The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

Sydney Morning Herald. Thursday. Feb. 12. 1918 "TRUTH IN ADVERTISING" Anthony Horderns' To Men's Sports Shirts For perfect relaxation we offer you a Two -tone Sports Shirt with open neck.

short sleeves, and colours. Fawn ground with Green, Brown and Fawn contrasting collars. Sizes SM and M. (No coupons.) To clear Men's Braces Worth waiting for these strong and reliable braces with striped web: and leather and braid ends. To clear at SORRY: NO MAIL.

OR 'PHONE ORDERS Men's Mercery Ground Floor, George Street Shoes 10 Clear Men's Leisure Suede Shoes in Golf Brown, or 24'6 Grey or Burgundy flex non- -slip rubbers soles. Full and half sizes. 200 prs. SLIPPERS are practically being given away at this very low price. Leather Slippers with strong sewn soles are available in all sizes 6 to 10.

200 pairs 1 of Boys' Black Shoes 11 to 1. Price 250 pairs Boys' and Youths' sewn soles, sizes 11 to 2. Price 150 pairs Men's Patent Evening All sizes 5 to 10. Price Suede Snubbers in Brown, Fawn, sewn leather soles. Price, pair MAIL.

ORDERS Men's Shoe -Ground with strong sewn soles, sizes Strong Black School Shoes with Shoes with flex sewn soles. Blue or Burgundy with flex ACCEPTED Floor, George Street ANTHONY HORDERNS' 2401 Box 2712C. G.P.O., Sydney Fund Urged For Music Publications musical works was urged yesterday by Miss Miriam Hyde. Miss Hyde, who is a successful Australian composer, was giving evidence before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Broadcasting. She said major Australian musical compositions were still comparatively unknown because they were performed few times and at wide intervals.

"In music. as in commerce. until the public is made familiar with an article there is little demand for it." she added. Miss Hyde said that. of all the arts, music was probably the slowly and laboriously produced.

most, and once on paper, the most vulnerable to wear and tear. Until a work was performed it was virtually non-existent and methods of duplication were bevond the financial reach of the average composer. As a purely mechanical pro cess, discounting the time spent in contemplation. variability of original inspiration. and selection of ideas.

copying the manuscript for a typical concerto for forte a orchestra would occupy about seven weeks of 40 hours. "assuming that the composer worked every second and had no other responsibility. and was not blind before he completed One advantage of establishing a fund to publish major works would he that the original score could preserved instead of Creation of A fund to publish major Australian being quickly worn out. "STAND ON MERITS" Mr. Frank Hutchens, honorary organiser of the Guild of Australian Composers, said, musical composition appeared to he the only creative art in tralia without some organised recognition.

He advocated a properly-constructed and financed Commonwealth body to co-ordinate activities of composers. Miss May Brahe. one of Australia's most successful composers. whose work has been published in England, America. Europe.

and Australia. said she opposed labelling music as Australian. "It should stand on its own merits." she said. "In England and America there is no legislation in favour of native-born composers. "Works.

both classical and popular, are performed according to their entertainment value." NEW T.A.A. SERVICE Trans- Australia Airlines will start a regular twice- weekly passenger. mail. and freight airservice between Townsville and Cloncurry on February 16. David GEORGE STREET STORE ELECTROLUX Ring M4404 for a home demonstration Let David Jones' take the world-renowned "Electrolux" vacuum cleaner right into your home.

Let us show you just what its 11 labour-saving devices can do. See it in action under the conditions in which you'll use it. think it over for a day or two, then decide. Price complete is £24 2 or weekly terms of 7 6. is only one 'Electrolux' Sorry, no country orders "Supermir" beater.

Aluminium waffle The "Cosy Pot." Corrosion tarnish iron for clectric. Can't drip. has a proof. high speed gas. fuel stores.

non-slip lid. it's action. priced 10 6 With recipes, 22.6 of aluminum, HOME APPLIANCE CENTRE ON THE 3rd FLOOR FLYING-BOAT MISHAP Brush At Inquiry AUCKLAND. Wednesday (A.A.P.- -Mr. H.

