monsters are primarily Electric Lizalfols, right?" Revea doubled checked her knowledge.

"Yes and no." Kass sighed, disappointed in the condition of a once beautiful region. "The damn green and blue Lizalfols have found electric arrows and spears and have been using them and the water to their advantage." Kass' eyes turned worried. "Do you intend to travel to the Zora Domain?"

"I do." Revea nodded, gently scratching Ami's back as the young boy began to snore.

"I urge you to change your mind, but I also assume you won't." Kass smiled sadly as Revea shook her head. "Then please prepare sufficient amounts of Electric Elixirs." Kass pointed to the wall just a bit from them. "You'll need them."

Revea looked up at the recipe for the elixir, jumping slightly once Kass gasped. Revea held Ami tight in instinct, turning her head to see what gave Kass such a fright.

It was Link.

"Th-That there... on your hip!" Kass' eyes were wide, pointing at the Sheikah Slate on Link's hip. "... No, I'm sorry - it's nothing. I didn't mean to pry."

"Are you... a bird?"

"Link!" Revea scolded, eyes wide in disbelief. Of all the things he decided to say out loud, he spoke that sentence???

"Have you... never met a Rito before?" Kass stood up, at least a head taller than Link. Kass frowned slightly as Link shook his head. "Odd. My name is Kass. As a bard, I spend my days traveling this land in search of ancient songs. Have you heard of the ancient songs of Hyrule?"

"The song you just performed, was that an Ancient Song?" Link signed, Revea sighing softly as she looked down at Ami, just now realizing the boy had awakened.

"Erm..." Kass shifted his weight nervously. "I don't know sign language..."

"Oh!" Revea looked back up, giving Ami's back a gentle pat. "He asked if the song you just performed was an Ancient Song."

"Yes it was." Kass nodded, eyeing the Sheikah Slate on Link's hip. "Have you visited the shrine beside this stable? I'm sure you will find it useful for your journey."

Link looked over at Revea, giving Kass all he needed to know about the two.

All the questions Revea was asking, they all made sense now.

She was traveling with the Champion.

"Go ahead." Revea smiled looking down at Ami. "Ami, do you want to help me gather some forages in the nearby forest? I'll make you a nice warm meal afterwards!"

"Yes!" Ami hopped to his feet, jumping up and down excitedly. "I like curry! Can you make curry? Please please please?"

"I'll see what kind of ingredients I have." Revea laughed, standing up as well. "Link, do you mind if I have the pack while you're inside the shrine?"

Link shook his head and handed the pack over to Revea before looking outside. "It's still raining."

"I know." Revea chuckled, letting Ami shake her arm as he impatiently waited for her. "I'll give Ami my hat and he'll be just fine."

"I was worried about you." Link signed, Revea genuinely thinking he was concerned about Ami.

"We'll be fine, Link." Revea smiled. "Go complete the shrine and I'll have food ready for when you're finished."

"Let's goooooo." Ami tugged on Revea's arm, Revea laughing as she took off her umbrella hat. "Woah! What is that thing??"

"It's an umbrella hat!" Revea explained, putting the hat on Ami. "It'll keep you nice and dry!"

"Where's it from?" Ami asked, leading Revea out of the stable.

"Kakariko Village, home of the Sheikah. They," Revea's voice drifted off as her and Ami walked further and further away from the stable and out into the rain. Link turned back to Kass, knowing the oversized bird's eyes were on him.

"Hello, Champion." Kass nodded his head towards Link. "I hope I can share every Ancient Song that I recover with you."

Link stared up at Kass' wise and tired eyes. Link held out his hand to Kass.

Kass smiled and shook Link's hand.


The giant Korok turned his head, curious as to who recognized him. He smiled widely and raised his maracas in the air once he saw the familiar face. "Shalaka! We meet again!"

"How are you?" Revea asked with a huge smile, putting her hands on her hips as she stared up at the Korok. Ami was sitting beside the fire, all warm from the rain, eating a bowl of curry she prepared for him.

Hestu sighed sadly and his head hung low. "I want to go home to Korok Forest, but I've lost my way... According to the folks at the stable, this area is the Lanayru region."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Hestu." Revea stared at him with worried eyes. "Do you remember where home is from where you are?"

"Sha-shaka!" Hestu suddenly exclaimed, apparently the information clicked in his mind. "If I'm in the Lanayru region, that means Korok Forest is still north of here."

"I'm really glad you remember Hestu." Revea smiled happily at the Korok, finding his charm adorable.

"Well, since I'm already here, I may as well stay awhile and relax." Hestu suddenly stiffened, looking around. "Oh, wait a minute."

*sniff sniff*

"I detect the scene of... Korok seeds!" Hestu jumped and raised his maracas, Revea laughing softly. "You've received a Korok seed from the forest children, haven't you?"

"We have!" Revea cheered, pulling out the eight Korok seeds her and Link had collected on the way. "Is this enough to expand each of our inventories? One weapon, one shield, and one bow?"

"Shalaka! Yes it is!!!"

Link walked out of the shrine, stretching out his shoulder. He took only two steps out of the shrine before locking eyes on Revea and Hestu. Except Hestu was shaking and dancing his maracas and Revea was dancing around in circles in front of him.

Link just smiled and shook his head.

"Revea!" Ami laughed. "What are you doing??"

"Dancing!" Revea declared, spinning over to him and taking his hands. "Kass! Please play us some music!"

Kass immediately started playing some upbeat music that matched the pace that Revea was dancing in. Hestu ran over to the small group and started shaking his maracas as well, even though only Link and Revea could see them.

"Lawdon! Beedle! Join us!" Revea picked up a laughing Ami and spun him in a circle. "Pikango! I see you hiding!" Revea called out the Sheikah painter. "Let's dance!"

Link smiled as he walked over to the fire, taking a seat beside it, watching the Hylians dance to the music of the Rito bard and the Korok musician. He made eye contact with Revea as she spun, and he immediately knew she wanted him to join them.

But Revea also knew that was way out of Link's comfort zone and only waved at him.

Link waved back.


Link poked one of the two apples he was roasting by the fire, using a stick he found off to the side. Revea had taken the first watch of the night and he was preparing breakfast during his shift. He'd wake her up soon.

The left Wetland Stable a little while ago, just as it was getting dark. They both wanted to make more progress while they still had energy. The pace would be slower now that they didn't have Epona. But since the Zora don't allow horses in their Domain and with the constant rainfall, it would be too dangerous for the horse.

Just as he was about to admire the peacefulness of the night, two stupid Keese flew over to himself and Revea. Link grabbed his bow, letting loose an arrow, knocking the first Keese down without problem. The second Keese, closer now, moved at the last second, dodging one of the arrows. But that hardly fazed Link, the man shooting another, striking the Keese and killing it.

But that hardly fazed Link, the man shooting another, striking the Keese and killing it.

Link pushed the apples away from the fire and walked over to the remains of the Keese. One only left two wings, the other left its eye and a single wing. Link looked out towards the field where the arrow landed. 'Damn. Can't believe I missed.' Link shoved the wings and eye into his pack and walked down the hill, in search of the arrow. He didn't know how to make arrows so he could only buy them. And currently, his inventory of arrows was quite limited. He needed all the arrows he could get.

Just as Link bent down to pick up the arrow, Revea cried out in pain.

Link grabbed the arrow and sprinted to her, gritting his teeth once he saw how far he had strayed from their campsite.

"Let go of me!" Revea shouted, trying to pry the Stalmoblin's hand from around her waist, up in the air.

Link went to grab his bow from his back but gasped. He had left the damn thing by the fire!

Revea cried out in pain again as the Stalmoblin grabbed her arm, squeezing it, its harsh texture of its bones tearing her skin. Revea kicked out, knocking the Stalmoblin apart. She hit the ground hard, blood falling from a variety of her wounds. But she scrambled to her feet, grabbed its arm, and swung it against the Stalmoblin's head, killing it.

Link jumped out of the way as the second Stalmoblin swung its club at him. Her eyes widened as she saw that he didn't have any weapons on him.

She ran towards the two, jumped just as she neared the Stalmoblin, and swung the arm of the dead Stalmoblin. The monster fell apart and Revea finished it with a swing to its head.

She dropped the arm and fell to her knees before laying on her back, breathing heavily.

"Revea!" Link was immediately beside her, sitting her up, eyes darting around her, taking in all of her injuries.

She had a deep cut on her cheek, its blood tracing all the way down her neck. Her wrist and arm was bleeding as well, the blood soaking into the grass beside her. And Link knew her ribs and stomach must be in horrible pain as well. Moblins alive were strong; Stalmoblins must be just as strong.

"I-I.." Revea couldn't speak, just, hardly breathing, in shock from the horrific scare that had woken her.

A Keese attacked her face, causing her to cry out as its claw struck her face. Just as she did, the Stalmoblins emerged from the ground, grabbing her before she could even stand.

Link picked her up and ran her back to their fire, laying her against the stump that he was previously using as a backrest. He pulled out several items that he knew Revea used to treat his wounds. He grabbed some of them, his hands shaking, trying to remember how she did it but he couldn't-

"Stop, stop." Revea wheezed, grabbing his wrist and stopping his frantic movements. She took the pack from Link and pulled out an elixir, drinking just half of it, letting her hand drop as she gasped, still short of breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Link took the elixir from her hand, trying to get her to drink more, but she shook her head, pushing it away.

"It's-s-s okay." Revea blinked several times, staring up at him. "Just, J-" Her lip trembled, Revea immediately knowing tears were coming. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, well, tried to at least. She sniffled quite harshly, Link holding her hand tightly.

But her eyes met Link's worried ones and she couldn't hold it in any more.

"Oh god." She let her tears fall, hugging Link. "I was so scared. I'm so glad you're okay." She breathed, her breathing still uneven, but much better than before.

"I'm so, so sorry." Link held her tightly. "I left. I.. I wasn't thinking I was... I don't..."

"It's okay it's okay." Revea shook her head, hugging Link a bit tighter. "I'm just glad you're okay."

'How can you be so worried about me? It's my fault you're hurt!' Link wanted to say, but he was too afraid. He didn't want to hurt her anymore.

'It's my fault.'


link and beedle beef just seems natural lol

Chapter 17: fist bump

Chapter Text

Link’s hand went to his sword as Revea gasped, running over to a bush before cheering. He relaxed, stopping his walk, and turning towards her as she ran over to show him whatever was in her hands.

“Look! It’s a Tireless Frog!”

Link glanced down at it, but his eyes were immediately locked on Revea’s cheek. “You’re bleeding again.” Link pulled out the bloodied rag that he had made from scraps of the shirt the couple from Hateno village gave him. He handed it to Revea, her wiping her face.

“Better?” She asked, Link nodding and taking the rag back. Revea looked down at the frog and let it run off, watching it go. “I’m not mad at you, Link. I promise I’m not.”

Link motioned for them to continue. “Try not to smile too much. You keep ripping your wound open.”

Revea’s smiled dimmed a little, but nodded, continuing the walk to the Lanaryu Tower with Link. She approached the rock wall in front of them, standing still, hearing what Link was hearing.

There were Bokobolins at the top of the wall.

Wait down here until I get rid of them. Then you can come up.” Link signed, grabbing onto the wall.

But Revea pulled him back, shaking her head. “No. Let me help you. I can help.”

I don’t want you getting hurt.” Link signed back, a bit faster than normal, eyes sharp as he stared at Revea.

I’m not going to stand around while you fight alone.” Revea denied, pointing at the pack before signing again, “Give me a shield and a spear.”

Link clenched his jaw, staring right back at Revea. But she didn’t give up, holding her hand out for the weapon and protection. And then Link realized that if he didn’t give her what she was asking for, she’d climb up with him and then be weaponless and defenseless.

Thank you.” Revea signed, putting the shield and spear on her back holsters so she could climb without problem.

Please don’t get hurt. Run away if you need to. I’ll catch up.” Link signed, making sure Revea read what he said.

Link.” Revea sighed softly. “I’m not leaving you. I’m not mad at you. I trust you. And I will fight with you.”

Link swallowed and began climbing, staring up as he climbed without problem. ‘I won’t let her get hurt again.’

Link jumped to his feet, pulling out his bow and arrow immediately, hitting one of the 3 Blue Bokobolins in the head, knocking it over. Revea was just a beat behind him, running at one of the non-injured monsters, stabbing it several times until it fell backwards, into the fire, dying.

Link swung the Claymore with gritted teeth, this weapon taking a lot more strength to wield than a simple sword. But the slowness of a swing left him wide open for an attack by the enemy that wielded a much lighter weapon.

“Save the Claymores for the Moblins! They’re harder to kill and they’re slower!” Revea knocked the Bokobolin’s club out of its hand just as it was about to hit Link.

Link kicked the chest of the Bokobolin in front of him, giving himself a breath of time to switch his Claymore for a Broadsword, killing the Bokobolin in front of him with five swings. “Thanks.” Link signed with one hand, Revea nodding, eyes widening at something behind Link.

Link turned around quickly, seeing a Blue Moblin aiming a glowing blue arrow at him, just about to release it. Link held up his shield, knowing that if he jumped out of the way, Revea would be hit.

“No!” Revea shouted, tackling Link to the side just as the Moblin fired, missing the both of them. “Those are ice arrows! If it touches any part of you or any tool you wield, you body gets covered in ice!” Revea scrambled to her feet and ran at the Moblin, hitting it with her spear before it could knock another arrow.

Link slowly became frustrated with himself, running over to help her kill the bastard. There was so much he still didn’t know. If Revea kept saving him like this, she’d end up getting hurt.

Link scooped up the remains of the monsters, their horns, fangs, guts, and put them in his pack. They were useful when making elixirs. That’s what Revea said at least. And they could sell them, in case money got tight.

“You okay?” Revea double checked, grabbing Link’s shoulder so he would look at her.

Link nodded, holding up a Moblin fang.

Revea smiled slightly. “Good.” Revea pointed her spear up at the extremely tall platform. “I say we climb the ladder and fire arrows down at the fortress right beside it.” Revea moved her spear to point at the three story, wooden fortress that emitted a variety of monster noises.

Link nodded and ran over to it without another word, only stopping once Revea pulled him back from climbing the ladder.

