La Bataille d'Avdiivka : Russie Utilise des Attaques Aériennes Massives pour Capturer une Ville Clé (2024)

La ville ukrainienne d'Avdiivka est devenue le théâtre des combats les plus féroces du conflit en cours, alors que la Russie poursuit sa campagne lente pour prendre le contrôle de l'est de l'Ukraine. Les forces russes ont intensément recouru aux attaques aériennes hier dans leur tentative de capturer la ville assiégée.

La Stratégie Russe Axée sur les Attaques Aériennes

Depuis l'échec de l'avancée sur Kyiv au début de l'invasion, Moscou a concentré son attention sur les régions orientales de Donetsk et Luhansk. Depuis la mi-octobre, Avdiivka est devenue l'objectif principal, servant de porte d'entrée vers le centre régional de Donetsk, détenu par la Russie et situé à 12 miles à l'est. La ville résiste à la capture malgré les attaques ennemies soutenues.

"Pour le deuxième jour consécutif, les forces d'occupation utilisent activement des drones kamikazes et l'aviation. Et le nombre de combats a considérablement augmenté", a déclaré le porte-parole militaire ukrainien Oleksandr Shtupun à la télévision nationale.

Résistance Ukrainienne et Pertes Russes

Les pertes russes augmentent rapidement en termes d'hommes et d'équipement dans le théâtre d'opérations du sud, selon le général ukrainien. Le bulletin du soir du Général Staff ukrainien indique que les forces ukrainiennes ont repoussé 15 attaques à Avdiivka et dans les villages voisins, en plus des 34 attaques rapportées le matin.

Les forces russes, bien que pressant depuis le nord, n'ont pas réussi à pénétrer la "zone industrielle" à l'extérieur du centre-ville, selon la chaîne de télévision Espreso TV.

Nouvelles Tactiques Russes

Un soldat ukrainien a déclaré que la nouvelle tactique russe implique l'envoi de groupes de jusqu'à cinq hommes, soutenus par des véhicules blindés et une couverture aérienne. Cependant, les forces russes ont fait peu de progrès. Il a rejoint l'appel du président Zelenskiy pour renforcer les fortifications autour des villes, soulignant que cela devrait être fait par des "unités d'ingénierie, pas des unités d'assaut".

Contournement du Blocus des Conducteurs Polonais par l'Ukraine

En réponse au blocus des principaux corridors par les conducteurs polonais en protestation contre les conditions d'accès de l'UE aux camions ukrainiens, l'Ukraine a commencé à utiliser des plateformes de train pour contourner le blocus. Le premier train a déplacé 23 camions à la frontière ukraino-polonaise ce matin.

Frappe Russe avec des Missiles à Longue Portée

Ce matin, des avions de guerre russes ont tiré 19 missiles à longue portée sur des cibles en Ukraine, tuant un civil dans une région centrale et en blessant quatre autres. C'était le premier grand salve de missiles que la Russie a tiré sur des cibles, y compris la capitale ukrainienne, en semaines.

Les défenses aériennes ont abattu 14 missiles entrants dans la région en dehors de Kyiv et la région centrale de Dnipropetrovsk, selon le porte-parole de la force aérienne Yuriy Ihnat.


La situation en Ukraine reste tendue, avec Avdiivka au centre des combats acharnés. Les nouvelles tactiques russes et les contre-mesures ukrainiennes définissent l'évolution du conflit. De plus, les défis logistiques liés au blocus des conducteurs polonais soulignent l'importance des solutions créatives dans le contexte actuel. Restez informés pour les derniers développements dans cette crise en évolution rapide.

La Bataille d'Avdiivka : Russie Utilise des Attaques Aériennes Massives pour Capturer une Ville Clé (2024)


What is the significance of Avdiivka? ›

Avdiivka was one of the most fortified settlements in Ukraine and had been described as a "gateway" to the nearby provincial capital of Donetsk. Ukraine's control of Avdiivka had prevented Russian forces from using Donetsk and its resources as a communications hub and prevented Russian breakthroughs on this axis.

How many Russians died in the battle of Avdiivka? ›

While undoubtedly a setback for Ukraine, the fall of Avdiivka was not an unambiguous victory for Russia. Ukrainian military commanders estimate that 47,000 Russians were killed or injured in the battle, which is significantly higher than the pre-war population of Avdiivka of around 32,000.