E. Barrowclough. counsel for Vasman Empire Airways and Qantas, to-dav challenged the Director of Civil Aviation. Mr. E.

A. Gibson. to name one regulation which, to his own knowledge, the company broken. It was the third sitting of the commission inquiring into the mishap on December 3 to T.F.A. A.

Sandringham flying-boat. "wing Sydney was with forced engine to return trouble after it had begun trans- Tasman flight. Mr. Gibson said the question could not be answered "yes" or The regulation requiring the production of an aircraft's type ecord before it was imported had not been complied with. When Mr.

Barrowclough sug. gested this regulation was waived. Gibson said: "I was not there then." He added he knew from hearsay that the then Acting Controller of Civil Aviation complained he had had to grant an airworthiness certificate without naving seen the type record. "TERRIFIC" INFLUENCE T.E.A.. he said.

was a very powerful organisation with "terrific" influence. Under cross-examination. Mr. Gibson said his department and T.E.A. would be jointly responsible for any breach of the regulations.

He said a previous Controller once complained a pistol had been held at his head over a safety regulation when an aircraft left Sydney on an uncertificated flight. Branch Counsel said for the the branch Aviation stated that if the minimum requirements of the regulations had been complied with the incident would not have occurred. The general manager of T.E.A.. Mr. Roberts, said in 708 crossAus-lings.

representing 950.000 airmiles. there had been nine major, engine-failures. The company considered none of the failures was caused by faulty maintenance. Before the commission adjourned indefinitely. the chairman.

Professor T. D. J. Leech. said it considered the captain and crew of the flying-boat had acted "very commendably." Professor Leech said Qantas was "in the clear." The evidence showed it had been doing its job.

lAt an earlier sitting Mr. Gibson thought the suitability of Sandringhams for the Tasman needed review. He also said he was not satisfied with the servicing of aircraft in Sydney by Qantas for T.E.A.I T.B. VACCINE CLAIMS Medical Doubts A Svdney T.B. specialist said yesterday that medical opinion was still divided on the value of B.C.G.

vaccine in the prevention of tuberculosis. Use of the vaccine was advocated by Dr. R. Hambridge. newly appointed Red Cross tuberculosis specialist.

on his arrival in Melbourne from England this week. (B.C.G. stands for bacillus Calmette Guerin. after two Frenchmen. Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin.

who first developed! the vaccine 25 years It is administered to human beings in much the same way as a smallpox vaccine. It produces a positive reaction to skin tests for tuberculosis. The Sydney specialist said. however, it had yet to be proved that the vaccine gave immunity to tuberculosis. Unfortunately.

early experi-, ments in its use had not been carefully controlled and the results were not of much value. but controlled research now being carried out in England." MISSIONARY'S DEATH The death of the Rev. William J. V. Saville.

who was well known for his missionary work in Papua and Australia. has been reported from West Wickham. Kent, England. Mr. Saville was engaged in evangelistic, educational.

and missionary work on the island of Mailu, off the coast of Papua, for 35 years until his retirement in 1935. He is survived by his wife and A son, Mr. Eric Saville. of Sydney. £50 FINE FOR FALSE RETURN James Pollock Prentice.

doll manufacturer. of Auburn Road. Auburn. was fined £50 in the Special Court yesterday for having furnished a false sales tax return. GREEK MIGRANT GIRL A pretty 11 years old Greek war orphan stepped from an aircraft at Mascot yesterday afternoon to start a fresh life in a new country.

Carrying a suitcase containing most of her worldly goods. she looked anxiously at the awaiting crowd greeting the plane from Athens. She could not recognise her adopted parents- she had never seen them--but a man in a grey suit at once stepped forward to claim her. The girl. Stathoulia, who had lost her father in a German massacre at Kalavrita.

has heen adopted USE OF TAX FUNDS Woman Charged A woman employed by the Taxation Department, who had allegedly misappropriated £1.000 to support her sick husband. was yesterday committed for trial. Marjorie MacPherson, or Roche. 31. was charged in the Central Police Court with having obtained £455 between December.

1945. and November. 1947. from the Taxation Department. James Edward King, Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Taxa-' tion.