“There’s probably an archer or some kind of monster up there.” She spoke softly, the two of them dangerously close to the fortress. The small cliff they were beside blocked them from the vision of the Bokobolins and Moblins that lurked across the structure. “If you’re going up first, be prepared to pull out a weapon.”

Link held up a thumbs up. “I think I’d be dead if you weren’t here with me.”

There’s strength in teamwork” Revea gave him a playful smile. “And I’m sure you would’ve figured something out.”

Link shrugged before turning around and climbing up the ladder. He wanted to go at an even pace so Revea didn’t lag behind, but once he glanced down and Revea was right behind him without struggle, he sped up.

He would not be underestimating her again.

Link almost pulled out his sword once he was faced with the Black Bokobolin, but then he realized how high up they were so Link just shoved the monster off, knowing that did the job.

“sh*t.” Revea looked down and caught sight of the Bokobolin before it disintegrated. She looked up at the wooden platforms where two other Black Bokobolins, a blue moblin, and a blue Bokobolin walked around. “The Black Bokobolins are the strongest that I know of. Though there have been rumors of a white species even stronger.”

“What do you suggest?” Link spoke, kneeling down, observing the monsters.

Revea smiled for a brief moment, so relieved Link was speaking again. “I suggest you fly us down on your paraglider, I finish off the Blue monsters with some headshots, and then we take down the last two bastards?”

Link grinned and held out his fist.

Revea fist bumped it.

“Damn.” Revea breathed heavily, tossing the Spiked Boko Bat that she picked up after her spear broke. “That was not fun.”

“You’re bleeding pretty bad.” Link huffed, wiping his hands on his pants, them previously covered in Bokobolin guts.

“You don’t look too good yourself.” Revea chuckled, the two walking closer to each other. “Any major injuries?”

Link looked down at his hands, his gloves shredded, deep cuts on his hands. “I grabbed the wrong end of a discarded sword. My mistake.”

Revea pulled out some bandages from the pack on Link’s side, wrapping his hands for him. “That should last us until we get to Zora’s Domain where I can make you a proper elixir and meal and you can buy some new gloves.”

Link poked his hands, testing out the pressure. It was bearable. “Can you climb the tower?”

“Hm?” Revea hummed, quite confused at Link's question. He has never suggested her to join him in the climb. “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

“I want you to climb the tower with me.” Link pointed to the tower that stood just a few meters from them. “If we can just paraglide to Zora’s Domain from on top of it, it’ll make our lives a lot easier.”

Revea nodded looking up at the platforms scattered along the sides that she knew Link used as little breathers. “Yeah, I can do that.”


“You okay?” Link steadied Revea as she swayed quite harshly once they stood at the top.

“Yeah.” She frowned, a hand going to her head, blinking several times. “I just got lightheaded. I think it’s the change of altitude.” Revea did her best to blink the blurriness out of her vision, but the edges remained smeared.

Link noticed her confused eyes and guided her to a solid backrest. “Sit down and take some deep breaths while I activate the tower, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Revea nodded, rubbing the heel of her hand against the middle of her forehead, feeling extremely nauseous now.

Link pulled out the water pouch and handed it to her before walking over to the Guidance Stone, doing what he needed to do.

Revea took a deep breath before taking a sip of the water, her eyes locking on her jade bracelet. “Oh no.” Revea mumbled, lowering the water pouch, holding her hand in front of her eyes. “That is not good.”

Link looked up at the Guidance Stone as the drop of intelligence fell onto the Sheikah Slate, the once digitally blank area of land replaced with a map of the area. Link returned the Sheikah Slate back on his hip and went back to Revea, crouching down beside her. “Did the water help?”

Revea shook her head. “Something is wrong.” Revea held out her hand, Link’s eyes widening as he saw the sight of her jade bracelet and ring.

Well, what used to be jade.

Now both pieces of jewelry had nasty red blotches and swirls across the once beautiful green stone. The red was so dark, some patches almost looked black.

Link took her hand in his and touched it, not feeling the warmth he did when he first did so a day or so ago. “What does this mean?”

“I don’t know.” Revea whispered, eyes burning as she stared at Link with wide eyes. “Link, I’m scared.”

“It’s going to be okay.” Link immediately shut down her fear, not willing to accept such a negative thing. “You’re going to be okay. Whatever is happening, we’ll figure it out. Everything will be okay.”

“Okay.” Revea nodded, swallowing and taking a shaky breath. Her eyes drifted behind Link’s head, frowning slightly. “Is that a Zora?”

Link turned his head and indeed, a dark blue Zora stood peering over the edge of the tower. “I’ll be back.” Link gave her hand a squeeze and went to the Zora, tapping his shoulder.

“WOW! I cannot believe it!” The Zora gasped, turning towards Link, “*ahem* Excuse me! Yes, you!” The Zora put his hands on his hips and stared down at Link. “I am Gruve of the Zora! It is apparent that you are a traveler, but may I ask what brought you here?”

Link gave the Zora a look and gestured to him.

“Hm… how very astute of you! An excellent query indeed!” Gruve gasped softly, immediately understanding that Link had turned the question back on him. “I, by order of Prince Sidon of Zora’s Domain, am searching for a Hylian. Or I was… but then I fell asleep. I awoke to a loud noise and awful quaking, and now here I am.”

Link slowly nodded, finding his story quite concerning. He’s been up here this entire time??

“I’d like to get down and be on my way, but I’m simply too high up! I need to figure something out.” Gruve sighed, crossing his arms. “Prince Sidon is down at the bridge below, but for some reason I cannot seem to catch his attention!” The Zora jumped slightly, pointing at Link. “But you! You are a Hylian, yes?!”

Link nodded.

“Well then! My luck is improving!” Gruve jumped up happily before turning towards the bridge below them. “PRINCE SIDON! I FOUND ONE! I FOUND A HYLIAN!!!!!”

Link smiled slightly once he heard Revea giggle a little off to the side.

“...” Gruve turned back to Link. "Hmm… Prince Sidon doesn’t seem to notice my struggle… Perhaps I should swallow my fear and jump to the river below. Then I could return to him! He must be worried sick!”

Link blinked, waiting for the Zora to jump.

“ …” Gruve looked down. “…”

Link looked down as well. He could easily make that jump.

“No! Nope! Can’t do it! I’m too high up.” Gruve quickly shook his head. “I’ll likely meet the gods of the ever after before I ever seen Prince Sidon again…” Gruve sighed in disappointment. “Mr. Hylian, I must apologize… It will be some time before I can get back to Prince Sidon. Please, you must leave me here and go on ahead.”

Link shrugged and turned around, jumping once he saw Revea. He pulled her several feet away from the edge of the tower, scared she’ll lose her balance and fall.

“Look, the bridge.” Revea walked back, Link holding her arm tightly. “It’s made of luminous stone. We must be close to Zora’s Domain.” Revea looked up, squinting through the slight fog. “You can see the rain, like Kass said. We’re still a decent while away.”

‘Damn, not paragliding all the way over there.’ Link grimaced at the distance.

“Let’s fly down to Inogo Bridge. It sounds like Prince Sidon wants to meet you.” Revea pointed back to the bridge a little while away. It would be a quick paraglide down.

Are you strong enough to hold on the entire way?” Link signed, before pulling out the paraglider.

“I think so.” Revea nodded, glancing over at the Zora man. “Excuse me? Mr. Gruve?”

Gruve jumped slightly upon hearing a woman’s voice, eyes wide as he stared at her. “Yes?”

“Sometimes you just need to take the jump of faith.” She gave him a gentle smile. “It’ll be such a relief to get back in the water. It’ll all be worth it in the end.”

Gruve swallowed and fiddling with his fingers, looking back down at the water, nodding. “I-I’ll think about it.”

“Good luck!” Revea stepped closer to Link, wrapping her arms under his arms, holding onto his shoulders tightly. “I’m ready.”

“Wrap your legs around me if you feel your arms getting weak.” Link spoke softly. “I don’t want you to fall.”

“I won’t fall.” Revea promised, getting her mind and arms ready for the strength that was required to hang onto Link while he paraglided.

Link and Revea jumped at the same time, Link holding onto the paraglider, guiding them down to Inogo Bridge, hoping Prince Sidon was, indeed, there. But with every meter closer to Zora’s Domain they flew, Revea felt more and more of strength drain out of her.

“Link.” She gasped out. “I-I can’t… I can’t-” Her arms slipped, but she quickly wrapped her legs around his torso, crying out in fear.

Link gritted his teeth, wishing he could let go of one of the handles of the paraglider to help hold onto her, but they would crash if he did that. Link looked down at the river below them. “Revea, you’re going to have to trust me.”

“I trust you!” Revea cried out, her arms and legs shaking as she tried to desperately hold onto Link, but she couldn’t even make out the color of his hair despite it being right in front of her.

Link put the paraglider away (game magic. idk how to work my way around this one lol) and they fell into the river below. Link held onto Revea tightly as they fell, Revea screaming until they hit the water. Thankfully Link had a good hold on Revea, even after they hit the water, kicking his legs until they broke the surface.

“Are you okay?” Link asked, swimming them to the land right beside them.

“Yeah, yeah.” Revea blinked rapidly, looking around. Her vision was clearing up a bit more, but the blurry edges have begun to turn a deep red, the blurriness creeping more into her center of vision. Revea grabbed onto the rocks, but had no strength left in her to pull herself up, only able to hang on until Link climbed out of the water, pulling her out the rest of the way.

Link breathed heavily, doing his best to catch his breath, staring at the river ahead of him, his hands on his knees. ‘Thank god for that river.’ Link pulled Revea to her feet. “Come on, we need to get to Zora’s Domain. They can help you.”

Revea stood up, but her knees immediately gave out on her, Link having to catch her before she hit the ground. “L-Link. Link… everything is so weak. I can’t move.”

“You’re okay, you’re okay.” Link quickly reassured, pulling her arm over his shoulder, wrapping his other arm around her waist. “You can walk. You can do this. I know you can.” Link looked over at Inogo Bridge. It looks so far away now that Revea was practically out of commission. “Prince Sidon is waiting for us, remember? The hot fish? You want to meet him, right?”

“Not because he’s hot.” Revea smiled weakly, her head falling forward before she forced it back up. “Something’s really wrong, Link.”

“You promise you have no injuries from the fight earlier?” Link doubled check, moving forward without notifying Revea, praying her body would just go on automatic mode.

“No, it’s a numb pain and I just feel drained.” Revea shook her head, her feet dragging as she did her best to walk. “It has something to do with Goddess. Something… I don’t know. She’s not saying anything to me.”

“The Zora elders will know what’s happening. They have to know.” Link held onto hope tightly. “You’re going to be okay Revea. Just one foot in front of the other. We’re going to be there in no time.”

They made it about ten meters before Revea blacked out for a moment, her body going completely limp, falling into Link’s arms.

“Revea?” Link gently lowered her to the ground, holding her close to him. “Revea!” He hit the side of her face, trying to get her eyes to open. “Revea!” He shook her by her shoulders, starting to panic now.

Her eyes fluttered open, confusion filling them as she stared up at Link. “W-What? Did we make it?”

“We’re going to make it.” Link changed her words, looking up, seeing a red head in the water just another ten meters from them. “Come on. I can see Prince Sidon. We have to talk to him.”

“I can’t.” Revea shook her head with a whisper, holding up her hand. “I can’t.”

Link looked at her jade jewelry, almost all of the green covered in that disgusting red and black color. “No.” Link pushed her hand away. “We’re going to meet Prince Sidon and you’re going to see Zora’s Domain glow in the dark, just like you wanted to, remember?”

“Link,” Revea protested weakly, but Link pulled her to her feet. She groaned in pain, holding her stomach. “Everything’s so wrong.” She clung to him. “I can’t move.”

“I can move.” Link clenched his jaw before picking up Revea bridal style. “We’re going to be just fine.” Link’s heart pounded in his chest as he noticed how pale Revea had gotten. Maybe it looked worse because they were surrounded by mountains and trees that blocked the sun, but either way, she didn’t look good at all.

“Link,” Revea mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut, and then open again. “Remember the arrows. The ice ones… they freeze. The electric ones… the water is dangerous.”

“I know, I know.” Link kept his eyes locked on who he hoped was the Prince of the Zora, not close enough yet. “Focus on yourself Revea. I’ll be fine.”

“Use spears when you fight the Lizalfols.” Revea’s head hit Link’s shoulder, a groan leaving her lips. “Everything hurts.”

“We’re almost there. We’re-HEY!” Link shouted at the Zora, finally close enough. “Are you the Prince?”

“Why indeed I am.” Prince Sidon slowly swam closer to shore, not exactly liking how this man chose to catch his attention, but still curious. “Oh my! You’re a Hyli-”

“Yes I’m a Hylian and yes I’ll help you.” Link spoke quickly, walking all the way to the shore line, Revea’s head falling backwards before she slowly picked it back up, unable to see the Prince with her horrible vision. “My friend, something’s wrong with her. She needs a healer. Do you have healers in Zora’s Domain?”

Prince Sidon blinked several times, still in shock at the state of these two Hylians. “Why yes we do. She looks rather pale-”

“I know!” Link interrupted, anxiety coursing through his entire body, feeling like he was going to explode. “Please, I need you to swim her there as fast as you can. Zora are fast swimmers, right?” Link whispered softly reassuring words as she groaned again, her eyes finally shut, limp and cold against Link.

“I’m one of the best swimmers of the Zora.” Sidon motioned for Link to come closer to the water. “Put her on my back.”

“She can’t hold on.” Link warned, slowly making his way down the rocks, careful not to slip. “Sh-”

“I can hold her while I swim.” The Prince reassured. “She’ll be in the hands of the best healers of the kingdom.”

“I’m counting on you.” Link breathed, finally settling Revea on Prince Sidon’s back. “Revea. They’re going to help you. Just hang on.” He gave her shoulder a soft squeeze before stepping away from the two.

“Just follow that path to your right. It’ll lead you right to Zora’s Domain.” Prince Sidon had grown quite serious. Truth be told, he could sense just the amount of pain and exhaustion Revea was dealing with as soon as she touched his back. And it was not good at all. “It’s infested with monsters. I’ll come back as soon as I get the Hylian some medical attention.”