What to know about Avdiivka as Russia claims control of strategic city? ›

The facts
  • Avdiivka is a strategic hub in Donetsk — one of the four Ukrainian regions that Russia illegally claimed to annex in 2022.
  • Russian forces have made a “concerted effort” to seize the city since October, according to Britain's Defense Ministry. ...
  • Ukraine's military chief, Col.
Feb 18, 2024

Did Ukraine lose Avdiivka? ›

On Feb. 17, Russia claimed control of Avdiivka and its co*ke plant. The Ukrainian military said the vast majority of soldiers who withdrew from Avdiivka made it out safely and that Russian losses were far greater. On Feb.

Why did Ukraine withdraw from Avdiivka? ›

A readout of the call from the White House said Ukraine's military "was forced to withdraw from Avdiivka after Ukrainian soldiers had to ration ammunition due to dwindling supplies as a result of congressional inaction, resulting in Russia's first notable gains in months."

What is the history of Avdiivka? ›

The fertile land attracted more settlers over time, and Avdiivka was located near a postal route connecting Mariupol and Bakhmut. By 1861, 2,300 people lived there. In the late 19th century, the Catherine Railway was built. It passed through a newly built railway station at Avdiivka, spurring on further development.

How many Russians died in the Ukraine war in 2024? ›

Russia appears on track to sustain more than 330,000 casualties in Ukraine in 2024, statistics published by Kyiv indicate. Russia sustained 82,870 casualties between the start of January and April 1, 2024, according to figures published by the Ukrainian military.

How many Germans died in the battle of Moscow? ›

German losses during the Battle of Moscow totaled 250,000–400,000 dead or wounded, and the Red Army suffered 600,000–1,300,000 dead, wounded, or captured—that is, in a single battle the Russians suffered the number of deaths incurred during the entirety of World War II by the United States and the United Kingdom.

How much of Ukraine does Russia control? ›

By 11 November 2022, the Institute for the Study of War calculated that Ukrainian forces had liberated an area of 74,443 km2 (28,743 sq mi) from Russian occupation, leaving Russia with control of about 18% of Ukraine's territory.

Why does Putin want Avdiivka? ›

Avdiivka is seen as a gateway to Donetsk city, whose residential areas Russian officials say have been shelled by Ukrainian forces, sometimes from Avdiivka. Seizing it could boost Russian morale and demoralise Ukrainian forces, which have made only incremental gains in a broad counteroffensive since June.

What does Putin do for his country? ›

Putin reintroduced highly centralized, top-down control within Russia. He tightened the Kremlin's grip on mass media and the Internet, and he renationalized key industries; by some estimates, the state came to control as much as 70 percent of the Russian economy.

Did Russia take control of Avdiivka? ›

Russia takes control of a city in eastern Ukraine after Ukrainian troops withdraw. Russia said its forces took complete control of Avdiivka, a city in eastern Ukraine that was the focus of intense combat for months.

How many M777s has Ukraine lost? ›

Russian forces claim to have seized a damaged and inoperable M777 during fighting in Siversk in eastern Ukraine in July 2022. As of 24 January 2024, the Oryx blog, recorded at least 79 M777s having been lost in combat (41 destroyed, 38 damaged).

What is the co*ke plant in Ukraine? ›

Avdiyivka co*ke Plant is the largest co*ke plant in Europe. It purchases coal from Ukrainian, U.S. and Russian producers in approximately equal proportions. Part of raw materials is supplied as run-of-mine coal, enriched at the plant.

How many have left Ukraine? ›

An ongoing refugee crisis began in Europe in late February 2022 after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Over 6 million refugees fleeing Ukraine are recorded across Europe, while an estimated 8 million others had been displaced within the country by late May 2022.

Did Russia say its forces move forward after Ukraine withdraws from Avdiivka? ›

MOSCOW, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Russia said on Saturday that its forces had inflicted a series of defeats on Ukrainian forces along the 1,000-km (620-mile) front line just as Ukrainian troops withdrew from the devastated eastern town of Avdiivka.

Were Ukrainian soldiers captured in Avdiivka Ukraine? ›

Hundreds of Ukrainian troops may have been captured by Russia during their chaotic withdrawal from the eastern city of Avdiivka. ‌Western and Ukrainian sources said between 850 and 1,000 troops appear to have been taken prisoner or are unaccounted for following the retreat, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.


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