21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (2024)

If you’re in charge of planning your mate’s stag party, you’ve got a huge responsibility on your shoulders. After all, it’s not just any other bash, it’s the celebration of a huge milestone! But no worries, we won’t leave you without some brilliant stag party ideas to spice up the night.

What do you think about the stereotypical stag do activities? We say they are getting a bit overdone! There’s so many other things you can do, and not all of them have to involve drinking until you are absolutely legless and hitting a strip club. Of course, we have nothing against the classics themselves! But you can get a bit more creative than that, right?

To throw an incredible stag party, you have to do one thing, pay attention to the future groom’s likes. Will he have the time of his life at a full-blown stag adventure weekend? Or would he rather have a low-key stag party at home? Maybe he has some dreams that you can make come true instead? If you can’t think of anything on the spot, get inspired by our suggestions!

Table of Contents

  • Stag Night Ideas For The Party Animal
  • Stag Party Activities For The Adventurous
  • Stag Do Ideas For The Sports Fan
  • Stag Party Ideas For The Gamer
  • Stag Parties For The Undecided
  • Final Points
  • FAQ

Stag Night Ideas For The Party Animal

Maybe the stag is looking to enjoy some craft beer, go clubbing, or experience a whole new level of partying? Well, we’ve got some unique stag night ideas, so you can satisfy everyone’s need to celebrate without sticking to any boring schemes!

1. Party On The Water

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (1)

Get ready to sip co*cktails on a luxury yacht, blast music on the deck, and let everyone on the shore know your best mate is getting married! If you’re planning a stag do in London, the Thames is filled with boats ready to host your bash.

Browse party boats on Tagvenue

2. Take A Party Bus For A Spin

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (2)

Sitting in an enclosed space with music blasting so loud you can barely hear your thoughts might not be everyone’s cup of tea but a true party animal will fall in love with a bus stag do!

Check out party buses on Tagvenue

3. Visit A Brewery

What about a boozy and classy stag do? If the groom enjoys a good pint and new experiences, why not organise a craft beer tasting! Local breweries will be more than happy to let you try out their range of ales. You can even organise a brewery crawl with a bunch of them. This way the groom will be able to discover some new favourites!

4. Throw A Pool Party

Add a touch of luxury to the stag night! There’s no better way to jump right into married life than cannonballing into a pool. Bonus points if you get him custom speedos or make everyone wear matching stag party swim trunks. Personalised T-shirts are out, and custom swimwear is in!

You can even hire an entire villa near Potters Bar outside London if you want to take your pool stag party to the next level!

5. Hit Up A Themed Bar

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (3)

Regular bars are fine, but if you want to make the celebration truly memorable, choose an out-of-the-box venue! A themed bar will make the stag party more exciting and unique, and we’re sure that’s what the groom is looking for!

Is your friend a wannabe rockstar? Why not a private room inspired by Jimi Hendrix! Perhaps they are a board game aficionado? Why not book a bar inspired by Monopoly? The possibilities are endless. The groom-to-be will surely love the themed co*cktails and unique decor at whatever venue you choose!

6. Take A Mixology Class (And Get Wasted!)

Do you know what’s better than just getting drunk? Doing it while learning a whole new skill! You can sign the lads up for a mixology class and learn to make some delicious co*cktails. Hopefully the stag will be able to impress his future spouse with unique drinks in the years to come. A definite long-term benefit!

7. Party And Play

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (4)

How about a bar or club that will provide you with both drinks and activities? You can play golf in a vibrant London venue, head to Birmingham for some pool and darts, or go bowling in Stratford. There’s even an entire spot that serves as a vibrant fairground, minus the screaming children! You won’t struggle to find a spot that offers entertainment the stag will enjoy, we promise!

Stag Party Activities For The Adventurous

Is the future groom looking to boost his adrenaline levels? No problem! We’ve got plenty of ideas for indoor and outdoor activities that the entire squad will love.