“Her name is Revea.” Link stated, knowing she would need some grounding. “Please swim fast.”

Prince Sidon nodded and swam away much faster than Link ever thought was possible. But the prince was right. He was one of the best swimmers of the Zora for a reason.

Link turned towards the path that the Prince pointed out. He pulled out his Sheikah Slate, wanting to see exactly how long this path was.

It would take him an entire day to get to the Domain if he just walked. Less if he ran. More if there were monsters littered across the path like the Prince said. Link pulled out his spear, rolled his head in a circle, and locked his eyes straight ahead.

‘I’ve got this.’

Chapter 18: a charming smile


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Revea got worse as we swam closer to Zora’s Domain.” Sidon filled Link in, Link now on Sidon’s back, covered in mud and new injuries from the monsters he just fought. Thankfully Sidon came just in time, Link able to escape a particular nasty hoard of monsters.

“How worse?” Link asked, glancing around, seeing a few Lizalfols running around the shoreline.

“She lost consciousness and started bleeding from her eyes.” Sidon said sadly, remembering the fear he felt when he picked her up from the water. “It wasn’t a lot of blood and I got to the healers a minute after it began.”

“Is she better now?” Link’s voice was emotionless, yet in pain. Everything… he tried so hard to keep her safe. And now she’s being hurt by some invisible monster. Was she poisoned?

No no, he made sure she was hardly harmed.

Link gritted his teeth as he watched a Bokobolin, pull its arm back to stab its spear at Revea. Link grabbed a stick from the ground and threw it at the monster, knocking the spear from its nasty claws.

Revea quickly turned around and finished the Bokobolin off. “Thanks!” She breathed before jumping out of the way from an arrow aimed at her. “Link!” She shouted, throwing her spear a second later.

Link whipped his head around, eyes wide as he watched the Bokobolin with a spear sticking out of its chest fall to the ground before disintegrating into black and red smoke.

“She’s better, but not conscious.” Sidon kicked one last time, finally on shore with Link. The man got off Sidon’s back, the two standing on land now. “She’s in our pool of healing with several healers.”

“Alright.” Link nodded, taking a deep breath. “Must I meet with your father? Or may I visit her first?”

“My father has been anxiously waiting for you.” Prince Sidon clenched and unclenched his hands, feeling guilty to ask the Hylian such a thing. “It will be a short conversation, and then you may freely visit her.”


Link made sure to not let his feet drag or hit the many stairs he and Sidon climbed. He was so tired from his journey here and all he wanted to do was sit beside Revea and wait for her to heal.

But the Zora needed him.

Link made sure his face didn’t react to the sight of the extremely huge king. He had no idea Zora could grow so big…

“Ah.” The king’s voice was naturally commanding and powerful, Link wanting to kneel in front of him instinctively. But Link remained standing, reminding himself that the king he used to kneel for was dead. “You must be the Hylian that Sidon brought here, correct?”

Link nodded.

“You did well to come all the way here!” The king smiled down at him, a proud smile on his face. “I am King Dorephan, ruler of the Zora.” The king studied Link for a brief moment, his eyes widening slightly. “Hm? That object upon your waist… is that not a Sheikah Slate?! HMMM?!” The king leaned back, a humorous smile on his face. “Now that I have gotten a good luck at you, it is all too clear who you are…

“You are the Hylian Champion, Link!” The king exclaimed. “Do not tell me you have forgotten me…” The king’s smile faded slightly, noticing Link’s lack of reaction.

“The Hylian Champion?” Sidon spoke up from Link’s right. “You can’t mean THE Link? THAT Champion?!”

‘Great.’ Link fought the urge to nervously wet his lips. ‘More people that have connections to me that I don’t remember.’

‘So that’s where I have heard your name before!” Sidon smiled happily. “What a fateful coincidence that we should cross paths!”

“I cannot believe it.” The king chuckled, studying Link further. “The Hylian Champion, Link, has appeared before us… We have met numerous times, I’ll have you know.” The king laughed, leaning back in his throne. “Ah… So many memories! My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend.”

‘I wish… I’m so sorry I don’t remember.’ Link’s finger twitched, resisting the need to clench his fists in frustration. ‘This damn memory of mine. It isn’t fair.’

“I had heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat, but it appears you managed to survive. Extraordinary!”

Link took a deep breath. “I lost my memory.”

“Come again?” The king leaned forward, eyes wide, in shock. “You say you have lost your memory? But surely you must remember my precious daughter, Mipha, yes?” The king swallowed, uneasy once he saw no trace or recognition or memory in Link’s eyes. “You do, do you not?”

Link shook his head, sadness finally filling his eyes.

“I cannot believe it…” The king said sadly, staring at Link with a mixture of remorse and pity. “Have you truly forgotten my dear Mipha as well?”

‘I only know what Revea has told me.’ Link shook his head once more.

“You and Mipha were so close… Yet you do not remember?” The king tried again, desperately wanting this Champion to remember the brightest star in his life. “Young hero… Please look upon the beauty of Zora’s Domain.”

Link turned around, walking towards the edge of the throne room, looking down at the statue that Revea had previously told him was Mipha.

“Do you see that statue? Does gazing upon Mipha’s immortalized form still not jog your memory?”

Link returned to his spot in front of the king and shook his head. ‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t know we were so close.’

“Well, perhaps your memory will return in time.’ The king smiled at him gently, unable to imagine the pain and frustration that came with lost memory. “I dearly hope so.”

“Father…” Sidon looked up at his dad, finally getting the courage to speak up. “I do not believe discussing my sister is helping matters at the moment. Link seems confused.”

Link glanced over at the prince, thankful for his interception, but a painful realization hit him.

Mipha’s brother, Sidon…

Revea had told him the Zora had treasured the dear princess. She was everyone’s everything. The Domain was in shambles for many years after her death and even now, 100 years later, they were still grieving.

Sidon had lost his sister.

“Oh? Yes, of course.” The king always lost track when it came to his daughter. He could talk for days about his pride and joy. His perfect, kind-hearted daughter…

“But first, it is worth noting how remarkable it is that Sidon brought a Champion here without realizing it!” The king smiled proudly at his son, Sidon standing up straighter, looking shocked that his father was praising him. “That is quite a fear, my boy! Wah ha ha! That is a good one!”

Yes, the king loved his daughter so much and put her above everything. He had a son too. And he made sure to treasure him just as much as he did Mipha.

“Link, I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials. Still, I must ask you to hear my plea.” The king watched Link nod, loyal and devoted as always. “Now then. Hero… I must inform you that Zora’s Domain is in danger of vanishing because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I shal do you the courtesy of speaking bluntly. We alone cannot stop this beast.”

Link glanced to the side as he heard someone scoff in disagreement. Link stared at the green, stingray-like Zora. Link didn’t realize he was there until now. And boy, did he look pissed.

“Will you lend us your strength?”

“What?!” The unknown Zora exclaimed, completely disgusted. He was clearly an elder of the Zora, the wrinkles around his eyes and forehead exposing his age. “King Dorephan! My liege!” He protested loudly. “Please do not speak so!” He shook his head. “To ask a Hylian for help… Why, the very thought of it curls my fins!”

“Muzu, I expected more of you.” The king sighed softly. “How can you still protest?”

Prince Sidon frowned deeply, standing across from the elder. “Muzu!” The Prince wasn’t as kind as his father. “It is rude to speak that way to your king and his guest. Link is here because I invited him!” Sidon stepped forward, waving his arm as he spoke. “With such unprecedented rainfall, we have no choice but to rely on the aid of a trustworthy Hylian.” The Prince’s face softened slightly and he stepped back. “Have we not already discussed this and arrived at that very conclusion?” Sidon looked over at Link and smiled thankfully at him. “He is the key to saving Zora’s Domain. I have no doubt in my mind.”

Link nodded towards the prince, a small smile on his face.

“Indeed!” The king smiled happily, so proud of his son. “Link is a Champion, through and through.” The king’s eyes went back to Link, Muzu silent. “As things now stand, Zora’s Domain…Nay!” The king corrected himself. “Perhaps all of Hyrule… is doomed to be swallowed by the sea.”

Link’s eyebrows wavered for a moment. He had no idea how long this rainfall has been occurring… but if it was enough to destroy an entire kingdom…

“This is bigger than all of us, my friend.” The king saw the determination in Link’s eyes, smiling slightly as he remembered that look from many years ago. “Zora and Hylians alike must put aside our differences and band together.”

“Have you forgotten already, my king?!” Muzu protested once again, Link giving him a sharp stare. “We cannot trust these lowly Hylians!” Muzu stepped towards the king and pointed at Link. “A hundred years ago, they abused the power of an ancient civilization and turned Hyrule into what it is today!” Muzu shook his head, pure hatred in his eyes as he turned towards Link. “And that is not the least of it!” Muzu’s finger shook as he pointed at Link, but soon, it fell, as did his head as sadness replaced his rage. “It is their fault that Lady Mipha was lost to us…”

The king remained silent, all of them taking in the pain of Mipha’s death once again. The king took a breath, speaking softly. “Link… Divine Beast Vah Ruta has great power.” The king moved forward, knowing that the past couldn’t be changed and his daughter could not be brought back to life. “It has the unique ability to create an endless supply of water. Of late it has been mercilessly spouting water into the air. As a result, this area has been plagued by heavy rains.”

Link nodded, focusing on the information.

“For us Zora, water and air are as one, so you would not think this would be quite so critical of a problem.” King Dorephan gestured to something to the side. “Sadly, the rains have filled the eastern reservoir nearly to the point of flooding. If the reservoir bursts, as it soon will, I fear immense damage will befall not only Zora’s Domain…but also the area downstream from us. There, Hylian lives are in very grave danger.”

Link didn’t flinch as a loud roar ripped through the area.

“Hm, Divine Beast Vah Ruta is crying out once more.” The king stated sadly. “The Divine Beast Vah Ruta…” The king turned back to Link. “Your princess, Zelda, often studied the Divine Beasts. That is, in the time before the Great Calamity. According to her research, the orbs located on Ruta’s shoulders are mechanisms that can control the water it generates. However, they require electricity to work.”

Link nodded, new information finally gracing his ears. He had known the majority of the previous information thanks to Revea. But now… this all was growing increasingly concerning.

“These orbs are clearly out of control now because there is no electricity coursing through to stop them.”

‘Electric arrows.’ Link immediately concluded, forming a plan on how to stop the beast. ‘How will I get close enough to it though to shoot them? Will Vah Ruta attack me? A mechanism of that size, it’ll be extremely powerful.'

“Seggin, who is quite shock resistant for a Zora, hit one with a shock arrow.” Prince Sidon spoke up, Link turning his head towards him, listening intently. “Sure enough, it slowed the water a bit.”

‘I was right.’ Link thought to himself.

“Unfortunately, as an aquatic race, we Zora are terribly vulnerable to the power of electricity.” The prince continued to explain. “Perhaps because we could not safely strike it with enough electricity at once, the water soon returned to its full force.” Sidon smiled happily, clenching his fist and doing a little show of holding it up to his chest. “That is why I went in search of a Hylian who could help us!” Sidon let his arm go back to his side, relaxing his body. “Link, I am certain you have already figured this out, but… We need you to use shock arrows to get those orbs working properly again!"

‘I agree.’ Link nodded. ‘But how far is Vah Ruta in the water?’

“I will aid you in any way I can, of course. Please, hero… I beg of you. Help me stop Ruta’s rampage of destruction!” Prince Sidon stepped towards Link, passion and determination in his eyes.

“I, um…” Link couldn’t seem to find the right words. “Well, I’ve been instructed by Princess Zelda to calm the four Divine Beasts from inside them.”

“Whaaat?!” The king gasped, leaning forward, eyes wide. “Princess Zelda herself instructed you to board the Divine Beast and appease it from within?” The king’s eyes remained on Link, puzzle pieces connecting. “So then… Princess Zelda is still alive?”

“Yes, in Hyrule Castle.” Link nodded. “She’s been holding off Ganon for 100 years now.”

“I do not believe it…” The king sat back, in pure shock. “She was alive this whole time, just as you were!” The king shook his head. “The events of 100 years ago cannot be altered, it is true. But if we can regain control of the Divine Beasts… they may yet prove useful in sealing Calamity Ganon once and for all!”

“I did not know you had such grand ambitions, Link…” Prince Sidon stared at Link in awe, admiration coursing through him. But that quickly snapped away as a wide grin crossed the prince’s face. “Wondrous! Naturally, I shall help too! Once it has stopped rampaging, you can easily climb inside it. Come, Link! Let us appease Ruta together!”

Link smiled. “I’m in. Let’s do this.”

“Thank you, Link.” The king smiled. “Truly. We are in your debt. Our goal is the same. That means our meeting was nothing short of destiny.” The king’s smile turned bittersweet and sad. “Now then, allow me to offer you this gift as a show of faith.”

Link stepped forward and accepted the piece of armor from the king, a warm fuzzy feeling hugging his heart tightly as he took it into his hands and returned to his spot, staring down at the piece of armor.

“So long as you wear this, you can ascend waterfalls just like a Zora.”

‘That is so freaking cool.’ Link rubbed his thumb across the fabric, noticing the scales woven into the armor. ‘And this armor is absolutely gorgeous…’

“Please, take good care of it.’ The king nodded as Link did, relieved the piece of armor finally met with its proper wearer.

“King Dorephan!” Muzu protested as loud as a shout, looking like he was going to explode. “Surely you do not really intend to give this outsider the Zora armor!” Muzu shook his head as the king nodded. “Countless generations of Zora princesses have gifted that armor to the one they have sworn to marry!” Muzu pointed at the piece of armor Link now held. “Princess Mipha made that one there with her own hands! It is far too important to entrust to a shady Hylian!”

Link looked down at the armor, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. ‘Mipha… made this for me?’

“He may be a Champion, but Mipha had no such relationship with him.” Muzu glared at Link. “So why should HE receive such an honor?”

‘Oh, she didn’t make it for me…’ Link realized, looking down at it once more.

“This is too much my liege!” Muzu declared before storming out of the throne room.