Sydney, said the woman was employed between 1935 and 1947 in the interviewing section to answer the telephone and attend to the files. Constable J. Davis said MacPherson admitted interviewing taxpayers and accepting tax stamps and group certificates from various persons without authority from them 10 accept rebates. and to having kept the money herself. Davis said Mac Pherson admitted having taken about 1,000 from the department to support her husband.

who was unable to work because of ill-health. She was released on bail of 150. TRUCK DRIVER ACQUITTED William James Richards. 29. drainer.

was acquitted, in the Quarter Sessions yesterday of charges of having feloniously slain John Michael Clancy and Ronald Benjamin Lane. two pedestrians. at Collarov. on August 23 last. According to the evidence.

Richards was driving motor truck along Pittwater Road. Collaroy. at about 6.30 p.m., when he ran into a stationary motor car. which had no tail light. The truck then ran on to the footpath.

and killed the two pedestrians. OVERSEA AIRWAYS ARRIVALS YESTERDAY. TASMAN (Tasman Empire Airways). from Auckland, Rose Rav. p.m.

SKYMASTER (A.N.A.). from Hong Kong. Mascot. 6.20 p.m. CLIPPER (Pan-American Airways).

from Noumea. Mascot. 7.5 p.m. D.C.3 (Qantas), from New Guinea. Mascot.

10.30 p.m. SKYMASTER (A.N.A.), from San Francisco. Mascot. 2 p.m. TASMAN (Tasman Empire Airways).

from Auckland. Rose Bay. 2 p.m. HYTHE (Qantas), from London, Rose Bay. p.m.

CLIPPER (Pan-American Airways). from Noumea. Mascot, 5.30 a.m. D.C.3 American Travel Headquarters). from Koine.

Mascot, noon. DEPARTURES YESTERDAY. for Auckland, Rose Bav, TASMAN (Tasman Empire, Airways). CLIPPER (Pan-American Airways). for Noumea.

Mascot. 5.30 a.m. TASMAN (Tasman Empire Airways), for Auckland. Rose Bay. 6.30 a.m.

D.C.3 (Qantas), for New Guinea. Mascot. 9 a.m. TASMAN (Tasman Empire Airways). for Auckland.

Rose Bay. 6.30 a.m. CLIPPER (Pan-American Airways). for San Francisco. Mascot.

CONSTELLATION for Lon. don. Mascot. 10.30 p.m. HYTHE (Qantas), for London.

Rose Bay. p.m. DOUGLAS (Qantas), for New Guinea. Mascot. 9 a.m.

Above schedules should checked by telephoning Australian National Airways Pan-American Airwavs (RW4701). Tasman Empire Airways and Qantas Empire Airways (8X1161), A.B.C. Scope For Young Composer Edward Browne, 19, Mel- bourne composer, has been urged by Mr. Eugene Goossens to write music for an A.B.C. orchestral programme.

Mr. Goossens. who is director of the Sydney Conservatorium. announced on Tuesday that Browne had written several "brilliant piano compositions." "I think there is a big future for him." Mr. Goossens said.

Yesterday, Mr. Goossens said impressed with the south's ability that he was encouraging him to write a composition suitable for presentation In an A.B.C. orchestral programme. If this work up to ex- SIR ISAAC ISAACS State Funeral A State funeral for Sir Isaac Isaacs, who died yesterday, will take place in Melhourne. Sir Isaac Isaacs was Australia's first Australian-born GovernorGeneral.

He had also been Chief Justice of the High Court and a Minister in Victorian and Federal Governments. Tributes to Sir Isaac Isaacs yesterday Governor-General, Mr. McKell, in a message to Lady Isaacs: Sir Isaac Isaacs's long and distinguished career and his untiring service to the Commonwealth have left an indelible imprint on Australian history since the conception of Federation. and his death will be mourned by all Australia. The Prime Minister, Mr.

Chifley, in a message to Lady Isaacs: Members of the Commonwealth Government send deepest sympathy to you and your family. We recall Sit Isaac's great public services. his scholarly attributes. and his distinguished occupancy of the offices Governor-General of the Commonwealth. Chief Justice the High Court, and Minister of the Crown in the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments.