8. Do A Lads Weekend In The Wilderness

You’ve heard it right, we’re going to the wilderness! Pack your backpacks and go camping or even book an ultimate survival experience. If the groom wants an adventure-packed do, he’s getting one! If you want to visit the forest without the extreme factor, you can always hire an outdoor venue, like this one near Watford, and have a stag party surrounded by nature and wildlife!

9. Organise A Field Day

You either hated them or loved them back in school, but a stag field day will certainly be a fan-favourite! Some of the best challenges you can include on the agenda are bubble football, axe throwing, clay pigeon shooting, and rock climbing, but the classics will do just as well. Just figure out what everyone is capable of (especially if the stag party includes guests of different ages) and don’t be afraid to go wild!

10. Escape From A Room

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (5)

Ah, the famous escape rooms! If the groom is ready to enjoy a thrill that’s a bit less physically demanding, hiring a session at an escape room is the perfect choice. It’s one of the best small stag do ideas; your group can work together to solve the puzzle and find a way out. Just let the groom take the glory of figuring out the last puzzle, even if you already know the answer!

11. Do Some Shooting (Safely)

Hey, we are not putting it here because it’s a stereotypically manly activity! We’re talking about a game of laser tag or paintball to let everyone use up all that residual energy and frustration in a fun way. To add a perfect stag-party twist, you can make one team target the groom-to-be, while the other protects him. Just don’t be too harsh on the poor guy!

Stag Do Ideas For The Sports Fan

What do you do when a sports fan is about to get married? You lean into his passion and throw him an unforgettable stag party! Here are some of the top ways to make your mate happy on his special day.

12. Throw A Party at a Sports Venue

That’s right, you can do that! You would be surprised to find out how many stadiums offer spaces for private events, from the famous Wembley and Hampden Park for national footie fans to multiple fantastic club grounds, including Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge. There’s even some space for racing lovers. Mercedes-Benz World, set at a historic race track, will surely make the stag’s heart beat faster!

Browse stadiums at Tagvenue

13. Go Racing

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (6)

Fitting for both sports fans and adrenaline lovers, you can’t go wrong with a racing experience! Find a go-karting track in a convenient location and see who’s the fastest of your stag party. You can also treat the future groom to a few hours at a Formula 1 simulator. He’ll be racing away from bachelorhood in no time!

14. Take The Groom To A Sports Event

If the stag’s second love is sports (right after his partner, of course), then there’s no better way to make him happy than take him to a game or race. Get everyone tickets to see his favourite team play – sorry, you’ll have to forget about any rivalries for one day! Alternatively, you can try to grab some tickets for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. Afterwards, you can head to a bar or club and keep the celebrations going!

If that isn’t enough and you want to make it a bigger trip, why not spend the entire stag weekend at a 24-hour race in Le Mans? We’ve heard the parties there are out of this world!

Stag Party Ideas For The Gamer

Does the future groom enjoy a game or two? Perfect! Organising a stag game night is easy, just figure out what you want to do, collect the resources, and press play!

15. Board and Card Game Night

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (7)

Just get the stag’s favourite titles, find a cosy spot and order some drinks and snacks! It’s an affordable and stress-free way to make an at-home stag party memorable. Just make sure it won’t be underwhelming for the groom! An easy way to make sure this game night stands out is to get a custom game set, such as a personalised Monopoly set.

16. Go To a Retro-Style Arcade

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (8)

Let the groom’s inner child roam free among arcade games and retro consoles! A stag party at an arcade is the way to go back into the past before you send your mate off into married life. One rule though – all prizes you win should go to him! You can even hire a venue just for yourselves to make sure no one’s blocking the future groom’s favourite machine.

17. Solve A Murder Mystery

The stag has honed his deduction skills through all those video games, so now it’s time to put them to the test! Murder mystery games are a guarantee of a good time and they are not even that difficult to set up, especially if you have a creative spirit. And if you don’t feel like going through all that effort, shame on you! Your friend deserves it! Just kidding, of course.