“Hmph.” The king shook his head, watching the council member go. “That Muzu is not easily swayed once his mind is set.” The king sent Link a look full of pity. “You must understand… He was in charge of educating my dear daughter, Mipha. Naturally, she means a lot to him… just as she means the world to us. Ever since we lost her to the Calamity, he has grown to despise Hylians.” The king smiled sadly. “I hope you can forgive his rudeness.” The king sighed and leaned back. “Hmm, but what shall we do now?

“I tasked Muzu with finding the shock arrows we will need to appease Vah Ruta.” The king gestured to the stairs behind Link. “But now he has rushed off in a huff…”

“Link! Do not let his words concern you. I will work this out with Muzu.” Sidon promised, a determined glint in his eyes.

‘Sidon…’ The king thought sadly, his eyes on his son. ‘I suppose that means you are going to tell him…’

“Link.” The king spoke once more. “Muzu is most likely at the square down below. Would you mind going down there? I would like you to try to speak with him.”

( this took me almost 45 minutes to write from the game. i did not realize that scene was this long )

“Father.” Prince Sidon spoke up. “Link has come with a friend.”

“Oh you have?” The king smiled. “I would like to meet your friend if you do not mind. I must welcome them to our domain.”

“Unfortunately she has suffered injuries from an unknown cause.” The prince continued, Link so thankful he didn’t have to explain this all to the king. “I promised Link to show him to her once he finished speaking to you.”

“Of course.” The king nodded, a worried expression on his face. “When you have updates concerning your friend, please let me know. I hope she will be okay.”

“She will, Father!” Sidon stated with a firm nod. “We have some of the best healers here at Zora’s Domain!”

“You are correct, my son.” The king smiled proudly. “Please do what you need to, Link. But remember to speak to Muzu after Sidon has spoken to him.”

“I will.” Link promised, following Sidon out of the throne room as he put the armor set in his bag. ‘I’ll have to put that on in a little while.’


( so i know zora’s domain doesn’t have a “pool of healing” and yes, i am re-playing botw while writing this, so i’m trying to make this story as “accurate” as possible…
with that being said, i’m also trusting that you, the reader, doesn’t have a map of zora’s domain beside you as you read this…
you know zora’s domain. i know zora’s domain. just go off the vibes. that’s what i’m doing :) )

Link followed Prince Sidon to the pool of healing, glancing around at the whispering Zora who were trying not to be obvious, but it was obvious.

“Please give the Hylian some moments alone with his friend.” Prince Sidon asked the bystanders kindly, everyone immediately leaving. The healer, however, remained, knowing she was needed.

Link sucked in a breath of air as he saw Revea submerged in the water, only her head above water thanks to some kind of flotation device. She was in only her undergarments and Link assumed she was in that state so the healing properties of the water were at their full potential. Link glanced over at who he presumed was a healer, but walked towards Revea.

“You’re Link, right?” The female Zora intercepted him on his walk to Revea, Prince Sidon remaining silent. “Your friend, Revea, she hasn’t woken but we have done all of the healing that we can.”

Do you know what caused it ?” Link signed, eyes on Revea.

Silence, the healer glancing over at the Prince.

“Oh!” Prince Sidon shuffled closer. “Could you repeat that please, Link?”

Link did, slowly stepping to the side to get a better look at Revea. She still looked really pale…

“We do not know what has caused such a thing.” The medic twisted her fingers, staring at the Champion she met when she was only a young fish. “Link, have you noticed her jewelry?”

Link’s eyes darted to the medic and nodded.

“We removed almost everything so the water could take full affect-”

Where is her necklace and bracelet? ” Link signed quickly, looking up at Prince Sidon, urging him to translate faster. Her mother’s necklace and the bracelet her younger sister made for her… If she lost them…

“They’re right beside her items.” The medic stumbled over her words, gesturing to the folded clothes and bag. “But, a ring and bracelet wouldn’t come off. Were you aware of such things? And adding to that, the jewelry that stayed on, well, it looks tainted with Malice.”

Link’s eyes fell onto Revea, looking through the perfectly clear water. The jewelry looked worse than before. “We were aware. It appeared once we neared the Domain. Specifically on Lanaryu Tower.

Prince Sidon translated before kneeling down beside the pool that Revea was in, looking down at the jewelry. “My, how interesting!” Prince Sidon looked behind him and at Link. “Is she part of some kind of tribe? Is the jewelry a sign of royalty in a culture that I am not aware of?”

Link shook his head. “The Goddess gifted her the jewelry a few days ago. We think they have some kind of special properties to them, but… it looks like it only harms her.”

“My my.” Sidon breathed out, looking back at the girl. “What an interesting Hylian!”

Link crouched down beside Sidon, looking down at Revea, just a foot or so away from her. ‘Damnit Revea. I’m so sorry you got hurt so bad. I didn’t know what to do.’

Link’s eyes widened slightly as Revea’s face scrunched up a little, an expression that looked like she knew something was wrong, or suspicious. The medic hurried over and got into the water beside her, keeping her head steady on the flotation device.

“Link?” She mumbled, her legs slowly moving back and forth like how one would tread water, but she was moving them extremely slowly, still getting used to the feeling.

“Link, her jewelry.” Prince Sidon whispered, pointing down at the water.

Link’s eyes left Revea’s face, peering down at the faint glow of her ring. He looked back up at her, waiting for her to open her eyes.


“Revea.” Link edged closer to her, eyes not daring to blink. “I’m right here.”

Revea’s eyes fluttered open, confusion filling her face as she made eye contact with the medic. “Link?”

“Over here, Revea.” Link smiled softly, Revea turning her head towards him, her whole body relaxing.

“You’re hurt.”

Link blinked in surprise, his mouth not moving, just…

That is what she’s concerned about???

“Miss Revea.” Prince Sidon cleared his throat, eyes leaving the frozen hero. “I’m Prince Sidon and you’ve been under the care of my Domain, Zora’s Domain. Our healers, one of them being beside you, healed you the best they could. How are you feeling?”

Revea stared at Prince Sidon in awe. She didn’t think she’d find a Zora so attractive. “T-Tired.”

“Would you like to leave the water?” The healer asked her with a kind tone. “Your body seems to be responding well to your consciousness.”

Revea nodded. “Y-Yes please.” Revea glanced down, noticing her lack of clothes and her face burned bright red immediately. “U-Uhm, uh, I… Uhm, where are my clothes?”

Prince Sidon pulled Link to his feet, Link pulling back ever so slightly. “Link. Let us give Miss Revea some privacy and prepare her a warm meal.”

Link frowned slightly, not seeing anything wrong with staying. He wanted to talk to her and…



“Miss Revea said you were injured, Link.” Sidon commented as he stirred the pot, the soup he made in it. “What is injured?”

“Probably my hands.” Link looked down at them, his shredded gloves barely hanging out, the blood dried on his hands, but the cuts still looked ugly.

“Oh my Goddess, Link!” Sidon’s eyes widened, almost dropping the soup ladle. “Why don’t you visit our healer? She’ll help you!”

“Alright.” Link shrugged, walking away from Sidon, back to where the two of them were about twenty minutes earlier.

Prince Sidon watched as Link walked off, staring in complete bewilderment. His hands were in such a horrible state and he didn’t say anything sooner??? What is wrong with these Hylians???

Link sighed softly as he walked, nodding towards each Zora that looked his way, remaining as polite and as respectful as possible. ‘Revea’s told me all about their culture and certain behaviors, but I still feel a bit uneasy without her to rely on. Especially with my sign language. Thankfully Sidon remembers me from when he was younger…

‘Which…’ Link stopped in front of the statue of the deceased Guardian, Prince Sidon’s sister, King Dorephan’s daughter…


‘I’m sorry I don’t remember you.’

“Thank you very much.” Revea spoke, her hands tracing the bag she was just gifted. “This is absolutely gorgeous.”

“I made it myself.” One of the female Zoras said with a happy smile.

“Oh you did!” Revea gasped, looking down at it again, observing and admiring even more. “Wow, your craft is breathtaking. Do many travelers come here and buy from you?”

“They used to.” The Zora’s smile faded a little, nodding her head. “But with Vah Ruta’s rampage, it's been enough to keep travelers away.”

“Oh I’m very sorry.” Revea said sincerely. “My friend is here to hopefully help the-oh Link!” Revea turned once she saw him out of the corner of her eye. “I was just telling Marot about why we’re here.”

Link smiled softly and waved at the three females with Revea.

“You’re Link, aren’t you!” One immediately recognized him. “It’s so nice to see you again!”

Link shook her head with a polite smile, the Zora not questioning his muteness. Perhaps 100 years ago he was also mute. He couldn’t quite remember though…

Revea.” Link signed, Revea’s eyes lighting up as she nodded, signaling she was watching. “ Could you ask one of the healers to heal my hands? Prince Sidon said I had to get healed .”

“Right.” Revea breathed, turning back to the Zoras. “Laflat, Link got injured during our journey here. Do you think you could look at his injuries?”

“Of course I can!” Laflat immediately agreed. “I may not be as skilled as Mipha was, but I have been practicing and tuning my skill as much as I can!”

“Thank you so much.” Revea thanked her for the both of them. “ Would you like me to tag along ?” Revea signed.

Link nodded.

The three of them walked to the pool of water Revea was previously in, sitting down beside it. Revea waved at the other two female Zora as they walked away, bidding them well. Revea faced Link, frowning softly as she stared at him, silence filling the room.

“Something else is hurt.” Revea shook her head after Laflat healed his hands. “How long were we apart?”

An hour or two. I don’t really remember. A lot was happening.” Link signed before going back to flexing his hand, testing out his skin and mended muscle. It felt as good as new.


“Soup is ready!” Prince Sidon sang as he walked into the room, carrying two big bowls of soup. “Link! Miss Revea! I shall lead you to one of the most scenic places of Zora’s Domain and let you two catch up!” Prince Sidon smiled happily. “Please follow me!”

“Oh that is so kind of yo-” Revea’s knee gave out as she attempted to stand, Link catched her before she fell completely to the ground. “Thank you. Sorry.” She quickly breathed, an embarrassed smile replacing her grateful one.

“Take your time.” Link mumbled, standing up first so he could help Revea up. He watched Laflat walk out of the room, Prince Sidon giving her a thankful smile as she passed him. “Are you still feeling weak?”

“Extremely.” Revea admitted quietly. “But it’s bearable and so much better than before.”

Link hooked Revea’s arm with his own and led them over to Prince Sidon, no one questioning anything, no one protesting. Even as they walked through Zora’s Domain and one of the curving bridges to a small little gazebo-like structure. Instead of a simple roof, it appeared to be a giant flower blossoming upwards, giving off a small area that was protected from the rain.

“Oh that's just gorgeous.” Revea breathed, staring up at the brilliant blue stone that hung from the ceiling. It was carved to be the shape of a pyramid with the base connected to the ceiling. “It must be so wonderful to live here.” Revea gasped softly, turning towards Prince Sidon. “Your Highness, does the Domain actually glow at night? I’ve never been here before and I’ve only heard from a few travelers that it does- and it’s true that the majority of the Domain is made of luminous stone- and the Domain is one giant structure, right?”

“So many things to digest!” Sidon laughed out loud, placing a hand on his stomach as he did so. “Miss Revea, I ask to relax on the formality. Prince Sidon is quite alright with me.”

“Right! Sorry!” Revea flashed a flustered smile, Link giving her a sideways glance, their arms still hooked.

“And yes, Zora’s Domain glows a soft blue at night. I can accompany you to our entrance to view the Domain as a whole when it becomes late enough, if you so wish?” Prince Sidon offered, just so happy that these two Hylians have come to the domain! One has agreed to help calm Vah Ruta, and the other has been graced with a gift from the Goddess!

“I would love that.” Revea quickly nodded, almost like if she didn’t agree fast enough, Sidon would change his mind.

“Great!” Prince Sidon flashed a smile, Link squinting as he could’ve sword he saw his teeth glint. “And to answer your final question, yes, Zora’s Domain is one giant structure. Our ancestors were clearly geniuses of their time. The architecture and design is timeless and flawless.”

“I agree wholeheartedly.” Revea’s eyes left Sidon, dancing across the structures behind the Zora, admiring their smooth and continuous flow, like the water.

“Well, I’ll leave you two be.” Prince Sidon smiled happily. “Link, I’ll speak to Muzu a bit more about where to gather electric arrows. Come check with me whenever your conversation is over.” Prince Sidon gave them a wave, leaving the two Hylians with bowls of clam chowder and big glasses of water.

Revea waved back, a loving smile on her face as she watched the charming prince walk off. Her trance was broken as Link plopped down onto the ground, digging into the clam chowder like he hasn’t been fed in years. Revea sat down as well, picking up her own bowl. “Did the prince really make us food?”

“He wanted to.” Link shrugged, shoveling another spoonful into his mouth. “He’s a good cook.” Link pointed his spoon at Revea’s untouched food. “Eat. The prince said this is a really hearty meal. You need to get strong.”

“I know but you-”

Link stopped eating, only to give Revea a look. “We’ll talk after we eat. You need a nice hot meal and the Prince has so kindly given that to us.” Link looked down and scooped another spoonful of his soup. “Plus, I won’t be filling you in on anything if you don’t eat, so chop chop.”

Revea rolled her eyes and dug in.


“One of the fairies had to heal you?” Revea gasped softly, Link nodding, the two of them sitting against a crate that Link had dragged over. “Goodness, Link, that must’ve been so scary.”

“That’s the only reason I’m glad the Prince took you back to the domain.” Link shook his head and crossed his arms. “Those electric arrows deal heavy damage and I kept dropping my weapon and shield. I just… got too ahead of myself.”

“That’s a lot to deal with.” Revea immediately shut down his self-critiques. “You survived several monsters with the heavy disadvantages that were stacked against you. I’m sure you’ve learned plenty and you could beat them again with no problem.” Revea looked down at her jade ring before looking back over at Link. “You were injured, but the soup helped. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Link hesitated, squinting towards the sun, taking into account that it was later in the afternoon. Despite the consistent rain pouring around them, the sun was still visible. Dim, yes, but still there.

“When I arrived at the Domain, all that was on my mind was checking to see if you were alive.” Link stated. “I spoke with the King first and he told me about Vah Ruta and the progress and knowledge they have made and have, and then I was dismissed to see you. There was no time to take my injuries into account.”