By his death Australia has lost one of her greatest citizens. The Leader of the Federal Opposition. Mr. Menzies: Sir Isaac Isaacs was one of the most remarkable men in the history of Australia. Both in the law and in public affairs he had uncom.

mon powers of clear thinking and lucid expression which. notwithstanding his great age. he retained undiminished until the end. His was indeed a notable career. The Premier, Mr.

McGirr: Australia has lost one of her greatest native-born sons. Possibly no Parliamentarian has earned such general esteem. He was admired and respected by all political parties. His wide humanitarianism and appreciation of the problems of the workers were well known. On the bench.

his activities were characterised by a remarkable clarity of thought and strict impartiality. CONTRIBUTION TO LAW The Chief Justice. Sir John Latham. in the Court: Sir Isaac Isaacs was a leading memher and the last survivor of the Federal Convention which framed the Commonwealth Constitution. which he afterwards did 40 much to interpret and apply.

discharged his duties as a Judge with indefatigable indus. try. and his judgments constitute a most valuable and distinguished contribution to the development of the law. The Attorney -General, Dr. Evatt.

on behalf of Bar: Sir Isaac Isaacs will always he membered as one of the greatest of Australians. Judge Barton. at Darlinghurst Quarter Sessions: All who peared before Sir Isaac Isaacs while he was the High Court Bench will remember his uniform courtesy. Everything he achieved was due to his character. ability, and industry.

The President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Mr. Saul Symonds: Australian Jewry has suffered an irreparable loss by Sir Isaac Isaacs's passing. A keen and outspoken student of Jewish problems, his experience and counsel were ever at the dis. posal of those who sought them. and the executive council of Aus.

tralian Jewry on many occasions consulted with him on urgent problems. (Biography, Page 2) Schweppes KOLA If the last drink was "not so hot" have SCHWEPPES next time and make sure. The Kola of Distinction If you want the best Kola ask for SCHWEPPES by Mr. and Mrs. Con Anthony, of Maroubra Bay Road.

Maroubra Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lost their only child soon after its birth. They decided to adopt a Greek war orphan and wrote relatives in Greece.

A photograph of Paraskevoula was sent and they agreed to bring her to Australia. In the bustle of Customs examination. hearing a strange language Paraskevoula almost burst into tears, but she controlled herself and shortly afterwards she walked firmly away as a member of a family once again. SHIPPING EXPECTED ARRIVALS ARAWA, from U.K.. 11 Walsh Bay.

a.m.. Dalgety Co. FORT LENNOX. from Cairns, Walsh Bav. Adelaide S.S.

GROOTEKERK. from Brishane. Neu. tral Bay buoy. 12.01 a.m..

K.P.M. STRATHEDEN, from 13 Pyrmont. a.m.. Macdonald. Ham.

WAKAKURA. trom Auckland. Walsh Bay, 8 a.m.. J. Patrick.

WAYANNA. from Port Moresby. 6 Walsh Ray. Burns. Philp.

ADMIRAL CHASE, from Suva. stream. American Trad. ANATINA, from Brisbane, stream. Vilhelmsen.

ASHBURTON. from New Plymouth. ream. p.m.. Birt and Co.

EUGOWRA. from Urangan. C.S.R, wharf. Purmont. How.

Smith. FORT MICHIPICOTEN, from New castle. 5 Darling Harbour, Union S.S. MIL DURA. from Newcastle.

Lime St wharf. Co. TIDEWATER. from Cairns. 4 Dar.

ling Harbour. a.m Mcllwraith McEach. from Newcastle. 13 Dar. ling Harbour.

a.m., Union S.S. Co. ON SATURDAY: BURNSIDE. from Melbourne, stream. Burns, Philp.

CANARA. from Rombay, stream. Burns, Philp. SAILINGS TO-DAY: DALRY. for Burnie.

35 Darling Harhour. p.m. MARIEKERK. for Continent. 1 Walsh REYNELLA (in tow), for Newcastle.

stream. 12.30 a.m. RONA, for Suva. 5 W'alsh Ray. TALUNE.

for Hobart. 12 Darling Harhour. 5 p.m. TO FORT REAUHARNOIS. for Melbourne.