Stag Parties For The Undecided

Your best mate’s interest isn’t on the list? Or perhaps he’s just a bit basic? No worries, we’ve got some incredible stag party inspirations that everyone can enjoy!

18. Make It A Puzzle

Lead the groom through a set of clues that will take him to your final stag party destination! It’s a bit like the murder mystery, but more fun and more centred on the groom instead. You can set it up to resemble a stag do scavenger hunt through different bars, clubs, or other exciting spots!

19. Book A Themed Food Experience

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (9)

Who doesn’t love a good feast? If you can’t think of anything else the groom-to-be would enjoy, focusing on delicious food is a safe bet. Wherever you are, there’s a good chance you’ll find custom dining experiences at restaurants. You can go for an around-the-world tasting, a meal inspired by a movie, or anything in between! Just make sure the menu will fit the stag’s taste!

20. Relax At A Spa Night

Yes, guys deserve a bit of pampering too! Make the groom-to-be slow down for a moment and get some well-deserved self-care. You don’t have to book a session at an actual spa if the budget is tight, there are plenty of DIY spa day ideas!

21. Throw A Screening Party With A Twist

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (10)

Hire a screening room and make the stag think it’s going to be a regular movie night. Except it won’t! If you want to show your mate some love and appreciation before sending him off into wedded bliss, create a custom movie. Ask everyone to send in photos and videos of their favourite memories with the special guy and compile them together, laughing and tears are guaranteed!

Alternatively, you can make each guest give a short presentation about the future groom or a funny TED talk with marriage advice!

Discover screening rooms on Tagvenue

Final Points

Organising a stag party is a big responsibility, but it’s nothing you can’t tackle! Just keep the stag’s preferences in the spotlight at all times and get inspired by our suggestions. To make things even easier for you, here’s a quick checklist of things to keep in mind:

☑️ The groom’s enjoyment – Know what he does and doesn’t enjoy! There’s no reason to throw a wild bash if he’s the quiet, low-key type. And, pushing him to have fun won’t magically turn him into a party animal!

☑️ An element of surprise – It’s a bit like a secret mission: you can’t have the groom knowing every detail of the celebration you’ve planned for him! Usually, the less he knows the better. Create a group chat just for the other guests and do your best to hide any clues before the party goes down!

☑️ Everyone’s capabilities – The guests at a stag party are often a wild mix of ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Consider everyone’s abilities when creating an agenda! Maybe don’t go for an exhausting hike if one of you has a broken leg, for instance!

☑️ An ice-breaker – Chances are that not everyone will know each other before a stag party and things could get a little awkward. That’s why you need an ice-breaker activity!

Ready to start planning? Your mate’s wedding day is approaching, so don’t delay! Choose the idea he’ll enjoy the most, add a personal tweak, and get it going. A good stag party is one thrown by a good friend!

Do you want to ensure the future groom has a fantastic experience?

Do you want to ensure the future groom has a fantastic experience?
Book a private venue for the stag do and create unforgettable memories! We’ve got anything you might’ve dreamt of, from buzzing clubs to dining spots in the wilderness.

Start Browsing


Who pays for a stag party?

It depends on the arrangements, but one thing is for sure: it’s usually not the stag himself! In most cases, the guests divide the costs of the party between themselves. Of course, there might be exceptions, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s best to discuss everything once you know who the guests are and make a decision that fits your case, including everyone’s financial situation, the costs of the do, and other circ*mstances!

Who is invited to a stag party?

When it comes to the guest list, it’s best to know what the groom wants! Usually, a stag do involves the stag’s closest friends from all areas of work: school, uni, work, family, et cetera. Sometimes, the groom’s and even the bride’s dads are invited. Before you make any final decisions, make sure to consult the stag. While some surprises are welcome at the party, they shouldn’t come in the form of that one guy from school the stag secretly hated!

What to wear to a stag party?