Revea looked over at Link, her eyes wide. ‘He cares so much.’ Revea slowly turned her head forward again, rubbing a hand against her stomach. “Does anything hurt now? I don’t sense anything…”

“I feel really good, actually.” Link said sincerely. “And, that’s another thing I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Link completely turned towards Revea, Revea doing the same. “You keep noticing that I’m injured without seeing any physical signs. How do you know?”

“I-I don’t know, honestly.” Revea looked down at the jewelry from the Goddess. “It started after the Goddess spoke to me. I can just,, something just doesn’t feel right and I know it’s because you’re hurt.” Revea shrugged as she looked up at Link. “I guess that’s something the jewelry can do.”

“And it can severely hurt you.” Link stared down at the jade, well, tainted jade jewelry. The black and red splotches were still the majority of the color on the jewelry. “I don’t like it.”

“I’ll speak to the Zora elders some time soon.” Revea promised. “Maybe they’ll know something.”

“About the elders…” Link heard someone walking up behind him, from the domain, but paid them no mind, knowing it was a Zora and they were still a little while away. “They don’t exactly-”

“What do you two wretched beasts think you’re doing?!” A voice shouted from behind Link.

‘Wretched beasts?’ Link frowned, turning his head towards the voice. ‘Where?’

“Get out of our Domain!” An elderly Zora man shouted, shaking his fists as he stomped towards them. “You are not welcomed here!”

“S-Sir, we are only here to help.” Revea stuttered as she staggered to her feet, doing her best to keep her head from going lightheaded and from keeping her knees from giving out. Link glanced over at her as he too stood up. “We-”

“I don’t care about your sorry excuses!” The Zora shoved Link out of his way, shoving his finger in Revea’s face. “You’re a filthy Hylian! You ruined everything!”

“O-Okay, we’ll go.” Revea could tell reasoning with the elder would not be of any aid to this situation. She turned to the side, squatting down to pick up her and Link’s empty bowls of soup.

But a surprisingly strong shove from the Zora sent her toppling down, her side hitting the crate that was previously a backrest for her and Link.

Revea she gasped out in pain, her hand going to her tender side as she looked up at the Zora, wanting to ask why he would do that, but her eyes shut as she saw his leg pulled back, poised to kick her.

“That is enough!” Prince Sidon came running, anger splashed across his face so chaotically, yet he was in complete control of it.

The elder Zora glared down at Revea, pushing her down with his foot instead of kicking her. “You’re lucky.” He spat at her before being turned around by the Prince himself.

“Seggin! These are our friends! Not enemies!” Prince Sidon struggled to keep his voice below a shout, but man, this elder was really testing him.

Link stood in front of Revea, his hand poised to take out his Traveler’s Sword. His eyes were fixated on Seggin, daring him to make one more move against Revea.

Are you alright, Revea?” A soft, gentle voice asked.

“W-What?” Revea whispered, slowly picking herself up, sitting instead of sprawled on the ground. Revea’s eyes widened as she stared at the young female Zora. Her red skin matched Sidon’s, and the jewels upon her head marked her of royalty. Revea stared into her topaz colored eyes. Her eyes, so full of worry, yet so welcoming.

Please forgive Seggin. He is blinded by rage and grief.” The Zora gently caressed Revea’s cheek, giving her a smile. “ Thank you for coming to help the domain .”

“Princess Mipha?” Revea breathed, staring right at her.

Link turned his head, a frown crossing his face upon hearing her words. He knelt beside her. “Did you hit your head?” Link asked softly, the prince and Seggin still arguing beside them.

Revea blinked and Mipha was gone, Revea staring in shock. “N-No. But the princess. Sh-she was, she was right here.”

Link helped Revea to her feet. “Come on. Let’s go back to the medic. Prince Sidon will handle Seggin.”

“But…” Revea stopped, Link hooking his arm with her’s, leading her away from the Zora. ‘I saw her. I did. I truly did.’

Link pressed his lips, keeping his eyes forward. ‘Are we even safe here?’


i know the zora elders aren't so nasty but i feel like so many emotions could be played up in the storyline! the anger and resentment towards hylians is one. link's overall emotional reaction and frustration to not having emotions is another!

and i plan on making the Yiga a lot more terrifying than in the game. they have such potential but i feel like they're seen as a joke because of kohga tbh. the death of revea's family is just a small hint of what they could do :)

Chapter 19: glow

Chapter Text

Link kept his arms crossed, standing in front of the shrine that was right below the throne room. Sidon stood beside him, his hands behind his back, waiting patiently. Link watched Revea from afar.

She sat out in the rain with four young Zora. One sat in her lap while two others sat on either side of her, the fourth one standing up, telling some kind of story. She watched the young-in with bright eyes, a smile never leaving her face, all of them laughing at one point.

“I need to know if this place is safe.” Link finally turned towards Sidon, staring up at the extremely tall prince.

“It is.” Prince Sidon answered immediately. “What happened earlier was something I have never seen before. Seggin has never lashed out like that.”

Link clenched his jaw, looking back at Revea. The kid who was standing was holding her umbrella hat, her hair already soaked due to the rain. He put on her hat and began to dance in a circle, Revea clapping in encouragement as the rest of the kids stood up and danced around as well.

“Revea is extremely important to me.” Link continued, eyes on the Prince. “She saved me and showed me kindness when I had nothing. The least I can do is protect her.”

“I understand.” Prince Sidon remained serious, his heart paining as he remembered his dear older sister.

Mipha saved Sidon countless times from his young naivety and pure curiosity. She had taught him so much and loved him even more. She was the most kind person in the entire world.

And Sidon wasn’t there for her when she needed him. He wasn’t strong enough to protect her.

But now he had a chance to prove that he was trustworthy and strong.

He wouldn’t let anyone harm Revea.

“I need you to promise me that when I come back from inside the shrine, no harm will have come to Revea.”

“I promise.” Prince Sidon didn’t even let a beat pass by. His eyes were sharp and true, swearing everything to the Swordsman who promised to calm Vah Ruta.

Link took out the Sheikah Slate and activated the shrine. He approached the platform, but stopped, turning his head towards Sidon. “Please don’t forget to show her the Domain when it glows. That’s all she talked about on the way here.”

Prince Sidon nodded, stepping back from the shrine, not sure how it would react when Link entered it. “I promise I’ll bring her to the best spot.”

“Thank you, Prince.”

Prince Sidon watched as an emotionless Link disappeared into the shrine, waiting several more moments before walking away from the shrine and towards Revea and the kids. Prince Sidon straightened his back and took a deep breath before putting a smile on his face. “Why hello little ones! Miss Revea.” Sidon smiled at the young girl before turning back to the kids. “Did one of you four steal Miss Revea’s hat?”

The boy, Keye, gasped and took off Revea’s hat from his head, “hiding” it behind his back. “No!”

“No?” Prince Sidon laughed, putting his hands on his hips as he stared down at the young Zora. “Then why is Miss Revea’s hair getting soaked?”

“Uh uh, because she’s a Hylian!” Tumbo, Keye’s brother, jumped up as he answered, hoping that was reason enough. And honestly, it kind of was. Zora didn’t have hair like the Hylians did.

“Mhm.” Sidon still smiled. “Why don’t you return her hat and go ahead and return to your parents. It’s nearing dusk.”

“Okay!” Laruta, one of the girls, quickly ran off, the two brothers following after returning Revea her hat.

“Bye Miss Revea!” Finley, another girl, waved as she ran off. While she was still the size of a child, she was actually a young woman. She’s currently in the awkward stage of not physically growing/having her growth spurt yet. Earlier she was telling Revea about her struggles because everyone treats her like a child because of her size and that she resented the Hylians because of how fast they grew.

“They were alright, Prince Sidon.” Revea chuckled, placing her hat back upon her head before wiping away some of the rain from her face. “They were just playing.”

“I know.” The prince sat down beside Revea, smiling happily. “I like to tease them.”

“You don’t have any younger siblings?” Revea asked, looking up at him.

“Nope. Just me and, well, Mipha, before she passed.” Sidon nodded towards the statue just a few meters in front of them. “What about you?” Sidon looked down at Revea, giving her a soft smile.

“I had a younger brother and sister and an older brother.” Revea placed her hands in her lap, rubbing her thumb against the shell of the bracelet her sister made for her.

“Wow! You have a huge family!” Prince Sidon exclaimed happily.

“Used to.” Revea nodded sadly, looking up at Sidon with a sad smile. “They passed two years ago.”

“Oh, forgive me.” Prince Sidon’s smile dropped immediately, placing a hand on his chest. “I did not know.”

“No, it’s okay.” Revea immediately reassured him. “I try to think of them as alive anyways. Keeps me from going insane.”

Sidon nodded sadly, facing forward again. “I know exactly what you mean… Except, it’s been 100 years since my dear sister passed, and only two for you.” Sidon looked down at Revea, the young girl staring ahead. “Have… did your parents pass, as well?"

“My entire family was murdered.” Revea pulled her knees to her chest, staring blankly ahead. “It’s just me.”

“Was it the Yiga Clan?”

Revea looked up at Sidon, nodding.

“You’re Sheikah, yes?” The prince asked gently, gesturing to her clothes. “I’ve only heard of the horrors the Yiga inflict on those of the Sheikah Tribe.” Sidon’s eyes slowly went to Revea’s hair, his own assumptions forming in his mind. But he remained quiet.

Again, it’s only been two years.

“Would you like to meet my father?” Prince Sidon changed topics, smiling down at Revea. “He’s quite excited to meet you.”

“T-The king wants to meet, me?” Revea pointed at herself, eyes following Sidon as he stood up.

“Of course!” Prince Sidon helped Revea stand up, offering her his hand to help with the slippery steps. “He would love to hear of your journey here.”

“Oh okay.” Revea laughed nervously, taking Sidon’s hand as the prince led her to the throne room.

Prince Sidon smiled happily.

The prince, king, and Revea all laughed as the king told a fond memory of when he first met Link. It was when Link was younger and was sparring with another Zora member outside the throne room, but Link had ventured too far to the edge of the platform of the domain and the water from the small waterfall swept his feet from right beneath him, and Link fell off the domain, into the water below.

“Prince Sidon.” A male Zora, holding a trident, a piece of armor decorated upon his forehead, clearly the sign of a guard. “I request a word, Your Highness.”

“I’ll return.” Prince Sidon promised, leaving his father and new friend to follow the guard out of the throne room.

“Are you still alright to stand, Young One?” The king asked, once again.

“I’m alright, Your Majesty.” Revea answered the same, once again. They’ve been speaking for about an hour now and Revea has remained standing in front of the King, Sidon previously beside her. And with the knowledge of Revea’s injuries, the king has consistently been checking in with her.

If you are tired, please rest, Revea.

Revea swallowed, her fingers going numb as she saw the princess standing just in front of her, beside her father. Revea stared right at her, knowing for a fact that Princess Mipha was making direct eye contact with her.

Please don’t be afraid, Revea. It’s only I. Mipha smiled gently, her hands on her heart as she stared lovingly at Revea.

“Revea, are you alright?” The king frowned, leaning forward slightly. “You’ve turned awfully pale.”

“Y-Yeah.” Revea glanced up at the king before going back to staring at the princess. “I’m okay.

Only you can see me, Revea.” Mipha explained gently, Revea letting out a shaky breath, the king’s words muffled in her ears now. “It’s alright. I’m not going to harm you. I only wish to speak with you.”

“Okay.” Revea whispered, watching Mipha’s movements intensely. ‘This is real. I’m not imagining this. No, I’m not crazy. I’m… what is happening to me? Am I going insane?’

You aren’t going insane, Revea.” Mipha laughed softly. “I will explain more later, but you’re very important to Link’s journey now. The Goddess has chosen you for a reason.”

Revea blinked several times, Mipha now gone from her vision. Revea swayed to the side, but caught herself, extremely lighthearted from the encounter Revea looked up at the king, slightly surprised he didn’t have much worry on his face anymore. Instead, it was curiosity.

“Revea, the Goddess’ power is strong inside you.” The king finally spoke, completely calm. “What did you see?”

Revea took a deep breath. “Your daughter, Your Majesty.”

“As I suspected.” The king said softly, eyes drifting to the ground. “What did she say?”

Revea took a deep breath, so overwhelmed and so weak and yet so full of pain. But she had to answer to the king, no matter how painful she felt and how painful the facts were. “She said she wishes to speak with me and that the Goddess chose me to help Link.”

The king nodded and rubbed his chest, thinking over all the possible answers and explanations of this phenomenon. “What else have you been able to do after the Goddess visited you?”

“I can sense when Link is hurt.” Revea lowered her head, her eyes unfocusing again. But another deep breath helped greatly.

The king watched her sway back and forth, her hands trembling as they desperately grasped her clothes, trying to steady herself. “Dear Revea.” The king said softly. He waited until she looked up at him. “You and I have much to discuss. But for now, I want you to find Sidon and you two need to eat dinner, alright?”

Revea nodded, swallowing her dry throat.

“And then, I want you two to view Zora’s Domain as it glows in the dark, like you two spoke about earlier.” The king instructed, smiling gently as Revea looked up at the king. “And finally, get a good night’s rest. We can talk more tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Revea bowed to him, stumbling slightly. But she remained on her feet standing straight once more. “Thank you for your kindness.”

“Please take care of yourself, Young One.”

“Prince Sidon, we have spotted members of the Yiga Clan patrolling around the mountains surrounding Zora’s Domain.”

Prince Sidon’s eyes widened. “How many were spotted?”

“Approximately five, but their odd magic made it extremely hard to keep track of them. It could be more, it could be less.” The guard member gripped his trident tightly. “What would you like us to do?”

Sidon pressed his lips together, thinking through his options quickly. “Nothing. They have done no harm. But keep a close eye on your surroundings and let me know immediately if there are any changes in their behavior.”

“Understood. I shall let the team know.”

“Thank you.”

Prince Sidon scanned the outside terrain that surrounded Zora’s Domain, making sure to take his time as he did so. He was looking for Hylians that dressed in a dark red and black and wore white masks. It would be almost impossible to spot them at night, the rain making it even harder.

“What do you think, Revea?”

Revea, who stood beside him, the two of them on the Great Zora Bridge, staring at the domain from afar. “It’s… more beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined.” She breathed, staring at the glowing domain, hardly blinking.