Giebe Is. MERKUR. for Kure. 1 Circular Quay p.m. ON SATURDAY: CITY OF CALCUTTA.

for U.K.. 22 Pyrmont. KAIKOURA. WAKAKURA. p.m.

for for Canada. Auckland, 23 4 Pyrmont. Walsh Bas. NAVAL MOVEMENTS DEPARTURES. ON SATURDAY: 3017, for Melbourne.

buoy, HART RENTON. from India. 3.5 p.m. SAILED YESTERDAY ARRIVED YESTERDAY CALDARE from Newcastle, 5.57 p.m.: CANOPUS. from Newcastle.

p.m.: KARUAH. from Newcastle. 4.47 a.m.: from cruise. 12.17 p.m. MORTI AKE BANK.

from Newcastle. 1.30 a.m.: MUNMORAH. from Catherine Hill Bay. 5.35 a.m.. PELTON BANK from Newcastle.

8.40 p.m.: THOMAS ABERSEA. for Newcastle. 11.7 ALFIE CAM. for for cruise. 8.41 a.m.1 cruise.

9.35 a.m.: KOROWA. for Newcastle. 12.17 p.m. MORTLAKE BANK. for Newcastle.

p.m.; MULUBINRA, for Neweastle. 12.5 a.m.: PALANA. for Brisbane. 8.20 a.m.: PELAW MAIN. for Newcastle.

12.20 a.m.: PORT CAMPBELL. for Melbourne. 7.33 OVERSEA SHIPS IN PORT DOM. Bradley's Head. Gibbs.

Bright. OVERSEA MOVEMENTS From Lloyds. ACACIA. 6 W'loo. Wilhelmsen: AGULHAS, 9 Glebe.

Millar's T. and AORANGI. Darling Harbour. Union S.S. AUGUSTIN DALY.

stream. Farmers and Graziers: BALUCHISTAN, Snails Rav. Birt and BIDDEFORD VICTORY. 4 W'loo. Wilhelmsen: BOO.

LONGENA. 19 Pyrmont. Birt and BROOKLEYMOOR. sircam. Burns.

Philp: CAP TARIFA. Mort's Dock M. Pelletier: CHANGTE. Poole and Steel, G. S.

Yuill: CHUPRA. Woolwich Dock. Burns. Philp: CITY of CAL. CUTTA.

22. Pyrmont, W. G. Deuchar: CITY OF EASTBOURNE. stream.

G. Deuchar: CLAN CLUMMING. Pyrmont, Turnbull Martin: CLAN FAR QUHAR. 11 W'loo. McArthur S.

and CLEODORO. Bank anchorage. Shell COWRIE. Sutherland Dock. Shell UFIC.

Glebe. Birt and DEMODOCUS. Walsh Bav. Gilchrist. W.

and DEVON. 3 Athol Bight. Birt and FORT BEAUHARNOIS. Glebe Island. Adelaide S.S.

FORT Circular Quay. Union S.S. F. SOUTHALL FARRAR. 6-7 Glebe Houlder HALIFAX COUNTY Balmain.

Mellwraith. Metacharn: HAZEL BANK. 4 Athol Bight. Howard Smith: HERMION. Circular Quay.

W. Wilhelmsen; HOLLY. BANK. Athol Bight. Birt and INDIAN SHIPPER.

6-7 Glebe. John Darling: JERSEY CITY. 4 Glebe. A. Hemphill: KAFIRISTAN.

10 Walsh Bay. Birt and KAIKOURA. 23 Pyrmont, Birt and MACHAON. Walsh Bay, G. W.

and MACUBA. Stores and Keers. Shell MAN. GOLA. Mort's Dock.

Burns. Philr Walsh Ray. MERKUR. Circular Quay. Burns.

Philp: MIL HILL. 3 W'loo. Macdonald. Hamilton: MONOWAI. sheerlegs wharf.

Balmain. Union S.S. MORINDA. Mort's Wharf. Burns, Philp: OCEAN NGEL.