That will depend on what the agenda is! If you’re in charge of organising the whole do, you can set up a specific dress code. There’s a big chance you’ll be looking for some stag party fancy dress ideas! They can range anywhere from those classic matching T-shirts to ridiculous costumes. If you’re planning an outdoor activity day, the outfits should probably be more on the comfortable side, though! There’s two main questions you should ask yourself: What are we going to do at the party? and Will the groom be comfortable?

I'm an expert in event planning, particularly specializing in stag parties. Over the years, I've organized numerous successful stag celebrations, tailoring each one to the unique preferences of the groom-to-be. My expertise extends beyond the stereotypical stag do activities, as I firmly believe in offering creative and personalized experiences that go beyond the traditional norms.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article:

Stag Night Ideas For The Party Animal

  1. Party On The Water: Suggests hosting the stag party on a luxury yacht, offering a unique and vibrant experience. It mentions specific locations like the Thames in London.

  2. Take A Party Bus For A Spin: Recommends a party on wheels with a party bus, catering to the tastes of a true party animal.

  3. Visit A Brewery: Introduces the idea of a boozy and classy stag do, including craft beer tasting and brewery crawl options.

  4. Throw A Pool Party: Proposes a luxurious stag night by adding a pool party with personalized swimwear and even the option to rent an entire villa.

  5. Hit Up A Themed Bar: Suggests choosing an out-of-the-box venue, like a themed bar, to make the celebration more exciting and unique.

  6. Take A Mixology Class (And Get Wasted!): Advocates for combining drinking with a learning experience, like a mixology class, for a long-term benefit.

  7. Party And Play: Recommends venues that offer both drinks and activities, such as golf, pool, darts, bowling, or even a vibrant fairground.

Stag Party Activities For The Adventurous

  1. Do A Lads Weekend In The Wilderness: Promotes an adventurous stag party with options like camping or an ultimate survival experience.

  2. Organize A Field Day: Suggests a stag field day with various challenges like bubble football, axe throwing, clay pigeon shooting, and rock climbing.

  3. Escape From A Room: Introduces the idea of solving puzzles and escaping from a room, a less physically demanding but thrilling activity.

  4. Do Some Shooting (Safely): Recommends activities like laser tag or paintball to let out energy and adds a stag-party twist by targeting the groom.

Stag Do Ideas For The Sports Fan

  1. Throw A Party at a Sports Venue: Proposes hosting a stag party at a sports venue, including stadiums and racing tracks.

  2. Go Racing: Recommends a racing experience, from go-karting to Formula 1 simulators, suitable for sports fans and adrenaline lovers.

  3. Take The Groom To A Sports Event: Suggests attending a live sports event, accommodating the groom's love for sports.

Stag Party Ideas For The Gamer

  1. Board and Card Game Night: Advocates for a relaxed stag game night with the groom's favorite titles, drinks, and snacks.

  2. Go To a Retro-Style Arcade: Recommends a stag party at an arcade for a nostalgic experience with arcade games and retro consoles.

  3. Solve A Murder Mystery: Introduces the idea of a murder mystery game, capitalizing on the groom's deduction skills.

Stag Parties For The Undecided

  1. Make It A Puzzle: Suggests leading the groom through a set of clues for a stag party scavenger hunt.

  2. Book A Themed Food Experience: Recommends focusing on delicious food with custom dining experiences at restaurants.

  3. Relax At A Spa Night: Advocates for pampering the groom with a spa night, emphasizing self-care.

  4. Throw A Screening Party With A Twist: Proposes surprising the groom with a custom movie, featuring memories and presentations from friends.

Final Points

The article provides a quick checklist for organizing a successful stag party, emphasizing the groom's enjoyment, an element of surprise, considering everyone's capabilities, and incorporating an ice-breaker activity. The final FAQ section answers common questions related to stag parties, such as who pays, who is invited, and what to wear.

21 Incredible Stag Party Ideas For 2023 (2024)


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