“We can stay here as long as you wish.” Prince Sidon put his hands behind his back, staring at the domain with pride. “Just let me know whenever you are ready to return.”

Revea closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking in everything around her. The sound of the rain around them, the beautiful sight right behind her eyelids, the surprisingly clean smell of the water below them, and the feeling of safety.

They remained on that bridge for another twenty minutes.

Revea looked up from her book as the shrine began to glow a little bit brighter and the platform reappeared with Link standing upon it. “Hi Link! How was the shrine?”

“It was alright.” Link immediately went to Revea, not even thinking about going anywhere else. He sat down right beside her and pulled out some food from his pack, biting into an apple without another thought.

“Do you want me to make you some food? You’re probably exhausted.” Revea asked, staring over at Link.

“I’m alright.” Link shook his head, gesturing to the book in her lap. “What are you reading?”

“Oh, it’s just a book about monsters.” Revea looked down at it, patting the cover. “Beedle lent it to me. I’m studying it so we know how to defeat certain monsters if we encounter them.”

“Thank you for doing that.” Link smiled gently. “That’s really helpful.” Link took another bite of the apple. “Tell me about one that we might encounter soon.”

“I think we might encounter the Stone Talus.” Revea opened the book and flipped to the page of the stone monster. “We should probably go to Rito Village next. Kass expressed a lot of worry for his tribe. And then afterwards, the Gorons. I haven’t heard anything about them though.” Revea blinked and looked over at Link. “Anyways, they are both by a lot of mountains and the Stone Talus are usually found around there.”

“It doesn’t have a face.” Link pointed out, frowning at the sketched picture of the monster.

“It doesn’t. But see that giant stone at the top?” Revea pointed at the darkly shaded shard that stuck out at the top of the Talus. “That’s where you want to aim. It’s the only weak point on its huge body of solid rock. If you hit it once, you knock it out for a few seconds. That’s why you need to climb on top of it and then just relentlessly hit the soft spot.”

“Interesting.” Link nodded. “I’m assuming you’d have to hit it with an arrow first since it’ll probably not let you climb on it before that?”

“Correct.” Revea confirmed. “It drops a lot of minerals after you defeat it. I don’t know from experience, but someone did. Whoever wrote this page.” Revea shrugged, and shut the book. “It’s late.” Revea commented, standing up completely on her own. “The prince paid for two beds for us to sleep in tonight. We should get the most out of it while we can.”

“Yeah, I suppose.” Link took the final bite of the apple and got up. “I’ll probably leave early in the morning to calm the Divine Beast.”

“What would you like me to do while you’re gone?” Revea asked, both of them standing, both of them with their arms crossed. “I can leave early and start scouting ahead-”

“No.” Link cut her off with a firm head shake. “Stay here.”

“Hm, I’ll see what I can do to help around the Domain then.” Revea decided.

“Stay away from the elders.” Link warned, motioning for them to start walking towards the beds.

“I know.” Revea sighed. “I feel bad though. They went through so much. I don’t blame them for wanting to be angry at something.”

“They can be angry, just not at someone completely innocent.” Link shook his head. “Especially not to you. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“I’m not angry at them, though.” Revea hugged herself, looking around as they walked slowly. “I understand."

Link remained silent, knowing Revea would keep defending them no matter what. While he didn’t hate the elders, he was a bit sour that one of them decided to lash out at Revea. Revea! Of all people! That was just not right!

But if Revea forgave them, he would have to as well.

“Hey Link.” Revea spoke up as she climbed into her bed, Link in the bed beside her.

“Hm?” Link hummed back, putting a sword under his pillow and his bow leaned up against the bed. He had to be ready for anything, just incase.

“I don’t want you to worry so much about me.” Revea spoke, laying on her side turned towards Link.

Link stopped moving his pillow, looking up at her. “What do you mean?”

Revea sighed softly. “You have a lot on your plate. The Divine Beasts, your memories, Princess Zelda, and, my issues with the Goddess.” Revea locked eyes with Link. “Let me handle myself, okay? I’m not helpless either, so I don’t want you constantly worried about me.”


“And I know you do.” Revea gave him a smile. “Focus on the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and take everything one step at a time. I’ll be perfectly fine. You can’t defeat a monster of Ganon’s while worrying about me. Just trust me, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”

Link relaxed his shoulders a little and finally nodded. “Alright. I trust you.”

“Goodnight then, Link.”


Chapter 20: the beast


apologies for the late chapter! i just finished finals for college!

Chapter Text

Revea blinked several times before frowning and rolling onto her side. But that same voice and same chilly feeling crossed over her, so she rolled onto her other side. Until she finally opened her eyes, the feelings too much to ignore anymore.

Revea slapped a hand over her mouth as she saw Mipha floating right over her.

Mipha laughed softly and floated over to beside the bed, Revea slowly sitting up. “Good morning Revea. Sorry to wake you so early, but we have so much to discuss!”

Revea nodded slowly, looking past Mipha and at Link, making sure she didn’t wake her friend.

Mipha looked behind her, smiling down at Link. “Don’t worry. He’s out like a light.” Mipha motioned for Revea to follow her. “Come on. Follow me.” Mipha paused, turning back and tapping her finger against her lips. “I suppose you need to put shoes on.” Mipha giggled, watching Revea pull on her shoes. “Hylians really are so strange.”

Revea reached for the pack that the two shared, it on the ground beside Link. She considered grabbing some food, a weapon maybe (who knew where Mipha was taking her), and maybe even a fire starter. It was quite cold this early in the morning and Revea really wanted to go back under the covers.

But she didn’t touch the pack, deciding to trust Mipha. She would know what was best for her.

As soon as Revea was out of Link’s hearing range, she finally spoke. “Mipha, may I ask where we’re going?”

Just somewhere a bit more private.” Mipha smiled happily, skipping over to the small waterfall that fell off the domain and into the water below.

“I-I think I should tell someone I’m leaving.” Revea slowed her walking down, adjusting her umbrella hat on her head, hoping the hat also covered her bed head. She really needed to put some braids in her hair.

It’s alright, Revea.” Mipha looked down and clapped her hands together happily. “We will be back at the end of the day! Come on!” Mipha jumped off the domain and into the water below, Revea gasping and running forward, looking down. Mipha waved up at Revea. “It’s alright Revea! The water is deep! You won’t hurt yourself!

Revea looked back at the domain, her eyes drifting up to the throne room. ‘The King… He said I have the Goddess’ power in me.’ Revea slowly looked down, relaxing a bit upon seeing Mipha’s smile. ‘I can do this. I have to trust Mipha and I have to trust the Goddess.’

Revea dove into the water below.

“Father, I don't know where she went!” Prince Sidon hissed softly to his father, anxiety quickly running through all of his nerves. “Me and several other Zora have searched this Domain top and bottom and we have found no traces of her!”

The king hummed softly, rubbing his chin deep in thought. “You said there were sightings of the Yiga Clan last night, is that correct?”

Sidon’s heart dropped, his arms falling limply to his sides. “No…” He whispered.

“Now now, calm down Son.” The king advised, holding up a hand. “There’s no way they could have gotten in without someone detecting them. Especially with the heightened security you assigned. I was only running through possible explanations.” The king sat up a little straighter as he saw who was walking up the stairs. “Ah, Link! Good morning. I hope you slept well.”

Link nodded, walking all the way beside Sidon, looking between the two Zora. “Did you see Revea this morning?”

Sidon’s mouth dried.

“Yes yes.” The king laughed softly. “She said she wanted to go down the path you came to get to the Domain. She heard from one of our Zoras that there are plenty of Hearty Radishes in the hills. She’s accompanied by one of our guards, of course.”

Link nodded, smiling slightly. “She does love foraging.”

The king smiled, looking over at his son who looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown. “Link, if you don’t mind stepping out for a moment, I need to speak to my son. Sidon will join you when we are finished.”

Link turned to leave, but stopped at the sound of the king’s voice.

“The Zora armor fits you perfectly, by the way.”

Link looked down at the armor piece he had put on this morning, running a hand down the scales that were expertly woven in. Link nodded and left, deciding to just wait by Mipha’s statue for the prince.

“Father! How could you lie to him?” Sidon whisper-yelled, shaking his hands out, trying to get the anxiety out of him. “He needs to know-”

“He needs to concentrate on calming Vah Ruta.” The king interrupted his son, calmness in his voice. “Revea can take care of herself. She has the Goddess’ Gift with her, she will be just fine.” The king looked out at the domain, his son calming himself down. “I suspect that whatever made her leave has something to do with the Goddess.”

Sidon grimaced, remembering Revea’s terrible history with the Yiga Clan. If something were to happen to her… He promised Link she would be safe here….

“Prince Sidon.” The king addressed his son formally, Sidon quickly looking up at his father. “You have a duty to this domain. Help Link in any way you can. That is what you must focus on.”

Prince Sidon took a deep breath. “Right. I apologize, Father.”

“No need to apologize. I will look for Revea when I have the chance.” The king promised his son, Sidon giving him a thankful smile.

“Thank you, Father.”

**mipha’s dialogue will just be normal text until further notice**

“Daruk stuck with me as long as he could before he had to depart and pilot Vah Rudania.” Mipha retold that wretched day, Revea writing everything down in the notebook she kept on her person at all times. “He was always so sweet and so caring. He actually trained with me, several times.” Mipha smiled sadly, looking down at the ground. “I hope he didn’t suffer long. I hope he’s at peace.”

Revea finished her notes, looking up at Revea. “Daruk sounds like an amazing friend.”

“He was an incredible warrior as well.” Mipha pointed out, looking over at Revea. “Everyone looked up to him. He was so positive and so confident yet humble and understanding in every way.” Mipha pulled her knees to her chest. “I miss him.”

“Is there… would you like me to write a letter to him, from you?” Revea offered, looking up from her notebook. “When Link and I visit Goron City, I assume I will also be able to contact Daruk…”

Mipha’s eyes lit up and she nodded.

“I could read him the letter?” Revea offered with a smile.

“Yes! Revea! I would love for you to do that!” Mipha exclaimed happily, clapping her hands together. “Okay okay! First I would like to ask him about his city! I’ve never gone because the heat of Death Mountain would just be torture to my anatomy and,”

Revea and Mipha sat on the shoreline beside Oren Bridge, writing Mipha’s letter to Daruk. Pages and pages went by, Mipha and Revea laughing and talking with one another.

Completely oblivious to the members of the Yiga Clan lurking in the trees behind them.

He sat, sprawled on his throne, studying his foot members in front of him, on a knee, heads bowed. He sighed and closed his eyes. “Speak.”

“We’ve spotted quite the person of interest, Master Kohga.” One of them spoke up, all of them remaining still.

“Well???” Master Kohga demanded when none of them continued. “Spit it out!”

“Joton’s kin.”

Master Kohga dropped the banana in his hand, his fingers twitching. “What?”

“Undeniably.” Another spoke up. “Her black and white hair, it’s her.”

Master Kohga stood up from the throne, approaching the increasingly nervous Blademaster that always guarded his throne. Master Kohga stood in front of him, waiting for several seconds, before his arm shot out and grabbed the man’s throat, cutting off all air. “You said you killed them all.”

“W-We killed.. all of them that were, there.” The Blademaster struggled to speak, no air entering his lungs. “Sh-she must’ve… not-been-there…” He wheezed out, his eyes bulging beneath his mask, fighting back the urge to struggle. If he resisted Master Kohga, well, he would be no more.

Master Kohga growled and let the man go, him immediately falling to his knees, coughing and coughing. “I want her dead. Immediately!”

“There is another thing, Master Kohga.”

“What?!” Master Kohga shouted, whipping his head towards the Footsoliders. “You’re all pathetic if you have this many worries to report!”

“The warrior from the legend, the man who is destined to end the Calamity, has awakened.”

Master Kohga froze, clenching his fists. “Where.”

“With the girl.”

“Lady Urbosa was the best.” Princess Mipha sighed, smiling happily. “So protective of Princess Zelda. She was great friends with the princess’ mother. I also heard she was there during Princess Zelda’s birth. Lady Urbosa stepped up the best she could after the princess’ mother passed.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that about the princess.” Revea’s eyes saddened, her arms wrapped around herself tightly, eyes on Mipha. They had finished every letter to the three deceased Guardians and were now just speaking casually to one another. “What else should I know about the princess?”

“She’s a scholar, the brightest I have ever met.” Mipha added, crossing her legs, a nostalgic smile on her face, remembering all the good times. “She always wanted to be a teacher, not a princess. But, if her father wasn’t so harsh on her, I think she would’ve found that as a princess, you are also a teacher. You can go out into the world and help the people and teach them what you know. And really, you can learn,, from them as… well…” Mipha frowned as her words drifted off. She turned her head to the side, facing the wood beside them.

“Princess? Is something wrong?” Revea asked, turning towards the wood as well, tucking her notebook back into its pocket.

Mipha jumped to her feet, eyes widening. “Revea, run.”

Revea scrambled to her feet, laughter echoing around her as she ran towards the domain. She ran just a few meters before the sign of the Yiga, an upside down Sheikah Eye, flashed in front of her, a Yiga footsoldier appearing as it disappeared. “No…” Revea breathed, stumbling backwards as the soldier twirled its weapon in his hand, a smile behind his mask no doubt.

“Ah, Joton’s kin.” The footsoldier cackled, running up to her and grabbing her shirt. “Your hair gives you away, Beauty.”

Revea breathed heavily, her eyes wide as they darted across the Yiga’s mask, not knowing if the mask or the man’s face was better.

“You should’ve died two years ago.” The clan member raised his Vicious Sickle, ready to make his master proud.


Revea fell backwards as a large wave of water slammed into the Yiga clan member, sending him flying into the wood, against a tree. Revea looked up and saw Mipha’s ghost flicker in front of her, the princess panting.

“Revea, you won’t see me for a while.” Mipha motioned for Revea to stand as she fell to her knee. “That took… too much energy.” Mipha’s ghost faded even more, Revea wheezing as fear and worry completely overtook her. “Get back to the domain.” Mipha barely managed before her ghost disappeared completely.

Revea let out a weak cry, her hand going to her heart.