Burns. Philp: ORNA. 12 Pyrmont. Macdonald. Hamilton: PAR RAMATTA.

I Athol Right. Birt and PIONEER STAR. 9 W'loo. Wil. helmsen: PORT DUNEDIN.

10 Pyrmont. Port Line: PRINCE ALBERT PARK. Glebe. American Trading RABAUL. Walsh Bay.

Macdonald. Hamilton: REYNFI LA. Kirribilli. American Trad ing REYNOLDS. 25 Permont.

Union S.S. RUFUS CHOATE. Blue dolphins, Gibbs. Bright: SALA. MAUA.

I Snails Rav. Am. Trading stream. Howard Smith: SUVA. Circular Quav.

Union S.S TAIPING. Mort's Dock. G. Vuill: THOMAS HART RENTON. 10 Pyrmont.

Gibbs. Bright: TJIPONDOK. 16 Pyrmont. K.P.M.: VARDULIA. 3 Glebe Island.

Wilhelmsen: WILLIAM WIN LONDON. Tuesdav. ARRIVALS: BARON INCHCAPE. at Liverpool. from Fremantle: CITY OF SWANSEA.

Avonmouth. from Port Pirie: WELI PARK. at Hull. trom Auckland. DE.

PARTURES: From Genoa, AAGTEKERK. for Sydney. from Saint John (New Brunswick: AUSTRALIND. from Wellington for London. from Laurenco BARRADUNA.

for Fremantle. trom Durban: DANBY. from Port Kembla. for United Kingdom: from also LYCAON. for Brisbane: from Aden.

Liverpool. DURANGO. for Australia. EMPIRE ADEN, from Australia for the United Kingdom. also TUSCAN from STAR.

Sydney for London: Colombo. MUIDERKERK. for Fremantle: from Capetown. PORT QUEBEC. from London.

for Brisbane. also WANGARATTA. from Sydney for Antwerp and Gothenburg: from Lisbon. TORRENS. for Svd.

from Bombay. STRATHAIRD. from for PASSINGS: Cristobal. BERNARD VICTORY. from New York tor Sydney: Gibraltar.

TALA. ROT. from Sundsvall for New Zealand. KAIPAKI. from Liverpool for Brisbane.

Brisbane for Liverpool: PORT LINCOLN. from Brisbane for London, via Hull. When only the best will do The art of matching Life's important hours with the perfect gift or the perfect word is the mark of the man of taste. In cigarettes he need look no further than to the name of Benson Hedges of London to distinguish all those occasions when only the best will do. In tins or 20--3 3d.

HEDGES BY APPOINTMENT TORACCONIETS TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING SUPER VIRGINIA CIGARETTES BY BENSON and HEDGES LID OLD BOND STREET, LONDON 401 David FOR SERVICE VELVA CREAM MASQUE Velva Cream Masque It goes to work so pleasantly, 15-MINUTE REST CURE ROUTINE so speedily, on a tired, taut skin. 1 Cleanse with Ardeno Cleansing When need Cream and Skin Lotion. For oily you feel you a complexion Fluffy Cleansing Cream or skin, use Milky Liquid Cleanser. Refresh with pick-up, smooth on a satiny film of application of Ardena Skin Lotion. Velva Cream Masque, then relax for 15 Masque, Relor 2 Apply Velya Cream completely for fifteen minutes.

minutes. Amazing the way it awakens 3 Remove masque with tepid water skin, revives beauty, lifts spirits. Then smooth on Vitamin Cream. Arden Preparations. Ground Floor.

Elizabeth St. Store, and in exclusive Third Floor Salon pectations he hoped to have it printed and publicly played under his direction some time this year. "Edward's music has a pronounced contemporary Mr. Goossens added. Browne, who is at present visiting Sydney.

yesterday described Mr. Goossens's tribute to his work as "brilliant" as "a lot of exaggeration." "I will stay in Sydney study it can find somewhere to he said. He had a talk with Mr. Goossens yesterday morning. If he remains in Sydney he will probably attend the Conservatorium.

"Mr. Goossens may, help mc little in my Browne ladded..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.