It was beating too fast. The fear, she, her knees, her head, the Yiga symbol, the man, the, her father’s name, the fear she, no wha, she didn’t, the fear, she couldn’t , her heart.

“Come here, Beauty!” The Footsoldier called out.

And adrenaline finally kicked in.

Revea sprinted towards the domain, breathing heavily, her eyesight barely remaining operable. It was such a long way till she reached the domain. Mipha had swam them here and even that took a while.

She didn’t want to die.

“Link!” Revea screamed, the footsolider laughing behind her. “LINK!”

Link, unfortunately, was too far away to hear Revea’s cries for help. Link was almost at the top of Ploymus Mountain. He was tasked to retrieve Shock Arrows from the monster that lived on top of the mountain. Shock Arrows were the key to shutting down Vah Ruta so he could board the Divine Beast and rid it of Ganon’s hold.

What Link didn’t know was that he was going to face death at the top of the mountain as well.

And no one knows who will be victorious.

Maybe if Link heard Revea’s cries, he wouldn't be approaching death. Maybe, he could save them both just by looking for her, like Prince Sidon wanted him to. Maybe if the king didn’t lie to the Champion, Link and Revea would both be safe.

“Link!” Revea called out, fruitlessly, knowing she was running out of options as she approached the mountain that cut off the path to the domain.

If Revea started climbing, she’d quickly be shot down by the footsoldier. She didn’t have a weapon or a shield. She had her notebook full of Mipha’s words and her own notes. She was completely defenseless.

‘Goddess, Goddess please.’ Revea pressed her back against the mountain as the footsolider approached her, laughing to himself as he did. ‘You said I was important to Link’s journey. Please save me. I don’t want to die like this. Not to the Yiga. Please, Goddess. Please!’

“Link.” Revea whispered one last time, tears streaming down her face, the Yiga member just a meter from her.

“Say hi to your daddy for me.” The Yiga member raised his weapon and Revea closed her eyes.

Nothing but the sound of a water splash and a warm embrace occurred next.

“Revea, Revea, oh my Goddess.” Sidon breathed, holding Revea tightly, the girl still in shock, panting as tears continued to fall. “I found you, I found you. You’re safe.”

“Prince Sidon! Your Highness!” Revea sobbed, grabbing onto Sidon as tightly as she could. “T-The Yiga, they- The Yiga Clan- Your Highness it’s so- it’s dangerous Your Highness-We nee-”

“Shhh, Shhhh, Revea, we’re safe. Please breathe.” Sidon soothed, the small Hylian clinging to every inch of him.

“They know I’m alive!” She cried, breathing quickly. “Where is Link? I need- Where is he-he needs to know and is he-”

“Link is on a retrieval mission right now.” Sidon grimaced, wishing every aspect of this situation was different. “I’m so sorry.”

“Okay okay okay it’s okay.” Revea shook her head, her tears slowing down. “The Yiga Clan killed my family because my father left them and I was apart from my family when they were murdered but now they know I’m alive the Footsoldier said my father’s name if he knows Kohga knows and he will kill me they want to kill me the Yiga Clan will interfere with Link’s mission because if they know I’m alive I’m sure they know Link’s alive and they want to kill Link because the Yiga-”

“Revea, stop.” Sidon commanded, hugging her tighter, closing off a bit of her air flow, unintentionally. “Please calm down. We’ll figure this out but we can’t have you passing out from a panic attack.”

Revea shook her head quickly. “I want to go back to the domain. Please. Please take me back.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll go back.” Sidon rubbed her back. “It’ll be okay.”

Link quickly ran behind a boulder after seeing the absolute beast roaming the open terrain at the top of Ploymus Mountain. ‘What the actual f*ck is that.’ Link slowly climbed up a bit of the boulder, just enough to peak over the top and try to identify the monster.

It had the body of a giant horse, the messed up face of a lion, and an incredibly buff man-like torso. A centaur almost.

Link ducked down as the monster’s head shot over to him. Link clenched his teeth as he controlled his breathing, making sure its sound didn’t give himself away to that highly dangerous monster. ‘Damn, Revea would know what the hell that thing is.’ Link slid down the boulder a bit more until his feet touched the ground, crouching as he waited a bit longer for the monster to pass. ‘It didn’t have any visible weaknesses that I could see. A headshot would always be beneficial. But, do I even want to fight that thing? I have decent weapons now, but I don’t know how they will hold up against pure muscle. I could try-’

The monster, a lynel, quickly turned the corner, face to face with Link, roaring right in his face. The monster raised its ax-like sword, swinging it down on Link.

Link dove out of the way at the last moment, bolting for a tree that had three Shock Arrows sticking out of it. ‘Hell no. I just need to grab the arrows and get the f*ck out of here. I only need eleven. I can do this.’ Link yanked the arrows out of the trunk and sprinted out of the way just as a Shock Arrow whizzed right past his head.

The Lynel, the monster in question, huffed in annoyance and put the bow and arrow back on his back before wielding its weapon again, pawing at the ground as it lined itself up with Link’s path of travel.

And the Lynel charged.

Link reached for the Shock Arrow on the ground, not even seeing the Lynel coming before the monster rammed into Link, sending him flying. Link shouted out in pain and mild fear as he rolled to the edge of the mountain, falling down the mountain for a few feet before Link’s hands grabbed onto a sturdy protruding rock. Link breathed heavily as he looked down, Lulu Lake too far beneath him.

Link looked up as the Lynel stood above him, aiming another Shock Arrow at him. Link lunged to the side, grabbing onto a much smaller piece of rock, but the arrow missed him at least. Link scrambled to the top before bolting away from the monster, running through the puddle in the middle of the-

Link cried out in pain as a Shock Arrow landed in the puddle, the electricity spreading throughout the water in an instant, shocking Link. Link grabbed the arrow and bolted away, eyes locked on two more arrows stuck in a large boulder. ‘A few more. Come on come on!’

The Lynel roared and ran after him, swinging his ax-like sword, almost like it was bragging about its absolute power it wielded.

Link climbed up the boulder, grabbing the arrows and making it to the top of the boulder just as the Lynel slammed its sword into the boulder, getting it lodged in there. Link quickly scanned his surroundings before running and jumping off the boulder, rolling to absorb impact, and sprinting towards the cluster of trees that were shot with several arrows. That would be enough arrows!

Link heard the Lynel running after him, Link urging his body to move faster. No way in hell would he die to this thing. He had four Divine Beasts to conquer. He couldn’t fall to a single monster such as this f*cked up horse.

‘Thank Goddess Revea isn’t here.’ Link ran up the sharp inclining hill, eyes locked ahead of him. He was going to have to jump.

The Lynel roared again, right on Link’s heels, pulling his arm back to swing his sword.

Link gritted his teeth, crouching slightly, and jumped off Shatterback Point.

Link jumped just as the Lynel swung. The Lynel roared as it jumped off Shatterback Point, too concentrated in ending the Hylian than being concerned about the amount of terrain it had left to run.

Link had turned as soon as he jumped, pulling out his bow and arrow. Time seemed to slow as he pulled back an arrow, aiming it right at the lynel’s head. Link released the arrow just as the lynel’s sword was an inch from Link’s body.

Link grabbed the sword as the Lynel released it. Link gritted his teeth as he fell, putting the bow back on his back. Thank Goddess he had hundreds of meters to fall before he was in danger. Link shoved the Lynel’s sword in the pack before pulling out the paraglider, safe from the East Reservoir Lake, safe from the Lynel.

Link had defeated the monster that had prevented any Zora from even exploring Shatterback.


“Tumbo!” Revea stood up from the ground, holding a frog in her hands, a proud smile on her face. “I got one!”

“Yes!” The young Zora ran over, a wide smile on his face. “You’re amazing Revea!”

“Revea?” Keye, Tumbo’s brother, held on Revea’s leg, pointing up at the sky behind her. “What is that?”

Revea turned around, squinting up and at the rain pouring down, but there was something else in the sky. Something coming right towards them. She smiled widely and waved at the figure, the Zora brothers beside her. “It’s Link! Let’s welcome him back, boys!”

Link couldn’t help but smile as he saw the three of them waving at him, the Zora jumping up and down as they laughed. Link put the paraglider away and jogged a few feet to absorb the impact and change of speed. “Hello.” Link greeted, Revea holding the frog with two hands now, eyes locked on him.

“Link’s back! Link’s back!” Tumbo chanted, his brother joining in immediately.

“Why don’t you two find Prince Sidon and let him know.” Revea suggested, handing Tumbo the frog. “We’ll stay right here.” Revea waved them off before hugging herself and turning back to Link. “How did it go?”

“It was, eventful.” Link sighed and patted the pack. “There was this huge monster atop of Ploymus Mountain. I had to steal its Shock Arrows as the final step towards calming Vah Ruta.”

“Were you injured? What kind of monster? Were you successful?” Revea asked quickly, eyebrows pressed together in concern.

“I’m fine.” Link gestured to himself, a smile on his face. “It was this weird, horse-lion-man thing. It was vicious.”

Revea brought a hand to her mouth, staring at Link in horror. “You fought a Lynel?”

“I guess?” Link’s smile faded slightly. “Why?”

“Lynels are the most dangerous creature in Hyrule.” Revea’s eyes darted across Link. “Are you sure you’re okay? That must’ve-” Revea gasped as Link pulled out the Lynel’s sword from his pack, showing it to her.

“Yeah. It’s dead now.”

Revea’s jaw dropped, eyes wide, staring at Link in shock.

“Link! My friend!” Prince Sidon jogged over, a happy smile on his face. “I’m so happy to, see… you…” He too stopped, staring at Link with a similar expression on his face.

“He killed the Lynel.”

Chapter 21: ice


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Feeling okay?”

Link didn’t flinch as she walked closer to him before sitting down beside him. He continued to stare ahead at the bridge they sat on, deep in thought. “I’m alright.”

Revea opened up the umbrella a Zora had gifted her and leaned it against her shoulder, angled mostly over Link. She then handed him a covered bowl. “Eat up. The prince said you two were leaving soon.”

Link turned towards Revea and gave her a warm smile before opening the bowl and eating the Seafood Rice Balls she had prepared for him. “You’re a really good cook.”

“Thanks.” Revea smiled, looking out at the bridge. “You’re going to make such a huge impact on this place. I can hardly imagine what it’s going to be like without the constant rain.”

“It’ll put everyone’s mind at ease.” Link commented, taking another huge bite of the rice ball. “I have no idea what to expect inside Vah Ruta.”

“Well, it is a Sheikah-made machine.” Revea sighed softly, turning towards Link, also not knowing what the inside of a Divine Beast would look like. “I would look for a Guidance Stone or something glowing orange or blue. Your Sheikah Slate should react with that and hopefully guide you and give you more information.” Revea’s eyes fell down to the single rice ball that was left before looking back towards the bridge. “I wish I could be of more help, but that’s all I know.”

Link glanced over at her before scarfing down the rest of the rice ball and setting the bowl aside. He took the umbrella pole from her and straightened it out so it shielded her more. With his spare hand, he picked up Revea’s hand, eyes on her bracelet. “It looks better.”

Revea’s eyes went to the jewelry as well, noticing less amounts of malice on the jade bracelet and ring. “I didn’t even notice.”

“Did you tap into the Goddess’ power or something?” Link asked, letting go of her hand.

“I…” Revea held her hand in her lap, head down. She remembered Mipha’s expression of pure pain and exhaustion just before her ghost flickered out. She… Did Revea cause Mipha more harm than good? “No. I think it’s just wearing out.”

Link’s eyes went to Revea, frowning softly. “What’s wrong?”

Revea looked up quickly, relaxing and brightening her face. “Nothing! I-”


Revea and Link both turned around, facing Muzu, the Zora elder that taught Princess Mipha.

“Prince Sidon is waiting for you.”

Link stood up and held out a hand for Revea. The two of them walked to the domain’s bedroom, Link closing the umbrella as they got under shelter. “Will you be alright here alone?” Link asked, setting the umbrella against the wall.

“I won’t be alone.” Revea crossed her arms, smiling. “I’ll help out around here. Don’t worry about me.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be.” Link adjusted his gloves, making sure they were tight and secure. “But, don’t leave the domain, okay? Don’t try to board Vah Ruta if I’m gone for a while. If three days pass, go back to Impa and tell her I failed.”

“Link, you won’t fail.” Revea frowned, shaking her head. “You will succeed. You won’t die.”

“Whatever is lurking in that Divine Beast killed the princess 100 years ago.” Link took a deep breath and exhaled. “If she failed, I don’t know if I will be able-”

“Link.” Revea cut him off, placing her hands on his shoulders. “You’ve got this.” Revea locked eyes with Link, not daring to blink. “You are strong enough. The shrines have trained you the best they can. You can do this.”

Link closed his eyes and took another breath. “Okay. I can do this.”

Revea pulled Link in for a hug, hugging him tightly. ‘Please don’t let this be the last time, Goddess. Goddess, please, please look after Link.’

‘I hope I’m strong enough.’ Link didn’t pull away until Revea did, locking eyes with her once more before nodding and walking away.

Revea followed him until the roof ended, watching him walk over to Prince Sidon. She watched the two discuss something before Link jogged off, towards the East Reservoir Lake. Revea’s heart skipped a beat as the prince turned towards her. He flashed her a bright smile and raised his hand.

Revea smiled and waved back.

‘Goddess, please don’t take another one of King Dorephan’s kids. Please protect Prince Sidon.’

Revea dropped her arm as Prince Sidon ran off and jumped off the domain into the water below, out of sight. Revea turned back towards the bed, but stopped, her heart pounding in her chest. ‘I can’t just stay here and do nothing. I can’t sleep while they fight to save the Domain. I have to…’

Revea pulled her umbrella hat back on and ran up the flight of stairs, to the Goddess Statue that stood right outside the Throne Room.

Link jogged to Sidon, the prince waiting at the edge of the dock, staring at Vah Ruta and its endless stream of water erupting through its trunk. “Hello, Your Highness.”

Sidon turned towards Link, a happy smile on his face. “Glad to see you’re ready to go, Link!”

Link nodded, staring up at the prince, really taking in their height different. “Geez, I barely reach the top muscle of his abs.’ Link’s eyes locked on the prince’s abs for a short moment before looking back up at him.

“Are you ready for this?” Sidon asked, a smile on his face still, but his words were serious. “do you have your Zora armor and enough shock arrows?”

“I’m ready.” Link confirmed, running his hand across his torso, feeling the scales on his armor. And he knew for sure that there were at least 20 shock arrows in his arrow holster, ready to be fired.

“Wonderful!” Sidon exclaimed. “You never cease to amaze, Link! Now then, let us go and appease that Divine Beast as one! Here we go!!”

Link watched as Sidon crouched slightly before jumping backwards high into the air, twisting and doing a flip before diving into the water. Link smirked slightly, understanding now that the prince definitely had a thing for a fancy flare in everything he does.

“Gaze now upon the Divine Beast’s back!” Sidon exclaimed, floating in the water. “Do you se those glowing, pink orbs? You will need to shoot each of them with a shock arrow!”

Link looked up at the top sides of Vah Ruta, four pink orbs in total. Right below the orbs, water poured relentlessly like a small waterfall into the reservoir below.

“With your Zora armor, you now have the ability to ascend waterfalls!”

Right, that’s what the king said as well. Zora armor aids Hylians in their swimming and allows them to swim up waterfalls, just like a Zora. Link’s already ascended two waterfalls on his way to Ploymus Mountain and boy, such an exhilarating experience.

“So I shall take you right up to the side of the Divine Beast, and from there you can swim up and take aim!” Sidon continued to explain, no changes to the plan they previously discussed. The prince only wanted another confirmation that they were both on the same page for this plan of attack. “I know you can do it! I believe in you!”

Link nodded as Sidon swam closer to him, turning to the side.

“Now hurry up and get on my back!”

Link hopped on without another thought, feeling a bit awkward as he placed his boots beside his hips, knees on either side of his torso, and arms on his shoulders. He didn’t know how else to balance himself other than pretending Sidon was like a water horse.

“OK! Here we go!!” Sidon swam forward, Link lurching slightly at the sudden speed, but adjusted quickly. “Ha!” Sidon exclaimed. “I am unstoppable in the water!”

Link watched as Vah Ruta shuddered severely and roared into the air, narrowing his eyes at the machine.

“Ruta is responding to our presence!” Sidon confirmed Link’s suspicions, slightly changing course. “I’ll move away and wait for an opening before we approach!” Sidon turned in a half circle, keeping his eyes on the Divine Beast, studying it for a moment before taking off, right towards it in a speed faster than before. “I’ll keep going at full speed! It’s up to you to ward off Ruta’s attacks!”

“Got it!” Link bent low, rain and wind narrowing his vision a bit.

“Are you ready? Divine Beast Vah Ruta will undoubtedly use its ancient and mysterious powers against us…” Sidon didn’t bother slowing down. “That includes hurling giant ice blocks that we will need to watch out for. I shall leave those to you!’

‘How the hell am I going to get rid-’ Link’s hand went to the Sheikah Slate against his waist, clenching his teeth. Cryonis can create and destroy ice. “Keep circling! As soon as I get rid of the ice-”

“I’ll get you to a waterfall.” Sidon nodded, looking over to the side. “Here it comes!”

Link grabbed the Sheikah Slate with one hand and tightened his grip on the prince with his other. He quickly activated the rune and aimed the Slate at the ice cube that was hurling right at them. With a single click, the ice broke apart, shards of it falling into the water below.

“Nice shot!” Sidon laughed, changing course to straight at Vah Ruta.

Link put the Sheikah Slate back on his hip and stared right at the waterfall they were heading towards. At the right moment, Link shouted, “Now!” And Sidon jumped up, giving Link the necessary boost for him to swim up the rest of the waterfall.

Just like when he jumped off Shatterback Point, time seemed to slow as he pulled back an arrow. It gave him the perfect amount of time to aim at the pink orb, firing an arrow before quickly noticing another and shooting it at the other orb on the same side of Vah Ruta.

Link put his bow back on his back just as he fell into the water below. Sidon was ready for him, swimming beneath him and pushing him onto his back, swimming them away from the Divine Beast before swimming to the other side. Link breathed out, covered in water, but so thankful that his aim was true. The two orbs that he shot no longer produced water. A smile graced Link’s lips.

“Link! We got five blocks of ice aimed right at us!” Sidon warned loudly, eyes widening as a cube hurled right at the prince, no longer focused on Link.

Link snapped right back into concentration, breaking that cube right out of the sky with the Sheikah Slate. “Keep going! The ice won’t touch us!” Link followed through with his words, fighting against the rain and strong winds, aiming the Sheikah Slate at the vicious cubes of ice, destroying all five of them.

“You got this Link!” Sidon called out just before he launched Link in the air.

‘Come on Vah Ruta.’ Link released the first arrow, aim true. ‘Let me set you free.’

Link dropped into the water, the fourth and final arrow meeting its mark. Link was back on Sidon’s back, the two of them watching as Vah Ruta seemed to malfunction. Its trunk shuddered in the air, the water fighting to pit out of it until it finally gave up, dropping limp into the water below.

And then, suddenly, all went quiet. Vah Ruta silenced. The water stopped. The rain stopped.

“Link, look!” Sidon gasped excitedly. “The water spouting from Ruta has slowed down!”

Vah Ruta was still and, peaceful. Granted, the Divine Beast still glowed the pinkish red that signified it was still full of Ganon’s control, but it was quiet.

Sidon jumped slightly as Vah Ruta suddenly kicked alive again. Bubbles bubbled around the bottom of the Divine Beast as the giant machine started to rise.

“Ruta is floating higher now! You wanted to venture inside it, right?!” Sidon asked quickly, already swimming closer.

“Yes!” Link confirmed, heart pounding in his chest from the previous exhilaration and now the anxiety of missing his opportunity.

“I’ll bring you closer! We’re counting on you, hero! Do good work in there!” Sidon encouraged happily, bringing him right to a platform clearly designed for the Champions to stand upon. “Well, Link, here we are.” Sidon said, staring up at Vah Ruta in amazement. The prince has never been so close to the Divine Beast before.

“Thank you.” Link relaxed his grip on the prince, feeling a bit guilty that he hadn’t done so earlier.

“Looks like this is where the real work starts.” Sidon caught a glimpse of the interior of the Divine Beast, parts of it covered in Ganon’s malice. Sidon turned his head, looking back at Link, getting Link’s eye contact. “Best of luck.”

Link jumped aboard Vah Ruta, turning back to Sidon immediately, only one thing on his mind at this point.

Sidon floated upright in the water, clenching a fist. “Show the enemy no fear.” Sidon’s face grew serious, nodding slightly. “I’ll see you back at Zora’s Domain. Farewell.”

“Prince.” Link called out just before Sidon turned to swim away.


“A blood moon will happen tonight.” Link glanced up at the sky, it barely morning. “Revea is deathly afraid of them. Please keep her mind at ease while I’m gone.”

Prince Sidon stared at Link in amazement. At a time like this, after the fight they just fought, Link was concerned about the Hylian he clearly held dear to his heart. Sidon nodded, swimming backwards slowly. “She’ll be safe, Link. I promise.”

Link nodded just as Vah Ruta launched to life. He stumbled as the Divine Beast floated into the air, away from the prince in the water. Link stared down at him for a few moments before turning away from him, ready to face his sister’s killer.

“Finish the job, Link.” Sidon mumbled, watching as the Hylian disappeared into the Divine Beast.

Revea’s forehead was pressed against the backs of her hands, her legs folded beneath her, bent down in a low bow in front of the Goddess Statue. It’s been almost an hour of Revea praying to the Goddess.

Praying and begging for her to watch over Link and Prince Sidon.

Revea refused to stop. If she had some kind of connection to the Goddess, she was going to pour every ounce of her strength and consciousness into communicating with the Goddess. She needed to figure out what her exact purpose was. Mipha was going to explain some parts of it, but they got to speaking about the other Champions, and while Revea learned so much, she didn’t get to learn anything that was originally desired.

But Revea didn’t complain one bit. In fact, she was extremely grateful for this gift. Being able to see Princess Mipha and being able to help her get her final thoughts to her friends, it was an incredible blessing to be able to do so.

In fact, Revea was grateful for everything that has happened since she met Link. She finally got to leave her small cottage her father and mother confined her in. All her life, Revea was only allowed to be at the house, sometimes at Kakariko when her parents were willing to risk the travel.

Since meeting Link, she has seen so much! She got to visit Wetland Stable and pass through the Lanaryu Wetlands and Zora’s Domain of course! Revea could hardly wait for the rest of their travels together.

If Link survives.’

Revea sharply inhaled as a pain stabbed her right in the chest. That thought,, it came out of nowhere and it completely destroyed her previous blissful thinking. But her emotions have never been so strong… Never able to hurt her that much.

‘Princess Mipha was defeated by the monster within Vah Ruta.’

Revea whimpered as the muscles in her arms contracted painfully, not allowing her to move. And when she went to sit up to adjust her position, she found the same issue. She couldn’t move.

Princess Mipha is dead.

Revea opened her mouth to gasp out in pain, but the air was sucked out of her lungs immediately, preventing her from alerting any living thing around her.

And she was pulled back into time 100 years ago.

Mipha stared in horror as Waterblight Ganon, a shard of Calamity Ganon itself, froze all of the water in the room of Vah Ruta the two of them were trapped in. Mipha’s feet, designed for water, immediately slipped beneath her, it taking everything in Mipha to stay on her feet. Mipha gripped her trident tightly, watching as Waterblight screamed at her.

It swung its massively long spear, taunting Mipha with its huge length advantage. Mipha was a small Zora and her trident could only reach so far… No way she could get close to Waterblight without it slicing her in two.

To make matters worse, four huge cubes of ice floated around the Shard of Calamity. Mipha’s eyes widened as a huge spikeball made entirely of ice grew from one of Waterblight’s arms. Mipha took a step back, fighting to stay upright as her foot slid against the ice floor.

This wasn’t fair! Vah Ruta was supposed to be controlled by Mipha. Vah Ruta was a water Divine Beast, not an ice. Mipha couldn’t move on ice. She couldn’t dodge Waterblight’s massive spear. She couldn’t deflect the huge cubes of ice. She...

She was going to die.

“So, this is how it ends.” Mipha whispered, seeing no way out of this fight.

She gasped in fear as the cubes of ice hurled at her in a speed she didn’t even imagine, Waterblight flying right at her. The monster’s spikeball was pulled back, about to be hurled right at the Princess of the Zora.

Mipha closed her eyes.

Revea collapsed onto her side, panting and wheezing as air finally entered her lungs again. Tears were mixed with the rain on her face, a salty taste in her mouth as she curled into a ball.

“Goddess, that’s not fair!” Revea’s voice cracked, raising her head to the statue. “That’s not fair at all!”

Link had to face that monster.


Link’s eyes locked on the Guidance Stone that stood upon the platform Link had just boarded. He walked right up to it and placed his Sheikah Slate against its top, watching the orange glow turn blue upon its tap.

Link turned around, watching the Sheikah symbol glow a brilliant blue as the Guidance Stone activated. A chill ran down his spine as a voice echoed all around him.

“You’re here.” Her voice clearly had a smile in it. “I must say… that I am so happy to see that this day has finally arrived.”

Link looked around quickly, hoping and praying the princess was here. He had so much to ask her. So many memories he wanted retold. But no matter how much he searched, she wasn’t there.

“Now Ruta can be freed of Ganon’s control.” Her beautifully gentle voice sang out. “You’ll need a map to prevent you from getting lost.”

A vision of the interior of Ruta flashed into Link’s mind, playing out the path he needed to take to get to another Guidance Stone.

“The Guidance Stone there contains the information you will need.” Mipha guided.

Link blinked and the vision was gone. He walked towards the entrance of Vah Ruta, staring right at the big eye of the malice blocking his way.

Link set his jaw and pulled out his bow.

Prince Sidon walked across one of the paths to Zora’s Domain, observing the quiet of dawn. His people were just starting to stir, preparing themselves for the day ahead of them. ‘Shall I take Revea fishing today? Or will she think that is too strange as I’m a Zora. Maybe I can show her the Stone Monuments close to the Domain. Maybe she’ll be interested in-’

Prince Sidon stopped, seeing Revea in front of the Goddess Statue, her hands clasped in prayer. Her head was low, eyes next to dark eye bags. Her bracelet and ring were glowing dimly on her hand.

Revea continued praying to the Goddess, unaware of her surroundings. She was exhausted, yes, but that didn’t matter. She needed more answers. And, after so much prayer, things were finally starting to make sense.

“Miss Revea.” A hand pressed against her back.

Revea jumped and plopped over to her side, staring up at Prince Sidon with wide eyes. “Y-Your Highness! I apologize for not noticing you before! I-” Revea stopped and looked up, gasping. The rain had stopped. “You were successful!”

“We were successful.” Sidon smiled, joining her on the floor. “Link has boarded Vah Ruta.”

“Were either of you injured? Are you alright?” Revea quickly asked, going back on her knees, eyes darting around the prince.

“Link made sure we were both protected.” Sidon said with a calm tone. “He used the Sheikah Slate to break the ice cubes that Vah Ruta hurled at us.”

Revea’s heart twisted in her chest, but she repeated Sidon’s words in her mind. “He… he got rid of the ice? Unharmed?”

“Yes.” Sidon’s face flickered down to worry. “Revea, you look unwell. Have you had adequate rest? Enough food and water?”

Revea brought a hand to her head, swallowing her dry throat. Her hands were freezing. She didn’t even realize her umbrella hat had fallen off her head. She was freezing. She was starving, the pain in her stomach reminding her every few minutes. She was exhausted. She didn’t want to try and stand in front of the Prince; she didn’t trust her body.

Revea shook her head, slowly, ashamed.

“Miss Revea.” Sidon said gently. “Please join me for breakfast. I’d like to show you the Royal Quarters.”

Revea’s eyebrows wavered slightly as she glanced up at the prince, but she shook her head. “Your Highness, I’m just a Hylian-”

“I insist.” Prince Sidon stood up and offered the ‘just a Hylian’ his hand. “Come. You’ll find it gorgeous.”

Revea took his hand.


mipha's death scene is based upon the scene in "hyrule warriors: age of calamity"

a gentle kiss - starynightae (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6139

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.